J’seat. Now, I am fully aware that the title is grammatically correct, yes? But J’seat isn’t. Now, this is because there is a stool. A slightly broken stool in the tech block. That some smarty pants has written “J’seat” on the undercarriage. It’s pretty funny really, and I try to sit on it when writing these blogs a la matin. However, as I said before… J’ai perdu j’seat! C’était a la desk et donc une robber est stolen ca! Meh, I fail at French. However, Franglais? WIN!
This morning, I tried to get Mum and Dad to do brain gym at the kitchen table over breakfast. We were onto the not eating and just drinking tea stage, so I figured it would be sensible to demonstrate, in my very addled state I managed to do so, unfortunately proving I was in a state fit enough to attend Sixth Form. Poop. Anyway, Dad thought he’d done it right, whereas Mum sat there, in a fixed position. My how we laughed at her.
So, the object of the exercise is:
1. Put your right index finger on your nose. Got it?
2. Put your left index finger over the top of your right arm and touch your right ear. Ready?
3. Swap them over so you have your left index finger on your nose and your right index finger over the top of your right arm and touching your left ear.
Right! Done it? Have a few tries. Dad’s first try ended up with him with his right hand on his nose and his left hand on his left ear. It’s not that simple you know! You have to cross them over!!!
Mum however (giggles remembering) ended up with both hands on her ears and both hands on her nose, and then said “I can’t hear the instructions anymore!”
Anyway, she kept trying, and I almost spat my toothpaste over the mirror, as she was still trying half an hour later when I was brushing my teeth. Sorry for the gross image of me spitting everywhere.
And for reminding you. Perhaps you shouldn’t read this so fast.Imagine you’re reading this like I write it. Every letter being re-typed as I get them the wrong way around and make mistakes. Like crossings out but typing corrsing instead of crossing there. No Haze, this is barmy.
Anyway, I’ve got a rehearsal to go to at lunchtime and sing, so this is not looking so good, as my throat has decided to ultimately seize up. I have to hand in some tech, but I am hoping to play the “I am very ill” card. Please.
I’m going to see a comedian tonight. I am very excited. But what to wear?
So, I managed the day. Somehow. We didn’t hand in any tech, apparently it’s for next week and ongoing… phew!
So, lots of Biology to tackle…lots of lyrics and bopping moves to learn for Mika etc though. And lots of mellow swinging to practise for Mumford and Sons. I think I’m going to make an outtakes video for Train Ride…soon. I might write a song too, I’ve got one brewing :D
My cold is almost gone! HOORAY!
However, I’m so so so SICK of having to blow my nose in lessons and everyone giggling about it. I know it’s gross, but otherwise it’d be bubbling out over everything, and you’d like that WOULDN’T YOU?

I am excited
Tatty bye,
Pretty bloggage.