Mainly school work. Amongst social and moral struggles, blog posting has become something of a luxury. And lo and behold, a smidgen of time, late on a Friday evening of a Bank Holiday, I have seized the time and committed attitude and decided to write...something.
First note to make, I have deleted/suspended a rather large chunk of my internet self. Yes, the big and rather bad Facebook. It's gone. For now. I suspect that I'll return to it, but my friend Alice asked why yesterday, and I told her that it was just getting too much! Staring at it, constantly checking to no avail. She was very understanding in her reply, "Ah yes I thought so, Facebook Lent." Which, come to think of it, is a PERFECT term for it. I'll be back in 40 days, approx of course.
It's ever so useful for keeping in touch, and laughing at groups and so on and so forth, but it takes time. Precious time which I do not have to waste any more, however much fun it is to do so.
Upon the subject of wasting time, I really dislike fighting loosing battles. Especially with my own conscience. It upsets me when I am amidst an unsettling in my friendship group which I cannot seem to repair. I am usually the glue to their mismatched and splintered pieces, but I seem to be that piece of chewing gum that always falls out from the gap in-between, no longer holding it together, but on the floor and being well and truly trodden on. (It's not that bad, I just really enjoyed extending the metaphor. Gosh and golly I do adore the English Language!) Stubborn people really do get on my nerves. Especially highly, and very wrongly, prejudicial persons. Still, there's nothing I can do about it but hang around until whatever comes to pass will have... well...passed. All being well.
As I type my rather mundane and poorly crafted ideas out, my hair is wet. I can't seem to find anything to do with it these days. It just hangs there, "like a dead thing on your cheeks" (Oh Hairspray, what a delight! Thanks for just poppin' into my head Nikki!) with no purpose, meaning or life. Well, hair characteristically has only really one of those characteristics ANYWAY, so it's not all bad.
I'm really enjoying being a better friend to one person in particular at the moment. She's my early morning friend, and we do work together, and talk about how we love the little happy things in life, especially our dreams and early bedtime routines (make of that what you will... ;]) and of course...MUSIC! Yes, this is my friend Rachel. She's absolutely lovely. And that is the best adverb to describe her, apart from Avatar-ly. She has long brown/ginger ("non-permanent dye for Annie Jr that NEVER WASHED OUT) hair that looks delightful in a massive plait down her back. She never fails to make me smile, and I'm excited to go to Paris with her in the summer on our School Choir and Orchestra concert tour. She's an AMAZING soprano too, I am in awe of how clear her voice is! We have decided that we will be domestic wives that cook and clean and have rosy cheeked children, and have picnics.
This is furthering my ideal of raising children who enjoy going to various National Trust establishments (LIKE ME ^_^) and being able to just be in awe of nature and its beauty by being happy and surrounded by people and things that make me happy.
Another thing about talking to Rachel makes me realise how much I would actually enjoy being a professional (or freelance) dream interpreter! She has the most vivid dreams. You know when you *really* think you can imagine what the other person is describing? I think it's probably just the way she describes what happens... or that and the way that I know most of her dreams are set in Medieval England (MERLIN FTW muhahahhaha).
Anyway, I thought I'd drop you a paragraph or two to tell you that all is well, my nails and their beds SUCK (I also heart Mean Girls, as should you ALL) because it's revision/stress time here.
I went to a Clarinet workshop today and the dude giving the workshop was called Paulo. He was AMAZING. "And THAT is why the Bass Clarinet is the best instrument of all, and you know it!" TRUE DAT PAULO, TRUE DAT MY FRIEND.
I am thoroughly enthused about the passion behind music now, and I really enjoy playing it :D
I doubt that I will post much more until after the exams when you know, real life starts again!
But you can always live in hope.
I do.
Tatty bye,