Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Seriously but not serious at all fun times!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Overused word will be overused in this post
The 25th November, is officially a snow day. Here, in Durham, we have about 4/6 inches of snow. Yet, I’m still in school. Technically, I have nothing to do in this lesson, so I decided I’d finally write something for you lot to read. If you still do of course. We’re discussing how rubbish Twilight is, and the pathetic nature of Bella as a protagonist. GO KATNISS AND HERMIONE!!!!!! Now it’s Christmas. I’m getting really excited; my Textiles teacher for theory is a super supporter of the Christmas spirit, especially in light of this flurry of snow.
On Tuesday, something really funny but also quite terrifying happened to me. I went to Reading Group (normal, perfectly) but didn’t have any time to get to the toilets or anything, so I ran to tutor, dumped my bags and went to the toilets under the stairs in the languages block. As I walked into the toilets, I saw a lot of flour on the floor. This was weird, even though I know Year 8 Girls hang around in there and eat food (super minging). Yet, they're still messy, and had spilled a whole bag of flour down a toilet and all over the floor. I did a little wretch and went into the disabled toilet at the end, because it's the only one that ever has toilet paper. I heard someone open the door and say "there's flour everywhere" and then the door closed. I came out of the cubicle, washed my hands and went over to the drier, avoiding the flour patch. After laughing to myself and my little head-made reference to Barbershopera III (innefective hand-driers), I made my way to the door. Grasping the handle, I pulled it towards myself with adequate force to open it and let myself out of the flour pit. Alas, the door did not swing, not even an inch. (An inch is quite a lot actually). Repeating the door opening movement, I repositioned my feet, and tugged at the handle some more. Locked. In. The. Floury. Toilets. FOREVER. I looked through the frosted glass of the door and thumped on it. "HELP! I'M IN HERE!" I shouted, really rather lamely all things considered. Thankfully, our technician walked down the stairs and heard me banging against the door. "Thankyou!" I cried, mercifully wanting to say "YOU HAVE SAVED ME, WHATEVER CAN I DO TO THANK YOU ENOUGH?", but I just left it at that. Mel (the technician) tried to kick the door down for me. I shouted back "It's locked man! Don't try!" and he escaped to go and get someone with a key. It turned out that Mr.Dodds had locked them up, and what with him being a member of male staff and all, didn't go in to check if anyone was still in there, and just LOCKED THE DOOR ANYWAY. I left the floury-pit feeling a little shaken, and only told two people about my strange adventure, feeling quite shocked really.
(Just as a little note, it has taken me so long to write this blog during today, that the sun has naturally set and I was plunged into darkness, a sign that my work really does need to be done soon. So, being me, I continue to write the blog...)
As I sit here, my feet are getting considerably colder, and I'm at my little work station. That is, I've closed the lid on my electric piano, and plonked the laptop on it so that I have a desk area rather than a bed where I am liable to just stick videos on and snooze. Failing that, whack an awesome Spotify hour or so on and get in a right musical trance. A jazz trance.
I apologise, I'm sitting and watching little snippets of the wonderful "Mighty Boosh" just because it is purely amazing, and it's making me feel really happy. I'm surrounded by wonderful music, and the snow is starting to thaw. I'll probably be at school tomorrow, so seeing human faces (other than my parents) will either cheer me up or make me more morose. Today has felt like I have been on the edge of a certain feeling all day. When I woke up, I was just moody, and then watched the episode of Hollyoaks with Steph's funeral and CRIED SO MUCH. I can't believe she just... stood in the fire and was like "I'm ready to die". I don't watch it anymore, but gosh, there are so many new characters and relationships and FUNERALS going on, it was really difficult watching. I then progressed into my bedroom, did some drawing which was rubbish and I'm not going to include in my project, listened to some fairly normal music and got bored of its... well average ability to not make me go "Wow this is beautiful music", so I felt sad about contemporary music's failings there. I ate some lunch with family, watched a programme about extreme fishing and laughed a fair bit, had some tea, played some piano which made me really happy, and then set up my little work station. Music since then has made me sink into a little bubble of content. That's about it really.
I hope everything is well wherever you are, I have an horrendous tickly chest cough which makes it difficult to laugh and consequently breathe, but there's nothing like braving the Arctic conditions outiside to get to school next week to cure it! Right?
Tatty bye,