And I have been so, so, so BUSY THIS WEEK. I haven’t like *gasp* been on the internet! I MISS IT!
Especially youtube *sadface*
And Elizabeth. Like silly amounts.
My right leg is seriously not my friend right now. I woke up at…well actually I don’t know what time it was, because I didn’t really have a chance to check it. I was in SO MUCH PAIN IT WAS UNBELIEVEABLE. And I do *not* get CRAMP. My whole lower leg just seized up and I wanted to scream. It was UNVBEARABLE. Hate IT. So I rolled over to make it better, alas, earwax.
Woah, not really. The pain just didn’t get any better. I had to snuggle up and stretch out my foot, but it was just awful. And now, after waking up, I had to limp out of bed. Yes, LIMP. Gah, I feel so lame. In both senses.
So I have my Dr.Marten boots on today, with Red spiderweb laces, so that I can walk, instead of my lovely-but-make-my-feet-ache-I’m-a-woman-who-loves-my-shoes-so-I-will-still-wear-them school shoes. They remind me of Halloween. AH WOW IT’S OCTOBER AND THINGS ARE FROSTY.
This means I can finally get a new coat, whip out my scarves and hats and…wait for it…
Oh wait, I’ve told you that.
Ah, Liz. You do make me smile.
Things are a little bit sidge, and outside, it is NOT wethot.
On Saturday, I am going on an amazing adventure, and hope to document it well. Oh man, I’m so excited.
WAIT A MINUTE. I haven’t told you what colour my gloves are!!!
Maybe you guys (yeah all 3 of you who respond <3)>
Mind you, they’re an inbetween colour, so BEST OF LUCK.
Woah, I just typed “best of lick.”
Please, do not lick my gloves. They make hitting the correct keys even harder, and now I’m scared the securus software may pick up on my spelling mistakezzz.
Oh well.
Ooooooh, The Pitmen Painters last night at the theatre was really interesting! Lots of little swears though, and a fully naked woman. 0_o
Apart from that, it was mostly about art and pitmen. Liz would have really enjoyed it. Mum came along too, so all was AMMEZZIN’.
I haven’t said that in ages. TIME TO RESSURECT THE AMMEZZIN’.
Oh to the heyday of Myspace indeed.
So, it’s now after school, and I’m waiting in the Sixth Form Library to get a lift home. I happened to pick the keyboard with a slightly more functioning space bar, but it’s not much better. *sigh* At least now I don’t warrant gloves. But my nail varnish is all but completely chipped off. There was a random upper sixth dude who just walked in and out, glared at me for typing so furiously, and then decided to huff off again. Ho hum pigs bum.
Ah, so onto why I started typing again. Pastoral R.E. I mean, it’s compulsory because we’re a Catholic School, I accept that. But when we have to spend a lesson being told and not actually discussing the evidence for the existence of a soul, it kinda drives me to do this…
Now, don’t get me wrong. I felt a little bit badass doing this. I did not take any of the lesson in, but meh, we got all ready made notes given to us at the end of the lesson, so it’s not that bad. However, not badass enough to do a little “Marissa’s badass moment of the day” moment, thing. I just think that, maybe, just maybe, I should do this every week? AH THE JOYS OF THURSDAYS.
My favourite bit is the HOT PIE and COOL PRAWN. I was hungry,’kay? Also, the little Marissa in a puddle was only drawn because doodling reminded me of the “DR.WHO LOGO >.<” pwning that went on in her blog. MAN IT WAS SO FUNNY. OWL <333
I just realised I didn’t do an owl. DAMMNIT.
Now, the space bar has finally packed in.
Crilley has gone.
That’s the other guy who was creeping around… I don’t know why he’s still here, he left…for Uni??????
But yeah, my furiousoooo typing has knackered the keyboard, and I still have an hour to kill in tehhh library bbz.
Man. This. Sucks.
Heck, I’ve written lots today.
Sort of makes up for not documenting Stratford?
Tatty bye,
P.s. I just googled “amezzin’” and it came up with a montage of Alan Rickman. AHHH MAN I LOVE THE INTERNET.

Oh autumn montages = <3
ReplyDeleteas much as my favorite season is summer, my next is fall minus all the wind. I <3 gloves and scarves.
am I supposed to guess the color?
I would say you are more of a brown glove classy yet practical type girl but for some reason, I think these are really colorful. Am I wrong?
Your psychoanalysist,
ReplyDeleteI miss you like crazy, and although I don't want time to fly away from me I very much want to come home/see you.
Not in a "take me away from here" style, I adore it here, but in a, bloody hell I miss home, sort of way.
I just got the SAME EMAIL twice from the Lancaster woman about not showering with the bathroom door open to avoid setting the fire alarm off... DUH!
I think I'm going to try and sleep again... a few short half hours here and there last night is not exactly helpful!