She thinned out the monster fringe so now it's all... fluffy! ( I just typed fliffy...new word WIN)
It's really short at the back, and like long at the front.
I think I look more like Danielle now, but Liz thinks I now look even more like Marissa!
I can't help but touch it now, it has that softness from the hairdressers that's all lovely and hmmmmmm.
But it's the long bits at the front which are stroke worthy. Oh, I can't help but touch my hair! I'm not going to dye it anymore, but replenish with my new hair-stuff I bought to lighten it abit...then...agh, I just want to temporarily dye it PURPLE MAYNNN.
If not pink then PURPLE ARGH PURPLE.
Anyway, I'm hopefully going to venture out into the big, wide world of Argos later today, and buy something.
Webcam hopefulliez (:
Anyway, if you want to read something with non-stop giggles and proper laugh out loud moments, I highly recommend with GREAT THANKS from James, Alan Carr's "Look Who It Is!", incredibly funny and interesting.
I actually cried with laughter last night before bed at Minstral. Poor thing!
I have told only a few people about this major brain fail, but I'm going to tell you.
I woke up from a dream on... Monday morning, and in my dream I had my nose pierced, and really liked it! Now, I really am not a fan of piercings, not even my own ears (even though I've had them done now) so this was quite odd. However, when I got up, I looked in the mirror and was like "OHMYGOD MY NOSE HAS CLOSED UP!!!"
Then I hit my forehead with my palm *IT WAS A DREAM MAN HAZEL*
But now, I'm kindof thinking I like them... NO I DON'T IT WAS A DREAM.
Seriously, I'm messed up!
Any opinions on nose piercings? I HATE BULL RINGS.
Tatty bye,