Wednesday, 18 January 2012

It's a brand new year...

... no new posts since JULY.

I am a bad blogger.
Hey, my posts used to be such quality. Remember when I got locked in the toilet? When I went to see Mika? When I spent brilliant days with Fran and my sister and talked about my Mother and Father and their hilarious personalities for posts and posts and posts?

Well... I went to Uni, and life has just blown me away. Obviously not literally, I'm still sitting right here, on the same laptop, just in a different city. That's right, I finally moved away from home! I hope that doesn't sound like "OMG I FINALLY LEFT HOME WEEEEEEEEEEW I'M PROPA BUZZIN' TO BE ON ME OWN LYK NOO MORE PARENTS YOU CAN'T TELL ME NOT TO BUY AND EAT POTATO SMILEYS AND JAMMIE DODGERS WHEEEE LET'S GAN MENTAL FRESHAAAAS".

Not at all.
The reality of it all is that I blast musical soundtracks from my room in the poshest halls on campus, jam on my ukulele a fair bit and paint my nails at least once a week with a new pattern/theme to make sure I still allow myself to have an artistic outlet. I also dyed the underneath of my hair bright blue, but now it's purple. News is news, whether 5 and a half months late... right?

I just got back from my food shop and necessary walk to Aldi and I was struck by how light I felt as I walked there. The sun was almost setting and Mumford & Sons "Sigh No More" was lightly propelling me along in my ears, protected from the wind by my cat hat.

I was totally at ease with just being. Bounding along with a considerable spring in my step, I must have looked agreeably quite mental but that didn't matter to me in that moment, nor does it really now.
I smiled at everyone who cycled or walked past and I felt a little bit giddy with my freedom and just generally really happy outlook. Just as elated on the walk back just several pounds more to carry weighing my shoulders down and causing my HUGE arm muscles to ache and it made me think of my Outward Bound expeditions.

I wasn't wearing anything special to make me feel chipper and good about myself. I was completely alone, all wrapped up with my rucksack on my back. I wasn't running, just plodding with the intention of going to Aldi and returning to my house. I wasn't even wearing make up.

Just a smile.
(well, I was wearing lots of clothes, it was flipping chilly today folks!!)

I hope my smile put a spring in someone else's step today, or any day. Even just another smile back is enough to make my grin widen and feel warm inside.


It was lovely to talk to you again, I have missed this a whole bunch.

Tatty bye,

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