Sunday, 31 January 2010
Strike up the band
Hello. What a lovely song. Arranged for the Ukulele there.
It's made me smile this weekend.
But a lot of things this morning have made my head hurt, and for bad reasons.
I spent last night talking to Marissa and Alice about things from the past that have plagued me, and I decided to act on it, and send a sincere message to an old "friend.
It turned out, that my sincerity was lost on her hypocrisy, and in retrospect, neither of us can really remember what happened accurately because anger played a part in our changing of ways, as well as distance and time.
And new friends, old friends, acquaintances and jealous beings all played their parts, maliciously and to a point where I gave up.
I am saying now, that I have given up.
It's her loss, not mine.
As she said, she gave up ages ago, and it's all in the past.
I'm moving on, and do you know what? Despite the bitchyness, I do actually feel relieved.
But there is another burden I bear, and that is the fact of this new...boy that I think I like.
She will talk to him about me.
My rock in this whole, now rather blown out of proportion situation, is Alice.
She knows what she's like, and I just pray that she can mediate for me. To him, and to her if necessary.
It's hit me pretty hard how much I've changed over this period of three years. I've grown up, and I can see it for once that I made some big decisions, and coming down hard on them now, I've certainly grown from them.
I also read back my entire myspace inbox today, with messages from 2006.
Man, I went through some myspace TRAUMA. And my best friends stuck with me through it all.
I'm going to play my ordinary clarinet (not the now fixed Bass, that is for Friday!) and my piano, and then stick some Regina Spektor and AFI on.
Then read some Gatsby and write some more letters.
Life isn't too bad, it just was kind of hard today.
It could be worse.
Tatty bye,
Friday, 29 January 2010
Do you ever...?
See stangers on buses, in the street, walking infront of you, and just wonder about their life-story? I think it’s fair to say I do that far too often, wondering if they have siblings, a partner, children they know about, children they don’t know about…what if they’re people with no destination? I’ve kind of not so secretly always wanted to be someone who could just get on the next bus that stops or enters the station, get on it to the end of the line and just spend a day exploring. Even if it’s somewhere I know! Mind you, I wouldn’t really like to explore Hetton or Peterlee quite as much as just getting the bus to Middlesborough. I mean, on Monday, I’d quite like to stay on the bus for abit longer, see which way it goes if you know what I mean. It’s a little bit tedious just seeing the snippit of the journey it does, but it’s all I really can see, isn’t it? I thought I was well adventurous getting off at the highstreet stop on Monday. It meant I had to walk back further, and I had silly shoes on, but I got to the library fine.
After finally updating my Zen last night, I certainly feel a lot more jokes, with some videos on there, new Sigur Ros tracks, and soon to put the D.F.T.B.A. lullabies album on there, I forgot to do that, dang! It’s really cute ^_^
Awh, sucks to be me with my biology test in about an hour… and more Tech to do than you can shake a stick at. I’ve never understood that phrase, but I certainly have a lot of work to do. I also haven’t watched the new Skins from last night. Mum said it wasn’t up to much, but she said that about the last series…and was quite rightly correct about it. I guess I’ll say I don’t really want to get back into it… but we all know I will!
The narrator on the computer desktop thing started talking at me. I almost pooped my pants! Oh yeah, another trouser blog folks (:
Phew. Flapp over.
I totally just DJ-d a disco for 12 Guides.
It was slightly diabolical.
If you see a stranger today, please smile at them. They cost nothing and despite their infectiousness, may just brighten that person’s day. Or you know, alert them to the presence of a madwoman in my case. It’s more than likely to be quite fair.
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 28 January 2010
I am sorry for the length of my last post. It was actually rather painful to concentrate on, in both writing and reading back. So, I’m going to try to make an effort not to exceed a page on here. And also, to try to stick to more of a point.
I’ve realised that I really enjoy seeing people doing awkward or embarrassing things. Like searching for their car in a car park with full hands, getting to the car and they cant’ open it…and then they drop something. I also really enjoy pulling faces at people from inside the car, or on public transport when I’m by myself, and seeing them get utterly perplexed. It’s the sense of power I think, just the childish element that sometimes makes them go (or at least I hope it does) “Y’know what? Loosen up.”
I like being that little bit childish, laughing for a little bit too long and sometimes even slightly grudgingly, hold quotes dear to me.
I’m really very excited for the next part of my life. As soon as February starts, this year is going to be pure, undiluted awesome. I just know it will be with what is already in place to happen, and judging by the surprises that have already come my way so far, others are in store. Waiting quite literally around the corner, in the cover of a book, in Timothy-Tarquin the laptop… in my camera. Being captured and preserved, and holding a hope that these excellent moments will stay with me for as long as possible.
Recently, my indulgence has been completely zoning out to music I usually would skip on shuffle. The technique has been to lock the screen so I can’t see what it is. I just listened to a song by Stephen Gately. This makes me sad.
Away to double English, a free in which I will be religiously studying Biological Molecules (ARGHJSHHWALKAJA), TECH and then Pastoral R.E.
Annie Lennox.
Oh man, yesterday Johnson tried to make a Harry Potter joke, I totally stared him down. So did the rest of the class.
“So petrification is when the minerals blah blah and turn to stone, like the Harry Potter spell… when he petrifies someone?”
GAHHHHHH. It wound me up in the tiniest way, I just wanted to scream PETRIFICUS TOTALUS *so* loudly at someone and for them to act out just freezing up and fall to the floor. It would have been so EPIC! I’m sure Fran would’ve done it for me. However, I would have looked like the most obnoxious douchebag ever if I had done that, so I sat there and glared at Johnson whilst he went red and his eyebrows went crazy from embarrassment.
Tatty bye,
p.s. I actually heard someone say "I'm not going to lie to you..." today. I think it's fair to say it made me :D
Monday, 25 January 2010
Not a mundane Monday fo'sho
Right, so those of you not friends with me on facebook, prepare to have your minds BLOWN. Except Liz, because I told you yesterday IRL, and it had an hilarious impact, oh Sunday lunch banter :’)
SO! My last post…think back y’all…or read back, depends what your memory is like! I wrote about “J’seat”. Now, this culprit…has always been a mystery. We never knew if it was simply just bad grammar in jest… or infact anything else. Now, since writing my last post, my trusty and AMAZING friend Francesca (previously of MSN fame on here ^^) informed me of the identity of the “J’seat” thief. Well, not a thief, I just thought thief sounded pretty nifty there…maybe the “J’seat” thief DID steal something from the stool…like its ability to name itself and be sat on by others. YEAH MAN! So, the “J’seat” thief is INFACT…
JAMES WRIGHT! Now, this all very amusingly ties down to the fact that he is not only my friend, but was in my father’s tutor group for the past 5 years. You got that right bloggers, my Dad works in the school I go to. I am just the coolest person EVER, RIGHT? Oh how very wrong you all are. ANYWAY!
He appears to have written on the undercarriage of the stool to claim that it was his, and people were stealing his stool from him on the mornings they registered in this room! He’s possessive like that. So, after about two years of wondering WHO ON EARTH would have graffitied such AWFUL French grammar on the undercarriage of a stool…and now I find out it was JAMES. Of *all* people. We now know that it was not French at all! But in fact “Jay-seat.” As in “James’ seat”. What a let down. But also, pretty hilarious :’)
It reminds me of Gastby… Shurrup you, get on to the main point of your blog LADY!
Actually, it turns out I was just going to mention this in passing, but you have all unwillingly been reading trouser blogs. YES, you read that correctly; TROUSER BLOGS.
I have written these either on a morning at school, or in an evening at home, posting them when I get home if written on a morning, and the same if I wrote them in an evening… (DUHHH) whilst, get this ladies and
I have forgotten to put my watch on! My day is ruined.
So I'm home now, self explanatory, posting this. And get this, for once I have more to account!
I really love bus journeys on a Monday, let's get this straight. I mean, you should know I have a major like obsession (almost) with travelling in general, mainly on trains. And having that tranquil time to think, plugged into some music that makes you go "ahhh (:" inside and out, it's just fantastic! So, stemming from this, I got on the bus tonight, to get home early, to go to the library and then home before Piano! I had scrambled eggs on toast for tea, but that's just part of the aftermath. This lovely boy I met a week ago got on the bus as well. It was kind of arranged but not really, because we just both knew we had to get the bus, so we kind of went...well if we see each other we'll talk.
IT WAS AMAZING. I was talking to him about nerdy things...and he was like "What's the nerdy hand sign then?"
WOAH THERE. NERDFIGHTERS MOMENT! So, I whipped out the sign. Like full on, I did actually almost poke my own eyes out, but that's no matter. A boy standing in the corridor of the bus look at me and was like "YOU'RE A NERDFIGHTER?!?! WOW!"
So I was like "YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY! I've never met another person in Durham who is a Nerdfighter before!" (In my head I was thinking WHAT ABOUT JOHNNY? But I didn't meet him on a bus now, did I?) I sat there, doing less than threes with my weird thumbs and fingers, and all the time my boy was like "So what's a nerdfighter????"
I think he may want to be one now, he has the credentials and potential to fight worldsuck HARD with me, anyday. I established that I am not made of bones and stuff, and infact, AWESOME, and he agreed. My life is sweet.
I then went to the library and ordered "STOP! In the name of pants!" by Louise Rennison, and proceeded to walk home the slightly longer way in mah clippy cloppy shoes with the most genuine GRIN on my face ever.
I've just watched Charlieissocoollike's song about love.
This Monday has certainly Exceeded my Expectations, but if I don't stray away from Facebook until I have finished these Biology research conundrums, I will fo' sho get an Awful in Biology this year.
Tatty bye,
Friday, 22 January 2010
J’ai perdu…
J’seat. Now, I am fully aware that the title is grammatically correct, yes? But J’seat isn’t. Now, this is because there is a stool. A slightly broken stool in the tech block. That some smarty pants has written “J’seat” on the undercarriage. It’s pretty funny really, and I try to sit on it when writing these blogs a la matin. However, as I said before… J’ai perdu j’seat! C’était a la desk et donc une robber est stolen ca! Meh, I fail at French. However, Franglais? WIN!
This morning, I tried to get Mum and Dad to do brain gym at the kitchen table over breakfast. We were onto the not eating and just drinking tea stage, so I figured it would be sensible to demonstrate, in my very addled state I managed to do so, unfortunately proving I was in a state fit enough to attend Sixth Form. Poop. Anyway, Dad thought he’d done it right, whereas Mum sat there, in a fixed position. My how we laughed at her.
So, the object of the exercise is:
1. Put your right index finger on your nose. Got it?
2. Put your left index finger over the top of your right arm and touch your right ear. Ready?
3. Swap them over so you have your left index finger on your nose and your right index finger over the top of your right arm and touching your left ear.
Right! Done it? Have a few tries. Dad’s first try ended up with him with his right hand on his nose and his left hand on his left ear. It’s not that simple you know! You have to cross them over!!!
Mum however (giggles remembering) ended up with both hands on her ears and both hands on her nose, and then said “I can’t hear the instructions anymore!”
Anyway, she kept trying, and I almost spat my toothpaste over the mirror, as she was still trying half an hour later when I was brushing my teeth. Sorry for the gross image of me spitting everywhere.
And for reminding you. Perhaps you shouldn’t read this so fast.Imagine you’re reading this like I write it. Every letter being re-typed as I get them the wrong way around and make mistakes. Like crossings out but typing corrsing instead of crossing there. No Haze, this is barmy.
Anyway, I’ve got a rehearsal to go to at lunchtime and sing, so this is not looking so good, as my throat has decided to ultimately seize up. I have to hand in some tech, but I am hoping to play the “I am very ill” card. Please.
I’m going to see a comedian tonight. I am very excited. But what to wear?
So, I managed the day. Somehow. We didn’t hand in any tech, apparently it’s for next week and ongoing… phew!
So, lots of Biology to tackle…lots of lyrics and bopping moves to learn for Mika etc though. And lots of mellow swinging to practise for Mumford and Sons. I think I’m going to make an outtakes video for Train Ride…soon. I might write a song too, I’ve got one brewing :D
My cold is almost gone! HOORAY!
However, I’m so so so SICK of having to blow my nose in lessons and everyone giggling about it. I know it’s gross, but otherwise it’d be bubbling out over everything, and you’d like that WOULDN’T YOU?

I am excited
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Not so splendid, but it’ll do
Last night I spent getting tired and having odd dreams that I can’t remember which slightly scares me. I worry if I don’t have dreams, like vivid ones I can remember. And it’s always the really odd ones that stay. Oh, isn’t that a surprising thing to point out Hazel? NOT. Duhhh.
Yesterday we watched about an hours worth of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince because we didn’t have a psychology teacher. It was AWESOME! I have a plot test on Gatsby today, and I realised that I have been confusing Jordan with Myrtle for ages. DANGGG IT I AM SCREWED.
My mittens are *slightly* too long. I still love them though ^_^
Bad, bad, terrible hair day, and again, no makeup. Still, we had fish and chips last night, so it’s not all bad (:
I get to upload my video now too (:
I really don’t like it when Chris Moyles on the radio slates Owl City. Like he can talk… GAH. OH MY GOODNESS IT IS NOW LESS THAN A MONTH ‘TIL THEN AAAHH MAAAHHH AAAAAAAAAA!
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Anticipating bad things.
1. I have a cold. This has meant my nose is runny, and therefore red, and now the rest of my face is red, around my nose and eyelids now because of the eye weepage yesterday. This has mean that
2. I am not wearing any makeup today. I feel bare and naked faced.
3. I am far too warm. I have lots of (but still, not really enough) layers on to keep me warm and get my cold to go away, but it isn’t working. I AM BREATHING THROUGH MY MOUTH, I DO NOT LIKE THIS.
4. I have chipped a typing nail.
5. My nail varnish is chipping, and therefore a crack is appearing in my demeanour.
I am debating in my slightly catar addled brain that I have anticipated that today will be a bad day for me. Usually, Wednesdays are busy and tiring when I am well and fully aware of what I have to do, and have done to feel I have successfully “passed” this day. However, by making myself believe that a bad start to the day will only worsen my prospects has kind of made me think that if I think it will be a bad day all around, but something might just happen to make me feel better. Despite this glimmer of hope, I know that thing will not be Double Psychology first or my Clarinet Lesson at lunchtime. However, it will make me smile, because it’s a clarinet. ASIDE FROM THAT… I don’t think it will be choir that will make me happier because I have a sore throat and eyes and my hearing doesn’t allow me to know whether I’m squawking in tune let alone in time with everyone else. I think I may be shouting for the majority of today. So, that’s choir off my list of things that may cheer me up. I don’t think Guides will majorly cheer me up, because… well, they’re all young people and they make me feel old giving out fliers and asking for their money. Still, the disco should be lots of fun next Friday :D Glee did cheer me up quite abit last night, as did a certain someone being very complimentary. And stuff.
When I was brushing my teeth this morning, which actually tends to be when I have my most mundane and least interesting thoughts on the whole, was when I realised that Kate Nash really conducts herself in a manner I kind of wholly despise.
“You're chatting to me, like we connect
But I don't even know if we're still friends
It's so confusing,
Understanding you is making me not want to do
And think things like: 'I know I should do'
But I trip up and then I lose
I hate looking like a fool..”
Right, well those lyrics were buzzing around my head, and I thought, well, they’re kind of relevant to me, right? And then it just hit me that Kate Nash is a douche really. But I still like her music. Even if she can’t really speak or perform very well, it’s catchy and that. She’s just really annoying if I’m honest.
My nose is running, and I really cannot be bothered today. I hope something out of the blue really cheers me up today, but anticipating something good amongst this vast forest of disappointment is highly unlikely, because really, if something good happens, I am more likely to fall asleep than acknowledge it today.
Anyway, we’ll see!
Turns out, today was pretty lovely really.
Happy St. Agnes Eve!
Don’t forget to sleep on your back virgins, with your shoes in a T shape at the end of the bed, and you will dream of the man you will marry :D
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
I think I do need grounding.
I wrote in my diary that something has to give, everything is happening at once in this fantastic start to the new year, so many new opportunities, friends, experiences, all shared. It’s absolutely great! However, I’m scared that it’s all going to shatter before me and I won’t be able to pick up the pieces in time, so I’m living and loving this all while I can.
So, onto my serendipitous moment! Well, I was linked to (by Facebook, oh YEAH) Erik Hassle the other day. So, I watched the video, and was like “Ooh, this is catchy.” I did my research… and HOLY MOLEY! He is supporting Mika on his up and coming February tour! WHICH I AM GOING TO BE AT. SUCK ON THATTTTT! So, I’m pretty excited about that. I’m telling you this because the song I was linked to was played by Scott Mills on the radio yesterday when we were driving back from piano, and I explained the story to Mum and she was like “Hehe, serendipity.”
My mum is the coolest. Word.
She also said that my life is becoming YouTube dominated. Not Word.
Can you make things not word? Surely you just don’t say them…
Aside from all of this, well actually it’s not that aside, it’s kind of inline with the point. I know my mum will eventually read this, so she can find out here without me having to explain and be all…well probably embarrassed.
So, at Alice’s party the other night, I met this boy. Yes, I didn’t tell you about this boy Mum…I didn’t feel it was necessary. And it turns out, we have a startling amount in common. And he got my Elder Wand reference, so dang, he’s in my good-not-boring-book. Wait, just to clarify, I do not have a book of boys, it’s just a saying. The most amazing thing about this all, is that he plays the clarinet and likes Jazz. I know, right? We are both not in a band, because we do not play “cool” band instruments. I mean, this is like the most serendipitous thing ever? Hopefully? He also just told me he prefers David Mitchell to Russell Brand. Suck on that Danielle. Anyway, he’s really…well, cool. I was going to say nice, but that is such a sucky, sick-inducing word that…UGH I JUST DON’T LIKE IT OK?
And no Mum, it’s not Matthew. So there.
My glowsticks from Saturday night are still glowing. Like, they kept me awake last night. I think I have radioactive elements in my skin keeping them alive.
Oh, you had to go and make yourself sound weird, didn’t you? Idiot.
I am so ill. Like, serious bad cold here. My eyes have been watering all day, oh yes, eye leakage. So Johnson thought I was crying. So did my tutor. He was like “What’s the matter?” I was like “I AM ILL.” “Oh, but what’s the matter?” NO SIR, I AM JUST ILL. MY EYELINER HAS SMUDGED, MY FACE IS RED, AND MY HEAD IS SO DIZZY, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME PLEASE.
My ears have been all bunged up all day, like I’ve tried to pop them but they haven’t quite popped back. It’s truly awful. I want to curl up with my book and go to bed when I get in, seriously, I can’t be doing with Cadets at all!
Ok, now the tears are streaming. This is bad.
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 17 January 2010
And then I got the train home by myself, which in itself, is a solitary experience I really enjoy.
We also saw a dead pigeon.
That was not fun.
Tatty bye,
Friday, 15 January 2010
Typing and Shennanigans
Firstly, I’m in school. We drove. In our car. I did my make up and it turned out PRETTY GOOD :D My hair is the right shape, colour, not length but it’ll do. I’m in quite a good mood really Although, I did have to take my gloves off, y’know, the special ones with fingers missing, to type this, because actually, my hands go really funny when typing. I tend to just use my index (pointy) finger, and thumb on the spacebar. Sometimes my third finger, but it does feel pretty odd doing that! I challenge you, to type with ALL OF YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR NEXT POST! (That is if you don’t already).
Recently, I’ve seen an increasing use of my left hand little finger on the shift key. Oh yeah, I do a lot of shouting via MSN to Danielle these days. I should refrain, but it’s just how I react, right? OH I JUST USED MY FOURTH FINGER ON MY RIGHT HAND TO PRESS SHIFT. That was odd. Well, the reason I was pointing this out was because my little finger sticks out in an odd way on both hands, but when I’m typing, I’ve just noticed and it’s really starting to freak me out. PIANO FINGERS, MUCH? Ahhhhhh. Like that time when Dad pointed out that Noel Fielding’s little fingers on Buzzcocks were sticking out in a *really* odd way during the intro’s round. Teehee. I just typed that without looking. Oops.
The other day in Biology we had the laptops out. Now, these laptops are infamous for their inability to work in general. But oh no, the one we picked out happened to look particularly aesthetically BROKEN. It had several keys missing, (but thankfully not the spacebar like Charlottes!) but with Danielle and I having lots of typing skillz, we knew where the BAD BOI keys were, and how to make a presentation on SPONGES. OH YEAH MAN, SPONGES.
So I’m going over to the sixth form block now, hopefully the murderous icicles have you know, been sawn off or something. I swear, I had to RUN from the building to the path every time I opened the door last week, I was petrified! Not quite Petrificus Totalus, but pretty darn scared at least.
So it’s now after my exam.
It was ok :D
Yesterday, I texted James telling him to come and eat with us at lunctime again (I know, right? How could you ditch us? FOR A FREAKIN’ POT NOODLE???) and told him if he didn’t I woulc crucio his baby makers. I thought it was a good wun at the time :D
Rather ashamedly, it’s Friday. Yesterday was pretty freakin’ awesome! My Stereo Decade t-shirt came in the post, FINAALLLLLYYY! And it had a little amazing stickered usb pendrive in it, with 2 extra songs which I didn’t have which are really, really lovely, and Mum was singing along to my text tone of “So Cool” because it just kept going off all night hahaaaaa. So I have an amazing new background and the most amazing new pendrive… and Joe was finalising dates with me (no, not like that bahahha) for this shebang of a party in March. He just popped up, all quick whilst Muv and Dad were witnessing me having an uber fangirl moment. I was so shaky, and I was just trying to open up everything on the pendrive without clicking it too many times as to delete it, it was such a blast.
Seriously, I cannae wait! Plus, I have a feeling that this Saturday with Fran and Danielle is going to blow my mind. And theirs. I have some amazing ideas (I hope) for stuff to film and how I want to edit all :D I’M SO EXCITED. PLUS, SHERLOCK HOLMES! WOOO! It reminds me of our amazing Swiss holiday <3
I was looking at York Uni, which I think I have my heart pretty firmly set on as well as Edinburgh, and they offer a year abroad in a Swiss Uni to study Literature. Man, I AM SO SO SO TEMPTED!
Mum just texted to be to tell me that my video posted after the youtube FAIL that was last night. Yay! I really like that video, I hope you guys do!
And look out in the next few weeks for my music video, it’s probably going to take ages, I can just *tell*.
I ate so much yesterday it was actually just wrong. I never feel like that, I usually feel like I eat just the right amount…but ickk, I just felt to gross yesterday.
Stuck in your headlights, I can’t take more.
Glass relationships, yeah we still can’t see what we’re doing wrong.
Those boys are amezzin’.
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Conversations with my 16 year old friends
*if anyone walked past and looked in right now, they would see someone who looks like a REALLY indie boy. Flicky hair, big fringe, comfy jumper, collar poking out of the top... oh wait someone walked past. FML.
Hazeee [[24601]] LUCIUS DID IT says:
*it's my simon shirt i've been wearing over tshirts as an extra layer
*and now i've ripped the armpit
This is my life. Explaining the mundanities of my life to Fran and Danielle on MSN. I love my life so much. I'm organising a party for Danielle. It's going to be the BEST night of my life, better than the first, and better than McFly...wait, did I just say that? No, McFly is always going to be the best fangirl night ever. As well as SitC. WOW. MY LIFE IS AMAZING.
But it also sucks, I can't go out because the buses aren't running properly and it's REALLY blizzarding now. So no Sherlock Holmes (and Jude Law...*Actually drools*) with James. Dang.
I cut my nails. They're short.
I am listening to You Me At Six, and I love them. They are so Indie/Emo I love them. Fran and I are going to see them the day after this AMAZING night of party organised by me and the people it's for. So much for the surprise aspect of it all ahaha, I figured if it's at Fran's house...then I'd have to tell her/ask... HA.
Francesca LUCIUS DID IT says:
*danielles sisters breasts arent always our priority in life
These conversations and quotations will stay with me forever, and since I'm archiving them... I might as well chuck the one in that made me spit out my tea.
I'm revising now for Psychology, and until it's over on Wednesday, I think I'm going to be away from the internet.
Sorry world!
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
It was unsuccessful.
I even had to try and push.
There were three stranded cars just on our street. The man in the van right on the corner tried to help us too, but man, he was so annoyed, he'd been stuck for fourty mins by the time he was done helping us. So we got back onto the drive, and I am sat at home at 08:59. SWEEEET TING MAN!
Alice texted me this morning, to see if school was closed. Oh wait, technically I'm skiving off, aren't I? Because our school is actually still open, but I can't ACTUALLY GET TO IT. My mum wouldn't let me try and walk or get a bus, but my Dad has to try to "show willing" so he can get paid for trying...or something about a snow letter. So yes, Alice texted to remind me that our Catholic school doesn't believe in snow, that was why it's still open.
I am also writing this in the "new post" bit today for once, I usually just type it out on Word, but I'm on a 60 day trial doodah, and OH MAN.
GET CAPE. WEAR CAPE. FLY just came on! I love this.
I think I'm going to make a Saveit4arainyday video today, and my Squirrelrebellion one, because if I'm in school tomorrow, there is no way I will have time!
It's Wednesday?
No choir today, major sad times!
Nevermind, seeing as I'm home alone for the forseeable hour, I shall make up for it with sock dancing to Stereo Decade and The Smiths.
Man, Morissey, what a babe.
I have some crazy, creative video juices running right now.
However, I need some tea to fuel this further.
And some amazing music, sorted.
Fran and Danielle are online.
I'm clearly not going to get ANYTHING done today.
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
It just REALLY annoys me, that someone can’t just be in charge of switching off all of the computers in school on the last day of term. Maybe I’ll raise it at school council :D
This morning, a little (well actually a thing of rather giant proportions) blew my (and my Dad’s) mind when we got into school. The roads, yard and carpark at school had been, get this…
There are great MOUNDS of snow, still soft, still soft, just lurking, waiting to be kicked down by a violent 12year old, I can feel it in my aching bones.
Which by the way actually hurt quite a lot, I didn’t sleep very well last night at all, achy breaky bones by the sounds of it.
I would take a picture of this monstrosity, but I feel some video would be more appropriate. However, I am becoming more and more conscious of what I look like whipping my camera out to record the somewhat less fascinating and sadly quite mundane aspects of my being… but you people want to know, right?
You fantastic 11…
3 of which I know who actually read it and tell me they do.
Duuuuudes! Wait, most of you aren’t dudes at all, you’re chicks.
CHIIICKKKS! I doesn’t have the same ring.
Man, it’s Tuesday. Last night was EVENTFUL :D
But let’s focus on this morning for a second.
I can type this properly now because Elizabeth got me some fingerless gloves that turn into mittens (I know, I know, mindblowing right?) and it’s like she KNEW I needed them for this sole purpose…and for clarinet playing in the winter months :D
So, back to last night.
Danielle got messaged by a special someone…something very special indeed! AND I’M SITTING IN SCHOOL WAITING FOR HER TO GET HERE SO I CAN KNOW THIS DANG NANG GOSSSSIP!
However, the best thing about last night (oops, I accidentally typed thong…I hope the server whatsit doodah doesn’t pick up on it hahahaha) was that FRAN WAS ONLINE! YESSAHHHH. And she sent me a link to the most fantastic website I have seen in a good long while. Goodness only knows how she got to it, but it’s people who have remastered (ha, Master) the Dr.Who theme tune. My favourite is probably the Acid Jazz couple, or the Who rocks the party that rocks the TARDIS one ^_________^
I’m off to get the gossip.
Then this other he was also very pleasant to me.
Tight man! This is it. I’m pursuing my dreams.
Tatty bye,
p.s. the snow is bad. Please send emergency e-chocolate.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
I did last night, and it just clicked with me.
I felt human.
It was really odd, I just felt so calm and still, all of these work burdens were just lifted. I was warm, and my head was all floaty. My hair was really soft and covered in conditioner, and when I raised my head, I just felt...well free.
It was lovely.
Try it the next time you get a chance, it really made me feel connected.
Anyway! To the title!
My shelves are packed with allsorts of useless junk. I mean, French to English dictionaries the size of a loaf of bread? PLEASE, I DO NOT NEED YOU. Yet, if I tried to move you, you would surely ensure the very secure avalanche of doom, making my two complete year diaries from the past to years, a box of unused and probably to sell 2grade clarinet reeds, "The Kissing Gates" and a pen and compass set. Not to mention all of those CD's collapse their balancing act and die a lonely death on the cold, hard floor. (Woah, bit too far?)
This is why nothing in my room ever gets sorted. Just moved.
There are books and files on the one above the piano. Man, I can't even reach it.
There are chocolates and unwritten Christmas cards up there.
Oh, what I was going to say, right.
I went over to the anticipatory avalanche (man, can you tell I'm in English Lit essay writing mode? I ROCK) and a letter fell out. I didn't even touch it! It had a cat on the envelope, it was just one of those reminder letters from our Ranger leader telling us that there were some labels for our t-shirt business in the envelope.
But why are you telling us this Haze?
Well, I just wanted to say that I really love keeping things that remind me of things. Simple, but almost everyone does it. Except minimalists. Who I just don't get. But my thing is definitely letters. I mean, my best friend Alice, who lives literally 2 doors down, slightly around the corner and across the road sends me letters because we don't go to the same school any more, and she knows (one of the many reasons she is my best friend) that I love letters, responding to them, and looking back fondly on how someone's train of thought runs through a letter.
I seem to be steaming through these blogs recently, maybe because I have one thing I want to talk about, then another thought jumps on the brain train and my crafting goes to pot because I don't read back and spell check puts a wiggly line under "BLOG".
I have super red, harlot nails. I love it!
Time to stick on "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", "Far", and "The First Days Of Spring" until I know all of the words and all of this work is done.
Then I can plan another video and get more excited for the Rebellion!
Oh, and I now have Spotify, my life is complete.
Wait, I need podcasts!
You heard it here first homeslicez!
(on the 3rd Jan...YEAH)
Tatty bye,
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Blizzard like a lizzard
It's like a signal to tell me that it's time to wind down, and just plainly stop working, plug into some music, play some music, and read.
This should not be happening right now. I need to get in essay editing mode.
I'm in typing mode. It's all a-flowing. I reckon it's Owl City's electronic tones compelling me to just feel floaty and free, instead of slightly trapped in by the crazy snow outside.
Not that I'm actually snowed in or anything...yet.
Wow, if school is closed... no man Haze, you actually have to do your work!
I painted my nails red this morning, and haven't smudged them yet...woop!
Also, I am learning the chords for the Uke version of "Let Me Take You There" by the Plain White T's :D It's so lovely! But kinda tricky.
And "Who Knew" by Pink, but that's for like...other times when my hand doesn't already hurt :(
My face is so sore right now, it's all red and flakey and it hurts. I am not in a good mood with it. It has two days to get into gear and get better before I have to go back to the grindstone.
Oh diddlemeisters, the snow is really falling heavy now.
I have no inspiration to write anything anymore.
I have lots of ideas for videos, music blahh blahh.
I should really have taken Media. Oh well!
I think we may have had about an inch of snow in the time it's taken me to write this, which, sorry to disappoint you, hasn't been very long at all...
Back to Mika and psychology revision.
No Haze, finish your coursework then REWARD yourself with that... sure.
Then watch Amelié at about 9 o'clock and feel cool about that.
Tatty bye,