Thursday, 24 September 2009


I’m so chuffing excited right now. But oh so tired. THIS KEYBOARD IS DRIVING ME INSANE. The space bar has to be hit TWICE for it to respond. OH MY GAAA I’M GONNA HIT THE ROOF.
So, sitting in my study period, not much to study… Gonna hit “Birdsong” in a bit, because it needs to be read. So does Death Of A Salesman though. Oh dear.

Watching films at the start of the day doesn’t half tire/ wear you out. Like major-big-time. I am shattered. My eyes had that weird watery-tiredness about them this morning, and James said I looked depressed. Way to go. So then, watching Death of A Salesman REALLY CHEERED ME UP. Not that I am depressed at this moment. Or at all really. Just a little weary. But then we watched some more of As You Like It, and I can’t wait for tomorrow evening now.
Man, Shakespeare is great. THIS KEYBOARD IS NOT.
I really don’t have much to say yet, I haven’t eaten. With James. He always has something to say to make me laugh, or feel uncomfortable, y’know.

So now I’ve eaten.
I also ate a cookie in the car just now. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
HAHA Yeah, meditating with a cookie, what an image.
Man, I needed that after Textiles today. No offence, but everyone in the room was half asleep! And eyes were drooping all over, I for one couldn’t keep mine open. I’m convinced there was something in the air…
Then off to pastoral R.E. where Jen said I looked like Richard Dawkins. Yeah, thanks a lot JENNY.

Today had some pretty freaking awkward parts :z

"I'm pretty sure she's not all there *strange glance*"

Oooh wow.
I'm eating a Hazelnut treo, it's mighty fiiiiiine.
Is it wrong that I like Hazelnuts? Because it feels kindof wrong, but also, quite devilish teeeheeeeeee.

Orchestra with Bert was beautiful (:


Tatty bye,

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Elephant Socks

Ha, that just reminds me of the Rowntrees’ Randoms advert. Because he says “Ok Monkey Socks” HAHA.
Oh deary me, the power of advertising. Well, I’m wearing my grey Elephant socks today, because I’m wearing trousers for school. Not that I didn’t like wear ANYTHING to school yesterday, I wore a skirt and tights and the rest, just today, I’m wearing trousers. They’re really wide-leg. :z
I can’t type any swears on here, not that I really do anyway, because the Securus thing at school flags up if you type ANYTHING like even accidentally typing SHIRT. It’s a joke. And makes the computers SUPER SLOW TO START UP. Grrrrrrr. Anyhoo, the keyboard is a little less sticky. I do have a lot to say now, but it’s 25 to and I need to get revising for my Psycho test! Well, if it was an *actual* psycho test, I’m sure I’d pass, I’m way too psyched for my elephant socks today already. Before anyone’s seen them yet. WHOOOPEEEEEEE. Right, I’m going to venture out, save this to my nifty, lego-like pendrive, and hopefully enjoy my day. Man that sounded bleak.

Holy shiz, I read that back and was like “What the actual HELL was going on in my head?” Today has made me tired so far. Now, you hear me fresh from a walk to the Doctors, listening to this song M sent me – So Contagious by Acceptance, and WOW. :D Oh yeah, I was at the doctors… for my second “your arm is too muscly” injection. Yeah, HVP. I had it written on my hand ALL DAY. I must have looked like such a n00b, oh well. Only because I actually, physically forgot to go to the doctors last week :z OOPSAZIZZLE.

For once, I have not tweeted about my AMAZING SITUATION before I tell you lovely blog readers.

He is called Bert, yes he’s male because he makes a throaty, beastly sound :D And I love him very much. I am now part of the bass crew massiiiiiiive. Oh yeah, Immagetalltheboys.

I love guessing who people fancy, it’s great, especially teasing them afterwards if it’s someone weird :P HAHAHA. Oh sorry, I am malicious like that, sometimes. And he’s not that weird…well… I’m not one to offend in a blog, really, I’m a face to face insult person. Ha. Man, I’m obnoxious.

Anyhoooo, ahha I like saying that. WHY AM I POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS?
Choir is frackin’ huge! So many people, us Altos are MAHOOOOOOOSIVE, whacking out a good ol’ tune too though (: Whacking? WHAT NOW?

So yeah, I should stop my stream of consciousness right here, now.
I got an outstanding in my Biology homework that I printed off right after I wrote my blog yesterday, so this is GOOD KARMA, DANG IT <3
Well, I don’t want to dang this blog at all, I’m growing very fond of it and my readers.

And this song now.
My, my, it is So Contagious.

I bet Marissa sent it to me because she KNEW I’d end up saying something as cliché as that. HA. POOSNIFFER.
I didn’t mean for that to sound so aggressive. Honestly!

Ok, yes, tea, eat, hottub…relax my injected arm (:

Tatty bye,

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


So I’m writing this at precisely 8:03 a.m… In school, in the tech block. This keyboard is sticky with “I haven’t been cleaned over the holidays” type mucus. Woah, not actually mucus, that is sick. Anyway, I was printing off some blodge about Lungs and mucus, so that’s why the word mucus is running QUICK AS A FLASH offof my finger tips.

Also, by writing these at school when I have the time means I can write them when I have things in my head, fresh from sleep, and haven’t had a day to interrupt these obscene and interesting thoughts. Not obscene OBSCENE obscene. Just…yeah. Plus, I can just scrawl ‘em out and save them on my pendrive, then upload ‘em to the ol’ blogspot before I’ve wasted a good half an hour thinking of something to write and digressing onto facebook.

I got the feeling that as I wrote that, and you read it, I was swinging my arm and going “GOOD OL’ BLOGSPOT”. Oh dear. This is what I like to call “early-morning-itus.”

So this keyboard is sticky. Hopefully my typing will correct that, but then I have this awful sensation that it’s CLINGING to my fingertips, ew.

I’m filming for my last “Elizabeth is still here” week of Hazelizabeth this week, and it’s slowly driving me demented. BUT STRATFORD ON FRIDAY, HOLY SHOOT. I am so excited :D

Apart from the fact Stratford was on the news yesterday because Shakespeare’s house is falling down. Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmholes.

I’m trying to think of new, innovative ways to let out my anger in words. By not swearing. So, saying sugar, bum, poosniffers, stuff like that. It’s not all that nice, but the occasional FLUFF OFF is quite amusing tbh. I mean, it’s all James’ fault anyway, he swears like a chuffing trooper! AND THAT NORA! She swears lots and lotsies! SO YEAH YOU TWO, BACK AWFF.

My accent irl is getting like, more broad. WHAT AM I DOING?

Aaaaanyway, it’s approaching time to switch on the Zen, listen, go to the common room, listen to talking, sort out Prefect duty, have some lessons, eat a STEAK AND ALE PASTIE (oh man, I love you Mum) and then…oh yeah DOUBLE FREAKIN’ ENGLISH <3

So, my day’s gonna be preeeetty dandy, and pardon the expression, but I feel almost as enthusiastic about my day ahead as I feel Marissa would. Man, she’s infiltrating on our lives like MAJOR TIME now!


The only thing that is somewhat like a doomsday to me, is going to Cadets.

Screaming children who get their fingers stuck in chairs. Yes chairs.

Dang, they’re so clingy.

Anyway, I’ve gotta dash. Well, really, there’s no hurry, it’s only 8:15 a.m. Oh, and I changed the wheely chair to a stool so my wrists were higher when typing. Wait, did I tell you I was on a wheely chair?

I probably didn’t, but there goes my train of thought.

I like to think it’s actually a train.

Choo choo.

SO I'M HOME NOW, and about to post this...

I put my order in for the Café Pasta food for the Stratford trip...

3 guesses if you don't follow me on twitter?

Pasta and WHAT?


Tatty bye,


keep scrolling


Sunday, 20 September 2009

Errors and PESTO

I didn't actually talk about being away from the internet. Fail.
But I thought I'd write a blog upon the subject of pesto.
I mean, yesterday, we went to Hexham, which is *actually* where the bracelet shop was, not Carlisle. I just like typing Carlisle, it's funny. You say "Car-lie-uhl." Anyway!
We had lunch in the Arts Centre café , it was so homely, yummmmmm.
I was so lush, I cannot put it into words.
Mind you, it was abit hot at first.

But, mmmmm. I love pesto. When we were in London for SitC, I had 2 pesto pasta dishes. And watching Pasta Week on thesexymacaroni reminded me how much I love pesto and pasta, both together and separately. One of those dishes was Pesto linguini, and the other was these tiny, tiny twists, like round twists, of pasta. MAN.
It was like oily, but basil-y, and then PINE NUTS <3

The other day Mum found a box of grissini (breadsticks) and was like "I bought these for your braces." Meaning, "I bought these for you to eat as brace snacks instead of chocolate and sugary-cack." But obviously, we hadn't opened them.
So, I saw some olives on the front of the box and was like "HECK YES, IMAGONNA CRACK OPEN THE PESTO!"
So, sitting watching Mock The Week, with a little dish of pesto and some breadsticks, I was VERY pleased indeed!
I mean, granted, all of these pesto-speriences were green pesto.
<3 It's equally as good, just not as available as the heavenly green variety.

We used to get these mushroom pocket pasta flat ravioli, cook in a pan for 10 mins things from Aldi, and Mum and I used to eat them on a Thursday when Liz went to Caitlins, so we could indulge in pesto-ey or cheesy things when she was out, and Dad was out training so would eat later or something.
Now, THAT pesto was sommink ELSE. It was like CHEESY, like REALLY CHEESY. It used to be stringy, and HAAAAAAAAT. That's hot, not hat btw. Holy moly, a pesto hat? I mean, an appreciation hat.

No Hazel. NO.

But this blog has made me think how much I get over excited for food. Like, I could never be veggie or have an eating disorder; I'm waaaay too fond of food. Not like excessive, I just really enjoy eating and experiencing flavours. Not too fond of figs so far though.
I really love making food, it interests me.
Italian food is SO LOVELY.
We found this sweet little Italian restaurant in Carlisle (hehe typing fun) and I got this AWESOME pizza called "Pizza Ultima."
Cumberland Sausage, salami, chicken, bacon, bolognese sauce instead of tomato sauce, and probably something else, MEAT BLANK.
I'm salivating, like Pavlov's dog.
Typing the word meat is my Conditioned Response.


So, I have to go research a respiratory disease, write about stage directions, and probably not eat any meat today.
Man, I would like some pesto.
Can you tell?

Tatty bye,

Saturday, 19 September 2009


So now I have a cold.
This is what school does to me. I swear down and hope and pray it isn't swine-flu.
I had to take my new bracelets off to type this, I thought they'd scratch the laptop, the lap bit.
So yeah! New bracelets! They're a little set of 5 indian-type jangly things from this SUPER CUTE shope in Carlisle, called Gaiya, it sells Namaste bags and lush skirts and insensce and keyrings, lovely books, and BRACELETS.
I got my friend a birthday present for Monday. She also happens to be my Princess Jasmine for the school panto this year, haha EPIC. I love her lots.
Did you know Merlin's back tonight?

School has given me cold already. Or maybe not wearing trousers out last night has helped to induce it sooner. Not that I just wasn't wearing any trousers, I was wearing a dress! Hah, Liz got asked if she really wasn't wearing any underwear today because her Avenue Q top says she isn't. How epic is that? It makes me think back to SitC when people asked if I really did like giraffes, and I was like HECK YES I DO.
Good times.

Sixth Form is so tiring. But I have a locker now! I ALSO PUT UP MY HIJACKIT POSTER <3 People think I'm weird for filming myself opening my locker, then trying to explain "It's for my American friends, really!" HAHA.
Especially the new kids.

I'm making a skirt in Textiles at the moment. I really want to make a full suit for my final project this year, like jacket, waistcoat, trousers etc. It really disappoints me going shopping now. I mean, Liz got a new coat today, it's really lovely, but going shopping for things other than shoes, tights and coats has begun to annoy me, because the whole "one-wear" item thingymajjig is really wearing on me. I wish I could just make my own clothes, like my teachers used to, and Mum, it would be so much more useful. At least things would fit. You could get the right colour too.
I hate how skills are wasted just so companies can make gross profit.
I'm quite riled up now.

But yeah, I'm quite happy really, I just did a new video, despite being all full of cold.

I miss being able to write weekday blogs.

Tatty bye,

Friday, 4 September 2009


That is just about all I can say about how I feel today. So overwhelmed mayn!
Sixth form is a surprise tbh, it's so BIG.
So many people I never expected to come back are still lurking around, giving me creepy stares, and just generally scaring me.
I'm in an AWESOME tutor group though! First day, and Hodgy's making jokes about Ashlee being orange, oh my life.
I felt so odd in my new black uniform, looking sortof strangely longingly at the new little people in BLUE uniform. Not like that, I really like blue, black makes me feel like I'm constantly on the way to a funeral or a business meeting! I LOVE MY SHOES THOUGH! If and when I get time, I shall upload a picture of me enjoying wearing them (: They are SEXY. Like, no joke. I love them.

I feel quite bad because I was SO psyched for Psych today, and the rest of the day, and I wanted to feel like Marissa did and be like "HOO I CAN'T WAIT FOR SOCIAL STUDIES MY TEACHER IS AWESOME." but... I didn't. I sooooo didn't. It was just scary.
However, double English one day a week? I LOVE THIS, I have BGB <3 She is absolutely THE BEST. I'm never giving English up, EVER.
So I'm excited for that, Textiles and actually Biology. But Psychology? HECK NO.
The teacher is so dozy she actually forgot that Liz sat at the front of her classroom for a whole year, only 2 years ago. I tell you what, she doesn't half lull me to sleep.

So, I'm with Danielle in ALL of her lessons and frees and study periods with her, except her Maths lessons, where I have Tech. I LOVE THIS LIFE <3
Mass was a cringe.

Then again, when I got home, I realised the little flap at the back of my new blazer was still tacked together! AHAHA HOW LAME AM I?

Did I mention I LOVE MY NEW SHOES?
We had Chinese for tea, and Chinese tea, then...Rocky Road Ice Cream bahahahaha.

I am absolutely so gutted that I had to delete and re-upload my Mika competition entry video, if you're reading this, please watch rate and fav again, please? It would mean the world, as I am *slightly* distraught!

Ah, I need a relaxing night tonight, and thank goodness for the weekend, even though I know I have no time to relax. Dammit.

I'm really struggling with this diary/blog crossover you know! Argh.

Tatty bye,

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Greg Holden <3

There is no way I could possibly be more in love with that man, his voice and his passion than anything else in the world right now.
Maybe bar the smell that my newly waterproofed, sexy new school shoes are wafting around my unventilated room, but hey.
I played on OMGPOP today, a guest, and I WHOOPED ASS, but as a guest, then I got a hazelizabeth account, so add away and be nice to us/me...
Oh my giddy goodness. I got so giddy today actually!
We watched "The Benchwarmers" and by jove, I'm in like with that film!
It's so funny, nerdy, oh JON HEDER <3
I think I shall write up a proper review of it in good time, because I want to watch it again, but SIXTH FORM, GAHHH.
This is my stream of concioussness YO.
I wrote like 2 whole pages as opposed to just one in my diary last night, so much happened to me within like an hour!
I got a text inviting me out yesterday, for today, and I was feeling SO grotty that I was just like UGHHHHHHH NO. But I thought it would be like one of the last times *us* lot would meet up together, all together with James. So I was having a crisis. I'm not ashamed to admit I totally broke down. There were various other things that had been agitating me, but it all just hit me, plus I had a reason to blubber, so I did.
Then, James rang me and was like "I REALLY HAVE TO TALK TO YOU. YOU SOUND STRESSED AS BUM." and I just had to hang up; I couldn't speak to him.
He rang back and sent a text like "please just answer!!!"
So I finished up writing my diary and sat with a hot water bottle for abit, and he rang back.


I still don't know how/ why/ what he's doing, but he's going to be with the Dream Team again! Minus Fran...whoops.
But it made me feel so much better! But silly me, I just cried down the phone at him and he was just like "YOU ARE MAD."
Then, he dropped the bomb that he has tickets for V.V.Brown in NOVEMBER!

AAAMAAAGAAAAA I am so excited for then, for Friday, for life.

I'm getting ready, clearing my pendrive, packing my bags, having a bath and painting my nails neatly tonight, I'm so psyched!
Early nights make me feel prepared.
I like preparation.
However, I fail to prepare for lots of things, but I enjoy what I do.

Plus, I just found my Aladdin script and highlighed it all.
Wow, I have some mediocre lines.

BRING IT ON SIXTH FORM, wear me out why don't you?
I apologise now blog readers.
In advance.
See? I'm preparing you at least.

Tatty bye,
(for the drab foreseeable future...)

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Whoops, is it September already? I only wrote one blog in August.
Oh how I feel the shame!
Anyway, this past weekend saw Summer In The City in London!
That...doesn't make sense...
I don't want to rant about it, because I had so much fun, and so many amazing experiences, it'll make me miss it.
Plus, Liz will probably give a better account of it anyway.
We met SO many people, and just had an awesome time, singing, being, enjoying :D

I feel abit guilty because I find it hard to blog when I've written a detailed diary account of the day, and I don't want to just write out what I've written in my diary because that would just feel wrong, and I have a thing about copying things like that.
I like this thing to be more internetty and stuff, related to friends and times that people hopefully like reading about, and can relate and comment *justspoutingnowshouldstopreally*
I just don't want to give up on this, because it's fun, but I know that in weeks to come, sadly, these'll probably become short, uninteresting, rushed or non-existant.

Anyway, we went on a big Primark spreeeeeee so I have lots of little nice things and cheap clothes to mix and match.
Liz and I need to iron on transfers and watch up telly and films we're missing out on.
I think I'm going to paint my nails U.V. purple today, ah thankyou Primark bargains.

Tatty bye,