It's been like, ages! Wahhhh!
I'm now consulting my diary *again* after the result of trying to write this for the second time, yeah, the bohemoth blog of seven or 8 days... I wrote it on my internet-less computer, saved it to a corrupted, and when I plugged it into mum's laptop... PENDRIVE WAS EMPTY. Crafty bugger, that was a 6 page long blog! Honestly, I detest the silly little devils now ¬_¬
Aaaanyway, I'm breaking my own rules writing and posting this tonight, but mehhh.
Right! Monday! My diary says I watched DoctorBenjy live on could I forget! It was awesome! I've fallen in love with The Omegle Game, Headbandz and Noteability :D Play My Tiny Piano ^___^ Ah, yes, Monday was the day I ventured into town, to meet James and Rachel to talk all things Harry Potter now we're free of exams! I set off for about... 20 past 12 to get the bus, which was pointless, I should have walked and saved some money! Silly Haze! Got there for like, 1, on time, pasty time, stood on the bridge and waited for Rachel and James. Rachel showed up and we stood and talked about holiday plans, freedom, and finishing HP :D
James was late because there was a funeral in Bish, so the bus was late, he ran from the bus station and was all sweaty and change there then :P We ventured to Shakeaholic and I got a Milky Way Magic Stars one, man was it magic, and sorry Mum. This diary is SO not useful... I had an idea today (yes, the first day of July) that I should handwrite and scan my blog entries, like I write a diary, then I was like NO HAZEL THAT'S WHY DIARIES ARE PRIVATE, SO OTHER PEOPLE DON'T READ THEM, BLOGS ARE FOR THOUGHTS. Idiot. Anyway, we ventured down to the riverside, then James said this nugget:
"When I was reading OotP, you know what the best bit for me was? Hagrid's Tale."
Oh man, seeing as I was lying down, I did actually ROFL. :D
Then, quel suprise, I came home. DoctorBenjy on Blogtv, I've already said... nevermind :D <3 I finished Join Me by Danny Wallace last Monday, <3 awesome book, GO READ IT! I just like the way he writes, it's a laugh a minute :D So, *last* Tuesday, papsticks, I tidied my desk (apparently, that's what I've written here anyway...), cleaned my mirror and dusted the piano, which was incredibly dusty :S Haha, I've just realised I wrote "goshers" in this diary... holy humps. I had a bead explosion, where I'd foolishly balanced a tray of beads upon a box, then walked STRAIGHT into it...yey for clumsy-itus. *NOTE- IT'S A RECOGNISED GENETIC DISEASE. Liz & I sat in the garden to record our LHS video, eating pappadums (which failed) and marshmallows together, but never actually edited the video. Oh well. Went to cadets to play with the parachute, and we have loads of new members, they're all tiny and under 10, it's crazy, they're crazy! Liz got very muddy, HA! John Green on blogtv, reading out his first page of Will Grayson, Will Grayson <3 and Looking For Alaska in German haha! I also left my contact lenses in when I went in the bath, then tried to take them out while in the bath... seriously NOT a good idea. My eyes are still slightly sore. Wednesday 24th! Haha, because I had to get up early, I wrote "body closk no likey" in my diary, ohh me. I'm a tin of peas :D So's Mum, she said BlogTV was way better than ordinary tv... SCORE!!! I went to Newcastle today with Mum's year 6's to the new Hancock museum/ great north museum, it was awesome! I took some footage, so when I have nothing to do, which is probably most days from now on, I'll try to make something of them :) Mum's classroom at school is like a nerdfightastic shrine! She has Hogwarts crest(s) all over, the poster from BEFORE GoF was titled (OMG I KNOW) on the back of her door, signed posters offof real authors, and like articles ABOUT Harry Potter everywhere! Plus, she has a countdown on the whiteboard until the release of HBP, so WOWOOWOWOWZERZ! I want to post it on the Ning :D When at the museum, we went to the planetarim...and I fell asleep. It was a 40 min long projection, and tbh, I was tired already, it was dark, and cosy, and... oops, I dribbled. Choir rehearsal was exhausting, but short :) Thursday 25th! (while writing this now, I have just received a bowl of rice pudding, yey!) School Concert! Felt like such a dweeb, ahah that word, as I forgot to take my Mozart Missa Brevis in D Minor onto the stage with me... aaaaaa. I wrote about my blister in my diary, " Thanks Primark Hi-tops, ya blue byotches!" LOLz Ugly Betty catch up this morning, gosh I LUVZ IT ;D 'Like taking candy from a tranny' PAHAGHA. I bought the SFX magazine for Liz offof my WHSmiths card, despite not having 60p to rub together anymore, I still had £8 virtual money on this card I got for being "Special" at the end of year 9...something like that. That magazine is full of awesome, CAN'T WAIT FOR TORCHWOOD AND HBP NOWWWWW; aaah. Concert went well, Liz&Maddy have now left, boo-hoo :( and I'm a lonely Alto... and when we came home we got chips, so SCORE! Friday 26th (getting there, congrats for actually reading this, please persevere) Well, it says here,and pardon my french, "Holy Shit, Feltbeats." I think that says it all. She can make a winter's day feel like the summer. Yeah, sure Tom Felton, sure... I found a pip sick today! HAHAHA I'm not from New Zealand, no. 8/10 Cats, GT. We made 1/2 of our 1st Batch of Kepier Clothes on shirts tonight, they look miiint. My earring broke when we went to specsavers today, to get Dad some new frames, and this is what we did. Well, we played with the machine that takes pictures of the frames so you can compare them...gosh it was FUNNY.
We did a "Hazelizabeth" with a quarter of each bit of face, but the picture won't transfer D: We went to InShanghai for tea, yummetyyumkins :D
Oh Hell, I've let it get to Thursday already! AAAAAAARGH.
I need to steam my prom dress, it's creased :S
Oh gosh, Saturday.
I have drawn the funniest diagram for the size of the piece of cake I got at Gorman's Party, it's like "IT WAS 2/3 ICING, sooo good but sickly." Seriously, it was the lushest cake I've had in a while, but my my I felt ill after. I went with Mum to the Darlington Carnival this morning to sell home baking, tatoos, biscuits for children, books, popcorn, drinks and bricabrac to raise money for Canada, it was good craic!
Jenny did me a tatoo, with strawberries, but alas, NO PICTURE. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I bought Liz back her book that she "lent out but never got back due to complicated circumstances" and she was WELL chuffed :) There were also these awesome guys who had a ghetto blaster and tight green tights and headbands on in the parade doing "Ghostbusters". Crikey, it was funny. I did take a picture of Jenny and I enjoying ourseves watching the parade, but I don't have the memory card. At a later date lovelies :)
Ah yes, Sunday. The diary starts with a number of expletives in the direction of this blog not saving ¬_¬
I tidied out my trolley today, found a loaaad of stuff to sell, anyone interested? Helen'll sell it on e-bay for you :)
Moulin Radge :D:D
It's bad when it's into my vlogging week, very bad.
I got rid of loads of old clothes from my drawers today, mostly old Guide uniform tbh :\
I stuck up some more wall...yes posters :D
We need to get tickets for Rent...
Today, I started to play through all of my track on my lovely Zen from the beginning, ALPHABETICALLY. Luckily, started with the stolen Parselmouths songs :D, so was well chuffed!
We have Dinosaur Pasta in the house, the best thing about it is that it says "not for adults" on the packet...SCORE!
Flight of The Conchords tonight was actually SOOOO FUNNY, get it watched!
I was given some forms about Cadet of the Year tonight... should I do it guys? I need to decide!
Pointless sorting office jaunt, a good 45 mins lost there!
Watched a little bit of About A Boy tonight, aw I love that film :)
Well, I failed here.
I put "Argh it's June!" when clearly, I'd just written "Wednesday, July 1st" AHHAHAHAHAH IDIOT!
My bedroom is tidy, see Hazelizabeth week 30 when it's up for some bits of tidy, and I now have a space for mum's computer :P
I played both the piano and the clarinet today, and I have a lesson on Thursday, which is today now but oh well, I've confused myself.
Spattergroit isn't much fun, and neither was accounting all of this rather pointlessly. Again.
It says here "@replies on Twitter, hehe" Maybe...
We played brick off at Guides, immensely fun but exhausting! I loved seeing Hannah again, it was awesome :D I can't believe how many new small people they are, they're quite rude as well...stealing extra biscuits! I DON'T THINK SO! I'm going back next week to try and organise patrols, it's a shambles!
I think there was some controversy on Facebook last night, but I really CBA anymore!
Oh, and whilst dusting, I shook the duster out of the window, and it fell off just as Alice walked by. Lovely.
The Winner of the An Awful Lot Of Running competition's entry was REALLLLLY actually awesome, many congrats! We had a lot of fun filming ours anyway :)
I get my braces changed on Friday, 2 days before our prom.
Gosh, fml.
Tatty bye,
P.s. Well done for reading all of this, you really are a trooper and deserve a reward. However, those who may have skipped bits... SHAME ON YOU.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Facebook chat
Had a lovely conversation with K today :) After we got in from Choir and Orchestra rehearsal = SUPER DUPER TIRING!
Phew! Standing up for the entire "Le Nozze De Figaro", urgh....groans.
I got my text read out by Jon Richardson this morning on 6Music!Ha!
I got that little twinge of excitement and pride when he said "HAZEL IN DURHAM" in a Durham-accent, I laughed quite abit.
We had kipper for breakfast, it was a wee bit too bony... Happy Father's Day Dad!
I beaded and stuff today, but the rehearsal took up most of the day.
I tried to tidy up my floor abit more, so now the shoes are more...together.
I have a really sore finger, again. Do you ever get that sensation that the sore finger feels really hot compared to the others when you try to make it feel better?
Oh well...probably just me!
Singing's really beneficial, but I'm so tired right now...
Mmmm Maximo Park :D
I hope Alice's t-shirts with quotes on look jokes, I know they will, quite excited now :)
Tatty bye,
Phew! Standing up for the entire "Le Nozze De Figaro", urgh....groans.
I got my text read out by Jon Richardson this morning on 6Music!Ha!
I got that little twinge of excitement and pride when he said "HAZEL IN DURHAM" in a Durham-accent, I laughed quite abit.
We had kipper for breakfast, it was a wee bit too bony... Happy Father's Day Dad!
I beaded and stuff today, but the rehearsal took up most of the day.
I tried to tidy up my floor abit more, so now the shoes are more...together.
I have a really sore finger, again. Do you ever get that sensation that the sore finger feels really hot compared to the others when you try to make it feel better?
Oh well...probably just me!
Singing's really beneficial, but I'm so tired right now...
Mmmm Maximo Park :D
I hope Alice's t-shirts with quotes on look jokes, I know they will, quite excited now :)
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 14 June 2009
More food = bigger person
I had a nap at quarter to four today, it's totally put me off! An hour and abit sleep in the afternoon, fully clothed in a billowing denim skirt, it was a little uncomfortable, but I slept nonetheless, then to be woken by mum saying something about the oven, and I could smell tea :D
I felt so out of it, so I sat and read because listening to Stephen Fry started to make me a little drowsy.
"You'll never get anorexia because you like your food too much".
Well, that's what mum said to Liz.
We sat and made fimo things on my bed listening to Jon Richardson, fruit and owls in collapsed cages. I tried to make an owl in a yellow (gold) cage, didn't work. Hedwig :,(
Then Liz and I shared out my last 7 Jaffa Cakes, and it was a lovely sisterly moment, it just made me feel really happy ^_^
Then I read, re-painted my nails, re-considered my plans for Hazelizabeth this coming's either going to be R.O.F.L worthy, or extremely cringe worthy.
I think I'll post outtakes on my channel if I can find the time.
I'm in school for Aladdin Auditions in the morning, then I'll be home to film...
Aha! The suspense! I hate how Liz has already guessed!
I'm really annoyed because I have just aquired one of those annoying little nicks in my nail, like a dint, a divot. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!
Right, I'm going to go unwind to Grimmy and AnnieMack (massivepotatoes) in bed and read some HP. :D:D:D
Tatty bye,
(I just typed Jazze, that's quite jokes, Like JAZZ-EE or Jazzy, not Jay-Zee, that's just silly, much better as ZED anyway haha)
I felt so out of it, so I sat and read because listening to Stephen Fry started to make me a little drowsy.
"You'll never get anorexia because you like your food too much".
Well, that's what mum said to Liz.
We sat and made fimo things on my bed listening to Jon Richardson, fruit and owls in collapsed cages. I tried to make an owl in a yellow (gold) cage, didn't work. Hedwig :,(
Then Liz and I shared out my last 7 Jaffa Cakes, and it was a lovely sisterly moment, it just made me feel really happy ^_^
Then I read, re-painted my nails, re-considered my plans for Hazelizabeth this coming's either going to be R.O.F.L worthy, or extremely cringe worthy.
I think I'll post outtakes on my channel if I can find the time.
I'm in school for Aladdin Auditions in the morning, then I'll be home to film...
Aha! The suspense! I hate how Liz has already guessed!
I'm really annoyed because I have just aquired one of those annoying little nicks in my nail, like a dint, a divot. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!
Right, I'm going to go unwind to Grimmy and AnnieMack (massivepotatoes) in bed and read some HP. :D:D:D
Tatty bye,
(I just typed Jazze, that's quite jokes, Like JAZZ-EE or Jazzy, not Jay-Zee, that's just silly, much better as ZED anyway haha)
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Stephen Fry

and his dulset tones read to me the complete and unabridged version of "Deathly Hallows" today.
25hours of awesome, but I've only listened to like 30 mins so far!
(picture= South Shields again ^_^)
Might try and do more pictures...
Liz poster week 27 of Hazelizabeth today, and 27 seems like a heck of a big number :s
I just can't wait to make mine next week! ;)
We went to Embroiderer's Guild this morning, and had our photographs taken for the Nothern Echo looking at the exibition! That's the second time for me, lol, but it was quite jokes nonetheless!
I did some gold chain stitch, then came home to have a scotch egg and some carrot in the sun. I really REALLY dislike warm kettle chips, it's really disgusting! Bleughhh. I wanted to make some little fimo things and bake them today to sell to raise money for Canada for Guides, but Liz swore I didn't return it, yet it's not actually in my room anywhere... HMMMMM ._.
I've spent the afternoon doing AmazingPhil's space adventure, it was fun, but I've not done anything else :
Oh no wait! I did some beading! Aha!
It's comedy on the telly tonight, but I'm going to Pittington's Got Talent with Mum to watch some people doing Stavros Flatly, so I might just laugh really loudly at them <3
Oh well!
Danielle sent me "All my little words" the cover by Tom Milsom today, I hope I've made her into a fangirl :D
Hexasexual ^_^
Today's entry's not as long today, 'cos not much has really happened, 'cept I'm still getting used to this computer's new keyboard and Vista-y-ness...
Aspired to watch Rocky Horror today, but didn't.
I'll let you know tomorrow how tonight went, 'cos I'm cool :)
Tatty bye,
Friday, 12 June 2009
Baguette Rouge
I just misread this tab as "Bugger, I'm not going to lie to you.."
I'm sitting watching Outnumbered now, it's so FUNNY!
So, I woke up this morning around 8ish, listened to some Radio, furiously switched it off afterwards.
Still not content in Radioshire here.
Then! Aha! I got up, had a shower, and began to tidy my room!
What a bohemoth task! I got rid of (and put in the waste paper box) at least 4 whole core science exerscise books, all of my Core and Additional revision notes, all French notes on EVERYTHING, all R.E. year 10 stuff, wanted rid of this year's but didn't get 'round to that.
I found some hefty CGP revision guides I never used... oh well!
So, my shelf isn't as saggy-off-the-wall now, and my floor is TOTALLY clear! I vacuumed and everything!
But, what really upset me was that I'd set up today for major sitty-downy-ready-Harry Potter, yet I HAD TO TIDY.
Boo! (that's not like surprising boo, it's supposed to be a sad boo, like boo-hoo)
I did read some though, before we went out as a fam.
We went to the DLI museum to look at the preview for the new art exhibition, 'cos we're like members there, :), and it was squiffy!
"That little one's about the right height for a house-elf."
Oh Liz <3
Well, then we went to Café Rouge, and this is where I feasted upon "Un Baguette Rouge" (not sure of masc or fem... oh well), which was a steak baguette with chips and err well I got some mayonaise :D
Oh yeah, we watched HSM3 to review it for TheLoveHateSociety, oh dear.
It was meh, and I painted my nails silver, will go back to Huffles next week when these are sufficiently chipped.
I came in from being out to sign into the computer, and Ashley was online! Woopage! Oh, and Dan, but he was late (LOL). Typed up some horrific poetry :S HAHA!
Well, I've just found out Banksy hijacked a museum in Bristol, it looks REALLY JOKES!
Going to read now,
Tatty bye
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Accio Deathly Hallows!
I don't know how I will cope with Deathly Hallows, I really don't!
Well, I started the day off with Durham FM, oh what a mistake. I didn't wake up, or was conscious of being awoken by the dulset, northern tones of "Croxdale motors..." URGH. Sorry, back to Radio 1.
So, I got up and shoved some toast down, feeling actually really nervous about my History Paper 2 exam. Ended up in school with Rachel all morning, good times!
"So Rachel, have you learned anything from me spouting History at you this morning? Anything about Communism?"
"Yeah they had a strike and wanted bread, then the secret police shot bread at them."
"Close enough."
It'd've been much better if that did happen in Russia tbf, but oh no, Stalin came to power.
I can forget it all now!
Mr. Hastie sat and talked through the exam paper Lesson 2, and it made sense, so :) Yet, Rachel sat and doodled and was like "That was actually interesting, sounded quite cool."
Yeah, cool meaning that hundreds of thousands of people were persecuted, terrorized and forced to fall under Communist rule? Yeah, cool.
There was a question on Stressemann, and I was like "OH RIGHT I KNOW THIS"
1/2 of the q. down, and WHAM
Absolute PANIC!!! I did remember just near the end though, PHEW!
So I signed out of school, mostly, and only got like, Textiles left now, oh and Deathly Hallows, but :D
"Right monkey socks", those Rowntree's 'Randoms' adverts really tickle me!
Tomorrow, I'm going to gear up for some reviewing, I might write a side blog of reviews, probably films and their scores, because I like that.
Oh, and orchestra was not fun, at all.
Le Nozze De Figaro? Aaaaaaaaaaa, I'm sorry.
The Big Bang Theory was immense, followed by Neil's bodypopping on Th'Inbetweeners...
I'm never listening to Durham FM in the mornings ever again.
Tatty bye,
I don't know how I will cope with Deathly Hallows, I really don't!
Well, I started the day off with Durham FM, oh what a mistake. I didn't wake up, or was conscious of being awoken by the dulset, northern tones of "Croxdale motors..." URGH. Sorry, back to Radio 1.
So, I got up and shoved some toast down, feeling actually really nervous about my History Paper 2 exam. Ended up in school with Rachel all morning, good times!
"So Rachel, have you learned anything from me spouting History at you this morning? Anything about Communism?"
"Yeah they had a strike and wanted bread, then the secret police shot bread at them."
"Close enough."
It'd've been much better if that did happen in Russia tbf, but oh no, Stalin came to power.
I can forget it all now!
Mr. Hastie sat and talked through the exam paper Lesson 2, and it made sense, so :) Yet, Rachel sat and doodled and was like "That was actually interesting, sounded quite cool."
Yeah, cool meaning that hundreds of thousands of people were persecuted, terrorized and forced to fall under Communist rule? Yeah, cool.
There was a question on Stressemann, and I was like "OH RIGHT I KNOW THIS"
1/2 of the q. down, and WHAM
Absolute PANIC!!! I did remember just near the end though, PHEW!
So I signed out of school, mostly, and only got like, Textiles left now, oh and Deathly Hallows, but :D
"Right monkey socks", those Rowntree's 'Randoms' adverts really tickle me!
Tomorrow, I'm going to gear up for some reviewing, I might write a side blog of reviews, probably films and their scores, because I like that.
Oh, and orchestra was not fun, at all.
Le Nozze De Figaro? Aaaaaaaaaaa, I'm sorry.
The Big Bang Theory was immense, followed by Neil's bodypopping on Th'Inbetweeners...
I'm never listening to Durham FM in the mornings ever again.
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Brave, really brave
Art Exhibition!
Well, we went early, so at 6, then were the last ones to leave, stragglers 'til the end.
I don't want to repeat what James said about my "Exterminate Regenerate" video, gah!
Today started with me being VERY angry with Chris Moyles, HE'S NOT FUNNY!
I think I may rebel, DURHAM FM NOW!
*The station that lives and loves Durham...* bahahhaa
Sorry, I was just eating some crisps...oh only Liz will get it.
My fingernails have chipped, like, majorly now, it's really depressing :(
French reading exam? DONE, hoo-hah! It was actually, like, good! I understood it, there was a bit about Parisian farmers only selling veggies, because the farmer in question took a strike against, well, the French, and the other one was about students who had a strike about notes that were repeated and they didn't learn anything from their notes.
Well well well!
It's over!
w00t to the maximum, it wasn't too bad, I answered everything, at least.
I feel like such a fatty, KFC for tea! Oh, it was good! Choir was pretty cool, just a nice break.
Mr. Hastie just talked at us about the Tsar, gah! Ahaha rhyming prep., you'll get it soon enough guyyth...
I would really like Quicken the Heart by Maximo Park (need umlaut, meh), <3<3<3 Paul Smith! HE SANG AT FRAN :D Just because they're majorly awesome!
Oh, on another note, I will never, EVER get sick of Exterminate Regenerate by Chameleon Circuit, major lessthanfree. (Said like Charlesburg, oh ahha)
I will try my best to finish HP6 by Sat., alas, I must kinda sit my last 2 G.C.S.E's, however reluctantly.
Tatty bye,
Well, we went early, so at 6, then were the last ones to leave, stragglers 'til the end.
I don't want to repeat what James said about my "Exterminate Regenerate" video, gah!
Today started with me being VERY angry with Chris Moyles, HE'S NOT FUNNY!
I think I may rebel, DURHAM FM NOW!
*The station that lives and loves Durham...* bahahhaa
Sorry, I was just eating some crisps...oh only Liz will get it.
My fingernails have chipped, like, majorly now, it's really depressing :(
French reading exam? DONE, hoo-hah! It was actually, like, good! I understood it, there was a bit about Parisian farmers only selling veggies, because the farmer in question took a strike against, well, the French, and the other one was about students who had a strike about notes that were repeated and they didn't learn anything from their notes.
Well well well!
It's over!
w00t to the maximum, it wasn't too bad, I answered everything, at least.
I feel like such a fatty, KFC for tea! Oh, it was good! Choir was pretty cool, just a nice break.
Mr. Hastie just talked at us about the Tsar, gah! Ahaha rhyming prep., you'll get it soon enough guyyth...
I would really like Quicken the Heart by Maximo Park (need umlaut, meh), <3<3<3 Paul Smith! HE SANG AT FRAN :D Just because they're majorly awesome!
Oh, on another note, I will never, EVER get sick of Exterminate Regenerate by Chameleon Circuit, major lessthanfree. (Said like Charlesburg, oh ahha)
I will try my best to finish HP6 by Sat., alas, I must kinda sit my last 2 G.C.S.E's, however reluctantly.
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Never was there a story of more woe
Than Julliet and her Romeo.
Well, I finished that off this morning, but didn't cry.
It wasn't as "woeful" as the last time I watched it, but I did actually bawl my eyes out at Alan Bennett's "The History Boys" over my (once again) solitary lunch. Good job there wasn't anybody in the house, I just sat and cried, and was angry, and sad, and blubbery.
I got that quivery lip thing, but I just gave in, it's SO AWESOME.
I think it may have become my favourite film, I'd really quite like to see the play!
Well well well, I have now surpassed Dad in HP6, hooooooooooray! "Can you introduce me?" I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FILM NOW, BIRTHDAYBIRTHDAYBIRTHDAY, going to be so nerdfightastic :D
Well, I've throughly bored myself today, with Physics, and History. French? No matter, I'll struggle nonetheless.
Yesterday did not see the return of vlogwalking...maybe tonight?
My fingernails are quite long now, bit tappy on the keyboard, bit tappy on the plastic ivories too...but I really like them, they paint nicely :D
'Cept it's all chipped now...too much typing, tapping, not enough tweeting!
I feel sorry for Twitter, it's totally being abused by Chris Moyles, prat.
"I'm going to tweet about being somewhere, and see how many people will turn up! LIKE 4 THOUSAND HA.HA.HA."
Oh yeah, NO MOYLES! You aggravate me more than I am permitted to say! STOP THINKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU USE TWITTER! Argh! He'll be the end of it, mark my words... Angry, grrrrrrr!
Anyway, I like reading purposeful/informative tweets, I guess that's what they're for; stalkers.
As for my tweets...well they are pointless, but they're not inviting people places!
I try me-best.
Don't always succeed mind, oh well.
I want to get back to Won-Won and "WHERE'S MALFOY"-Harry, but hmmmm, I really should get some Physics in my head, then walk tea off, with Walkies avec Liz.
Oh yeah, French... merde indeed.
I just hope there isn't a question on Penfriends from America... I might crack up with laughter, haha!
Oh, no-one gets it...nevermind!
I'm thinking a well awaited new video for my channel on lechoob will be up within the month, spare time, lots of thoughts...WHO KNOWS?
Well, me obviously...but meh.
Tatty bye,
Well, I finished that off this morning, but didn't cry.
It wasn't as "woeful" as the last time I watched it, but I did actually bawl my eyes out at Alan Bennett's "The History Boys" over my (once again) solitary lunch. Good job there wasn't anybody in the house, I just sat and cried, and was angry, and sad, and blubbery.
I got that quivery lip thing, but I just gave in, it's SO AWESOME.
I think it may have become my favourite film, I'd really quite like to see the play!
Well well well, I have now surpassed Dad in HP6, hooooooooooray! "Can you introduce me?" I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FILM NOW, BIRTHDAYBIRTHDAYBIRTHDAY, going to be so nerdfightastic :D
Well, I've throughly bored myself today, with Physics, and History. French? No matter, I'll struggle nonetheless.
Yesterday did not see the return of vlogwalking...maybe tonight?
My fingernails are quite long now, bit tappy on the keyboard, bit tappy on the plastic ivories too...but I really like them, they paint nicely :D
'Cept it's all chipped now...too much typing, tapping, not enough tweeting!
I feel sorry for Twitter, it's totally being abused by Chris Moyles, prat.
"I'm going to tweet about being somewhere, and see how many people will turn up! LIKE 4 THOUSAND HA.HA.HA."
Oh yeah, NO MOYLES! You aggravate me more than I am permitted to say! STOP THINKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU USE TWITTER! Argh! He'll be the end of it, mark my words... Angry, grrrrrrr!
Anyway, I like reading purposeful/informative tweets, I guess that's what they're for; stalkers.
As for my tweets...well they are pointless, but they're not inviting people places!
I try me-best.
Don't always succeed mind, oh well.
I want to get back to Won-Won and "WHERE'S MALFOY"-Harry, but hmmmm, I really should get some Physics in my head, then walk tea off, with Walkies avec Liz.
Oh yeah, French... merde indeed.
I just hope there isn't a question on Penfriends from America... I might crack up with laughter, haha!
Oh, no-one gets it...nevermind!
I'm thinking a well awaited new video for my channel on lechoob will be up within the month, spare time, lots of thoughts...WHO KNOWS?
Well, me obviously...but meh.
Tatty bye,
Monday, 8 June 2009
Playing eye spy on the phone is harder than it sounds!
"It begins with F"
"Sorry, was that F for Fridge or S for Snake?"
"F man Hazel, F!!!"
Surround sound, how was I supposed to know?
Well, I've been home alone all day, but I didn't actually eat as much as I expected to do out of boredom. I went on the upstairs computer, and was like "ooh speedy", 'cos it's all Vista-y and pretty sweet : )
I watched some of Ashley's videos on le choob, and they were very amusing :)
Tonight, hopefully, will see the return of VLOGWALKING, bahahaha!
Sorry, but I was VERY VERY VERY excited when it came through the post this morning, I just jumped around for like 20mins solid, and then decided to text Liz! I can't believe I've had to leave it on her bed until now, when hopefully we will open it together and do some video footage... I'm just actually thrilled!
I'm sick of Tsarist Russia, facebook quizes and nuclear fission and fusion. I wrote down all of the physics formula triangles I need to know for Wednesday, and gee, there are A LOT. Oh cripes.
Over my solitary lunch, I watched at least 35 mins of Baz Lurhman's "Romeo and Julliet".
Oh mayn was it great :D I just wanted to finish it from then on, but had to do some work, and likewise, Harry Potter was another looming thing started and not finished!
I fished out the textiles revision folder too, but oh dear, I can't believe some people have finished today...exam wise. I just want it all to be over!
Oh, Debut by Fortunes Fall just came on shuffle! ART EXAM TIMES! Ohh, such a good song! If you're reading this and don't own the D.F.T.B.A. Records compilation CD Volume One... GET IT NOW! Not only is it made of awesome, but it will make you feel awesome, like times a zillion.
mmmmmmmmhm so good!
So, I'm getting psyched for our walk this evening, piano and some more eye spy! Ee dear!
I'm still wating on news from Alice about her cake for Steven, so :)
I really want to learn how to play Danny Elfman's "Victor's Piano Solo" from the Corpse Bride, that soundtrack is so beautiful!
And an awful lot of do-o-ooooo-oo-oo-ooo!
Tatty bye,
"It begins with F"
"Sorry, was that F for Fridge or S for Snake?"
"F man Hazel, F!!!"
Surround sound, how was I supposed to know?
Well, I've been home alone all day, but I didn't actually eat as much as I expected to do out of boredom. I went on the upstairs computer, and was like "ooh speedy", 'cos it's all Vista-y and pretty sweet : )
I watched some of Ashley's videos on le choob, and they were very amusing :)
Tonight, hopefully, will see the return of VLOGWALKING, bahahaha!
Sorry, but I was VERY VERY VERY excited when it came through the post this morning, I just jumped around for like 20mins solid, and then decided to text Liz! I can't believe I've had to leave it on her bed until now, when hopefully we will open it together and do some video footage... I'm just actually thrilled!
I'm sick of Tsarist Russia, facebook quizes and nuclear fission and fusion. I wrote down all of the physics formula triangles I need to know for Wednesday, and gee, there are A LOT. Oh cripes.
Over my solitary lunch, I watched at least 35 mins of Baz Lurhman's "Romeo and Julliet".
Oh mayn was it great :D I just wanted to finish it from then on, but had to do some work, and likewise, Harry Potter was another looming thing started and not finished!
I fished out the textiles revision folder too, but oh dear, I can't believe some people have finished today...exam wise. I just want it all to be over!
Oh, Debut by Fortunes Fall just came on shuffle! ART EXAM TIMES! Ohh, such a good song! If you're reading this and don't own the D.F.T.B.A. Records compilation CD Volume One... GET IT NOW! Not only is it made of awesome, but it will make you feel awesome, like times a zillion.
mmmmmmmmhm so good!
So, I'm getting psyched for our walk this evening, piano and some more eye spy! Ee dear!
I'm still wating on news from Alice about her cake for Steven, so :)
I really want to learn how to play Danny Elfman's "Victor's Piano Solo" from the Corpse Bride, that soundtrack is so beautiful!
And an awful lot of do-o-ooooo-oo-oo-ooo!
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Alas, Sunday.
Wowzers, thankyou J.K.
Ooft, I started Half Blood Prince yesterday, I'm half way to Dad's half way-ish marker. I keep finding little bits of paper Liz has used as markers, but I'm curious to find what she's marked... and WHY!
Hmmm, physics revision *yey*...
Electrostatic paintsprayers? W00t...
I do only have 4 exams left, so huzzah!
*French Reading, Physics, History Paper 2 (Russia and Gemany) and Textiles.
I really want to make some more bracelets and nice things like that for people, it's very theraputic to do so.
I can't believe I posted week 26 for Hazelizabeth yesterday... TWENTY-SIX!!!
I've lulled myself into the belief that half an hour of revision and note taking constitutes for a "balancing" half-hour of Harry's VERY sensible, clearly!
Jon Richardson was clearly hillarious on 6music this morning, I really want to start podcasting!
I hope Alice's cake for Steven went well, with "the food colouring!"
I desperately need to sort out my room because the floor is covered in books that I can now give back to school, after I've signed them out, and I think I'll be pleasantly surprised to find I have a lot more space in my room this summer, after disposing of all Year 10 and 11 notes... possibly only Year11 notes after er Results Day, but hey-ho, they need to GO.
Will be in Darlington later for Canada meeting, only just over a year to go now! Mucho-excitement!
I'm afraid I don't think I'll update this again today, due to an overwhelming need to actually revise, so I must go and make my bed, eat food and learn about static charges.
Tatty bye,
Wowzers, thankyou J.K.
Ooft, I started Half Blood Prince yesterday, I'm half way to Dad's half way-ish marker. I keep finding little bits of paper Liz has used as markers, but I'm curious to find what she's marked... and WHY!
Hmmm, physics revision *yey*...
Electrostatic paintsprayers? W00t...
I do only have 4 exams left, so huzzah!
*French Reading, Physics, History Paper 2 (Russia and Gemany) and Textiles.
I really want to make some more bracelets and nice things like that for people, it's very theraputic to do so.
I can't believe I posted week 26 for Hazelizabeth yesterday... TWENTY-SIX!!!
I've lulled myself into the belief that half an hour of revision and note taking constitutes for a "balancing" half-hour of Harry's VERY sensible, clearly!
Jon Richardson was clearly hillarious on 6music this morning, I really want to start podcasting!
I hope Alice's cake for Steven went well, with "the food colouring!"
I desperately need to sort out my room because the floor is covered in books that I can now give back to school, after I've signed them out, and I think I'll be pleasantly surprised to find I have a lot more space in my room this summer, after disposing of all Year 10 and 11 notes... possibly only Year11 notes after er Results Day, but hey-ho, they need to GO.
Will be in Darlington later for Canada meeting, only just over a year to go now! Mucho-excitement!
I'm afraid I don't think I'll update this again today, due to an overwhelming need to actually revise, so I must go and make my bed, eat food and learn about static charges.
Tatty bye,
Monday, 1 June 2009
Cosine rule? Bahhbye
Algebraic naughty fractions, sorted, stamped out, finit-O!
Yesss, quiet celebration with Liz, watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long blog :')
And errr half and hour of Goblet of Fire...hahaaa oh I just couldn't stand it!
The books are just SO much better! Argh!
Well, I'm *really* enjoying my study leave... argh The Cold War.
Elizabeth's msn abbreviation was the best but... I closed it down, poo.
English Language tomorrow, media and p/a/a triplet. Oh, G.C.S.E's... can't wait for you to be over!
It really made me feel good today to see Rachel's face light up when I gave her her birthday bracelet, it just made me feel...well happy :)
I'm glad she liked it ^_^
I'm facing a dilemma... what do you buy boys for their birthday? I have no idea :S
I'm going to play some piano, because I printed off some music this morning (Regina Spektor - Raindrops) at school before Maths, and I think I'll carry on revising for History and Chem, French'll be fine... :\
Tatty bye,
Algebraic naughty fractions, sorted, stamped out, finit-O!
Yesss, quiet celebration with Liz, watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long blog :')
And errr half and hour of Goblet of Fire...hahaaa oh I just couldn't stand it!
The books are just SO much better! Argh!
Well, I'm *really* enjoying my study leave... argh The Cold War.
Elizabeth's msn abbreviation was the best but... I closed it down, poo.
English Language tomorrow, media and p/a/a triplet. Oh, G.C.S.E's... can't wait for you to be over!
It really made me feel good today to see Rachel's face light up when I gave her her birthday bracelet, it just made me feel...well happy :)
I'm glad she liked it ^_^
I'm facing a dilemma... what do you buy boys for their birthday? I have no idea :S
I'm going to play some piano, because I printed off some music this morning (Regina Spektor - Raindrops) at school before Maths, and I think I'll carry on revising for History and Chem, French'll be fine... :\
Tatty bye,
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