Friday, 30 October 2009

This sucks.

I haven't poured my thoughts out for 2 weeks to you guys! The lovely internet.
My, I am in good spirits recently.

I can't stop thinking about Monday Night;
Stereo Decade, we saw them at their gig in Newcastle at The Other Rooms. Their UK tour. They're pretty up-and-coming. And really cool.
They talked to us most of the night. It was so lovely.
We exchanged opinions on Shakespeare, they asked for us to add them on Facebook personally, and Joe said that keytars were on a scale of cool,-2 out of ten, which I admit, wounded me. (KEYTARS ARE COOL, YO')
I took a picture, or 4, and he kept looking up at me and smiling, It was beautiful.
Joe P hugged me lots.

His friend (Jonny) stroked my flowery-tight clad legs and said "I'm liking these" (NOT LIKE STROKED stroked, he just pointed really, stroke was the wrong word), and Joe laughed uncontrollably when I told him I genuinely knew someone called Iona Lighthouse.
Joe made a cute noise when I said my name was Hazel.
As in "That's a cool name" noise.
Then he said "I don't think I know any other Hazels. Oh wait, I know one."
Danielle piped up with "I bet you don't know a Haze though."
I said "So I'm your first Haze then!" and gave him a hug.
He somehow just ended up telling me about how he had just come out of a 2 year relationship, and it wasn't worth the hassle now. He then gave me the nicest hug EVER.

So I've had their music on repeat since Monday morning.
It's Friday now.
Oh poo it's Halloween tomorrow.
I'm not even bothered this year, but I do kindof wish I was going to somesort of party this year, just for the dressing up and judging factor.
I'm getting to that age now, that sadly, everyone feels the need to tart up, insanely.
I mean, I'm partial to it sometimes, its funny/fun, but most of the time, it's just riddiculous.

I've been on 'holiday' this week.
I didn't even explain why we went to see Stereo Decade on Monday, but it was a nice story, yet it's Danielle's to tell.

My inbox on my phone is full of messages from Danielle about Jonny.

Yesterday saw James and I going to see Eddie Izzard live at the Metro Radio Arena. He was incredibly funny, swore lots, but it somehow got lost in the moment. He did a bit about Giraffes. I was wearing my Johnny tee :D
We listened to Wizard Rock in the car on the way back.
And The Feeling came on.
I had a majorrrrrrrr sing along in the myself.
Mum fell asleep, and I can see how, but I don't know how she managed to stay asleep with me screaming "TURN IT UP AAAHOOOAAHHH" in the back.
She amazes me, daily.

Oh yeah, I appear to have 'kickstarted' my Dailybooth. It's not going to last ¬_¬
I'm really in a "lets get on a spur of the moment train" mood.

What's worrying me recently (actually, since Monday, strangely) is that I haven't been hungry around tea time, like at all. I've been doing lots and not much really, and then feel a little bit ill. I am confused.

The Sarah Jane Adventures is downloading offof BBC iPlayer. I am SO excited :D
King Lear is incredibly sad.

I just realised I didn't post the blog I promised to LAST Wednesday in Hazelizabeth.
It's on my pendrive. It's not very interesting, and now, doesn't fit in with the order of things.
Ahhh, lurker blog.
Just like 'Stratford'.


Going to go see Nana and listen to "Train Ride"

and for a LOL

Tatty bye,

Friday, 16 October 2009

New Chair

Well it’s not actually new I don’t think, it just wasn’t here before. Like me! I’m back! However, I’m at another computer, the one I used to spend every morning on playing Black Knight or Readbeard with Liz on…however, the one I use now, the *teacher* one, has been locked. By a teacher.
So, I could have turned it off and on again (oh The I.T.Crowd, I do love thee muchly) but I just decided to use a computer that was already on and save the hassle.
So I’m vaguely back to normal. Health wise. God forbid I’m mentally well any time soon, I wouldn’t be writing these if I had an ounce of sanity. Or would I?...
Well, that was strange.
I’m in school again, and have to be apologetic and catch up on things.
And wear my uniform again instead of my pj’s. Man that would’ve been weird.
Anyhow, I have to apologise for not being in, catch up on work, hand in an essay that I really didn’t try very hard to do because 1. I was falling asleep writing it and 2. I WAS VERY ILL.
That means I will write a cover sheet that says “Flu was responsible for this response. Hazel is very sorry.”
“I was not in my right mind when I wrote this, sorry.”

I have to write an absence note now, and self-whatever.
My mind went completely blank for a second there.
I now have no excuse to have to stalk around the school finding teachers to apologise to.
I’m going on a bus this afternoon with Bert. It will be fun.
Bert is going to meet Barry.


Clarinetix was amazing. So, so, so funny. I love being a bass XD
That’s where I went on the bus by the way. It wasn’t just irrelevant. I MADE A RELEVANT POINT GUYS.
Seriously, another two-parter blog? LONG STUFF. Mum says that the people who read this won’t read it all.
She lies.
Well, I hope she does anyway.

And shopping to do. Dress-hitching to do. A party to go to. And document afterwards and during.
Band to go to, I think.
Rainbows to go to this evening…
Saturday is going to cripple me guys.
And then Sunday will be nonstop work.

I seriously was *this* far away from being completely asleep in psychology today. Watching two DVD’s in last lesson?= SLEEEEEP.
I wish I could’ve just Levicorpus’d her. It would have been amazing.

I’ve grown.
And I had shoes on. My awesome shoes.
And my teacher is really short.
Short as in she can only write half-way up the board at a really big stretch. And even then it’s not straight, bahahahahahaha.

We arm wrestled today. My arms are WELL BUTCH :D

Yeah, I’m 4th strongest (:

My arm hurts.

Tatty bye,

Thursday, 8 October 2009


Do you ever have a cough, then when you get rid of it, think about, like, *how* you could’ve had a cough? It just doesn’t make sense to me. When you don’t have a cough, how you could have the urge to heave and splutter so much.

As you can probably gather, I have a cough. Quel Surprise. It’s werid. I guess I screamed it all out last night, for two reasons.
Firstly, We were going to see Tim Minchin, and I was freakin’ well excited :D

Man, 139 days to go! Well, she got tickets, so YEAHHH.
It’ll be ruddy GOLDEN.
I can’t wait!
So, she rang, and then we went to pick her up, listened to some MIKA in the car, and had some squee-ing fits, drove past where Mum and I went to see him (dubbed ‘MIKA corner’ from now on, the student’s union in Newcastle), and parked up. We walked in the slightly bitter cold, and saw the Newcastle University rabbits on the hill (N’AWWW) and rocked up to Newcastle City Hall.
We saw Philippa there, with her cousin Julia, and SHE HAD PURPLE SHOES ahahahaha. As did Tim when we met him, but that was LATERRR.
He was *so* funny, rude, hilarious, and Andy Bear was incredibly fun too (:
Tim did a lot of smiling and waving at Pippa as she was in the front row, and from now on, I will call her Crayons, as Tim was surprised at her youthful age and appearance. She is only 16 (: So, Hi Crayons :P

So we waited at the stage door with a HUGE gaggle of mad fans afterwards, and it was his Birthday yesterday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM! For…yesterday…
He had awesome trousers, and shoes :D and a mad face, so YEAH. I had my blue shoes on, and I felt way too cool. I shall hopefully insert a picture just about…here.

Hooray for the celebration of language and literature.
Good times.

We didn't do anything for National Poetry Day in school.
It was a sad day.
In that sense, but other than that, I WAS WELL HAPPY TODAY!
*hang on, as I type this bit straight into Blogger, I'm listening to MoM - The Bravest Man I Ever Knew, and I can have it on FULL VOLUME AND SING AND CRY ALONG BECAUSE DAD IS NOT IN THE VICINITY. Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh. And all other Wrock I possess too, even Howl At The Moon.

*The Ministry Would Like To ThankYou...wish you all the best*
I really, love my life at this point.
I'm contemplating doing a full blow, will-probably-take-a-month-of-Sundays-to-record- cover of Noah and The Whale's '5 Year's Time'.
(That means opinions ;P)

I am sorry about all of the coding being on people's different-to-firefox-browsers.
I love hyphens.
They want to ban the hyphen.
I will sign Mrs.Grehan-Bradley's "Save the hyhpen" petition. OF COURSE I WILL.
I love hyphens.
They make my punchy descriptions a little more dragged out.
Or jumbled together, either way, I do love a good hyphen.

Anyway, back to whatever point I was making.
Oh wait, I wasn't.

This day has been awesome.
Double English Lit, Study- where I had tea, felt a little ill at some of the things Lorna was saying, but it was pretty funny, and made me realise I miss Amelia. Or the things she used to say. Ohhh Amelia.
Then lunchtime, I went to a panto rehearsal, Tech was meh, Pastoral R.E. was just average, and dragged.
However, I did leave a little message for the cleaners on a piece of paper that read : "D.F.T.B.A. My Friend"
They'll never read it.

Man, I love that website.
And my Bass Clarinet part for Les Misérables that we're playing with Orchestra.
Oh and Mr. G-B has chucked a violinist offof the Paris trip so I can go because he "really wants a Bass Clarinet there" and he did a little "I'm enthusiastic about music" pose.

Ok, I'm starting to loose things a little bit more now.

I'm going to see Mika in 139 days.
In Newcastle.


Tatty bye,

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

It smells like a good pair of new shoes

In here. Or waterproofing agent. Either way it smells odd. I expect it to smell like stools, wooden stools, wood or burnt solder in here, because I’m in the tech rooms. The one with the red stools, and the red slidy-metal-death-trap-to-all-fingers-and-humans-door. It’s like the ones you get for lifts, you know, the second door type ones? But HUGE. And RED.

I didn’t know whether to put ‘smelled’ or ‘smelt’ for the title, so settled for ‘smells’, even though I’ve been in here for 5 mins, and I’ve adjusted myself to the smell. Saying ‘smelt’ makes me think of iron works, and molten metal. Smite me o’ mighty smighter! Hang on, does smiter have the ‘gh’? It appears it doesn’t have either Hazel, it ain’t a real world darlin’.

I feel like such a dweeb. I’m still sitting on this green stool (yeah, the teacher’s stool ;D) with my rucksack on my back. I AM THE ONLY GIRL IN LOWER SIXTH WITH A BACKPACK AND I LOVE IT. It means I don’t have to fret about carrying all of my files, but I still have to carry the big ones. I love being able to carry things and not having a stupid handbag that you can’t even fit a textbook in. And then proceed to not actually USE FILES BECAUSE THEY DON’T FIT IN YOUR BAG? Well, I’m getting an organised education, thankyou. All the best to you, people.

Wow. Why did I type that?

I’m feeling rotten, that’s why.

People spark off me too much. Like one boy in particular. Yeah, BOY. He ain’t no man.

Why act like a 12 year old girl and be so unpleasant to me? How, may I ask, have I ruined your week? Oh yeah, emphasis on YOUR week, because MY sibling’s gone away, and oh wait, you think that effects you as well?

It makes me sad how people can turn so quickly, and just out of spite.

It’s ridiculous.

I hate the word spite. Thankyou Death Of A Salesman.

And Dustin Hoffman for spitting it out in the film.

Man, now I have to face a day being ignored.

Fun. Times.

I love you guys who comment.

I miss Liz.


It’s Tuesday, and I didn’t manage to post last night.


I’m sitting at the same desk as yesterday, same time, different hair and shoes, coatless (because I wore it yesterday when I didn’t really need it, and now it’s raining and I need it…it’s in my locker *headdesk*) and I have decided, it smells like new boxes.

You know, like when you open a box of books, and the BOX smell. All, airy and…tight.


Things with that boy are good again. For now.

“Tracy, wake up, everything’s good again!”

Oh Mrs. Edna Turnblad, how you make me laugh.

There we go, some quoteage comin’ atchaaaa.

I’ve almost finished making my skirt, I’m so pleased ^_^

However, I think I may hoist and pin up one of my dresses to go to Flossy Jane’s “Alice In Wonderland” tea party… I need some mahooosive bows, YEY FUN TIMES :D

Today is my full day of the week, no studies or frees, but just SOLID CHOCKA WORK.

I still have this good feeeeling in my tummy when I have psycho first on a Tuesday, and I must find out what the bot makes me so happy…but for now, I’ll live in mystery.

It made me laugh this morning in a true schadenfreudian way, at a woman who tripped up abit on a wet paving slab, but then continued to try and walk as if it hadn’t happened. Whilst I was in the car, dry and snug. Well, as snug as I could be without my coat. Hehe, I’m still laughing at her “I didn’t just trip up” walk. Man, that’ll make me laugh all day. Only because it’s usually me.

Oh yeah, that means it rained today. Like, it’s actually poured it down ALL DAY. No excuses James!

If James doesn’t post a video, I shall be more cross than a crucifix.

Wait, what does that even mean?

I’m in a Catholic environment…oops.


I’m home from school, and ate my tea by myself for the second night in a row because Dad fell asleep. It’s like I’ve been on a diet. Two days, on the trot, mackerel sandwich and then homemade soup for tea.

I felt quite humbled, but just a little… well depressed really.

Still, nothing like two hours of Cadets then some King Lear to cheer you up ;)

Most common oxymoron anyone?

Microsoft Works.


Tatty bye,


Thursday, 1 October 2009


It’s so cold that I’m wearing gloves to type this out. Yes, I’m at school again.

And I have been so, so, so BUSY THIS WEEK. I haven’t like *gasp* been on the internet! I MISS IT!

Especially youtube *sadface*

And Elizabeth. Like silly amounts.


My right leg is seriously not my friend right now. I woke up at…well actually I don’t know what time it was, because I didn’t really have a chance to check it. I was in SO MUCH PAIN IT WAS UNBELIEVEABLE. And I do *not* get CRAMP. My whole lower leg just seized up and I wanted to scream. It was UNVBEARABLE. Hate IT. So I rolled over to make it better, alas, earwax.

Woah, not really. The pain just didn’t get any better. I had to snuggle up and stretch out my foot, but it was just awful. And now, after waking up, I had to limp out of bed. Yes, LIMP. Gah, I feel so lame. In both senses.

So I have my Dr.Marten boots on today, with Red spiderweb laces, so that I can walk, instead of my lovely-but-make-my-feet-ache-I’m-a-woman-who-loves-my-shoes-so-I-will-still-wear-them school shoes. They remind me of Halloween. AH WOW IT’S OCTOBER AND THINGS ARE FROSTY.


This means I can finally get a new coat, whip out my scarves and hats and…wait for it…


Oh wait, I’ve told you that.


Ah, Liz. You do make me smile.

Things are a little bit sidge, and outside, it is NOT wethot.

On Saturday, I am going on an amazing adventure, and hope to document it well. Oh man, I’m so excited.

WAIT A MINUTE. I haven’t told you what colour my gloves are!!!

Maybe you guys (yeah all 3 of you who respond <3)>

Mind you, they’re an inbetween colour, so BEST OF LUCK.

Woah, I just typed “best of lick.”

Please, do not lick my gloves. They make hitting the correct keys even harder, and now I’m scared the securus software may pick up on my spelling mistakezzz.

Oh well.

Ooooooh, The Pitmen Painters last night at the theatre was really interesting! Lots of little swears though, and a fully naked woman. 0_o

Apart from that, it was mostly about art and pitmen. Liz would have really enjoyed it. Mum came along too, so all was AMMEZZIN’.

I haven’t said that in ages. TIME TO RESSURECT THE AMMEZZIN’.

Oh to the heyday of Myspace indeed.


So, it’s now after school, and I’m waiting in the Sixth Form Library to get a lift home. I happened to pick the keyboard with a slightly more functioning space bar, but it’s not much better. *sigh* At least now I don’t warrant gloves. But my nail varnish is all but completely chipped off. There was a random upper sixth dude who just walked in and out, glared at me for typing so furiously, and then decided to huff off again. Ho hum pigs bum.

Ah, so onto why I started typing again. Pastoral R.E. I mean, it’s compulsory because we’re a Catholic School, I accept that. But when we have to spend a lesson being told and not actually discussing the evidence for the existence of a soul, it kinda drives me to do this…


Now, don’t get me wrong. I felt a little bit badass doing this. I did not take any of the lesson in, but meh, we got all ready made notes given to us at the end of the lesson, so it’s not that bad. However, not badass enough to do a little “Marissa’s badass moment of the day” moment, thing. I just think that, maybe, just maybe, I should do this every week? AH THE JOYS OF THURSDAYS.

My favourite bit is the HOT PIE and COOL PRAWN. I was hungry,’kay? Also, the little Marissa in a puddle was only drawn because doodling reminded me of the “DR.WHO LOGO >.<” pwning that went on in her blog. MAN IT WAS SO FUNNY. OWL <333

I just realised I didn’t do an owl. DAMMNIT.

Now, the space bar has finally packed in.

Crilley has gone.

That’s the other guy who was creeping around… I don’t know why he’s still here, he left…for Uni??????

But yeah, my furiousoooo typing has knackered the keyboard, and I still have an hour to kill in tehhh library bbz.

Man. This. Sucks.

Heck, I’ve written lots today.

Sort of makes up for not documenting Stratford?


Tatty bye,


P.s. I just googled “amezzin’” and it came up with a montage of Alan Rickman. AHHH MAN I LOVE THE INTERNET.