Wednesday, 30 December 2009
I'm supposed to be brushing my teeth
Oh dear.
*pause while I actually go to brush my teeth for a real time feel to this blog. Maybe load the video up and watch that, I have to spend 2 mins actually brushing, then cleaning my face after, I'm a messy pup, and then add on the time it takes for me to get up and down off this new bed...)
Ouch. So, whilst climbing back onto this bed (WHICH I WILL EXPLAIN) I banged my shin, where I shaved part of it off. I know, how unfortunate right? Ooh yes, Google Chrome has spell check, <3. Haha, google isn't in its dictionary! LOL.
So, back to recent blog-worthy events, Mum just came into my room telling me she'd booked tickets for OWL CITY! WOOWOWOWOWOW, Man, I'm so excited :D Also, she smelled like bacon, so she told me she'd just done a ham joint in the oven. I KNOW, right? Amazing. I'm pretty excited for lunch now! The whole of downstairs smells so lush right now.
Ah, right, new bed. Also, new computer, but later! Gosh, you're impatient aren't you? You just want to know everything at once! I'll tell you now, sorry to burst your bubble and all that, but sometimes (most of the time) I don't even know what's happening next, never mind you lot!
Back to the story, yes?
Ok, so I have Elizabeth's old bed, made by my father, because he's well crafty and a technology teacher, so it's well cush and original and not actually from IKEA and all that. But it has steps you see, and, well, as you can probably guess I'm not too good with stairs and climbing and whatnot. But I'm learning (oh Boyzone, why do you have to pop into my head now, of all times? Can't you see I'm trying to write a slightly schizophrenic blog post?)
I now have an awesome spot of plum coloured carpet just next to the stairs because I have a wooden floor, which now gets considerably colder than before...although that may be because it's winter...and considerably colder outside anyway... That thought aside... my room is still quite cluttered, and stuff has been shoved under it from the living room as James has come to stay with Elizabeth for about 6 days.
Oooft, I just breathed really deeply and got a waft of lovely cooked pig.
Now for an emotional bit. I seem to like writing like this. I haven't told you lot (yes, you diminished few, including my mother) that I'm trying to write a story...not a novel yet, but it might get to it by next November. I like it so far, yet it hasn't really got any plot yet... Nevermind, it won't get finished, too much school work homies!
(sorry for the pause, I don't think you noticed, but I'm applying to write the monthly blog for the Canada Mosaic camp next year with Guiding, I'm SO EXCITED).
Oh, I didn't actually write the emotional bit, apart from the distressing fact I may have an unfinished novel manuscript lurking on this computer for ages... *tear brews*
I'm starting to feel just a little bit lonely. I mean, my family and friends are truly amazing, and I don't feel lonely in that sense, I just feel a little bit lost in everything. I feel like I'm discovering a lot of things. Right, this seems like a good way to put it. I feel like I've opened loads of jars of jam, but can't quite bring myself to taste them. When I do, I can't decide whether to go for the dipping technique with a clean finger, or a knife with a slice of bread, but what bread? Or do I go cracker?
In the end, it ties down to be being very indecisive, and ending up feeling like I made the wrong decision once I made it, and ending up with a sour taste in my mouth.
But on the bright side, I have a lot of awesome music to spur me on in Jam Discovery. Maybe I should write a song.
Ah, school work. Now made do-able by TIMOTHY TARQUIN, THE AMILO FUJITSU LAPTOP THAT I WAS GIVEN FOR CHRISTMAS/EXAM STUFF. Oh my word is he a beautiful creature. However, I have now spent 45 mins writing this, and should probably actually do my work. I did have a few more tales to tell, but OH MY GOODNESS
I just love Myspace you know.
Right, I'm going to go and ask Liz for the Spotify link IRL, woah I know, not online? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? And from that, search out the entire Owl City and The Smiths back catalogue. Woah, bit of a contrast there? Yeah, welcome to my world :D
I really do fancy some jam now you know.
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Oh chuff.
Neither of the printers in the tech block work. How am I going to print off my epic Lear analysis? Aaaaaah! Noooo!
Note to self:
Do not :
· Get your hair cut short and start to enjoy it
· Then dry it with a lot of mousse in it
· And fall asleep.
I woke up, and lo and behold, and ALMIGHTY BOUNCE HAD ADORNED MY HEAD.
I mean, it sticks out like, unnaturally far.
Oh wait, I went and told Dad the printers weren’t working. He switched them on at the side for me D:
But, now I get to print out my work and feel proud about it. Oh wait, maybe I need a coversheet. Hmmm.
*clip clops away into the other room*
*checks printer*
*mmmm lovely Lear sheets, all fresh from the printer*
*clip clops back*
I feel organised.
This is an excellent thing.
I have to spend my lunchtime at a Clarinet lesson today. I’ll have to eat my lunch in my free 3rd. But also do some English and some photoshop for Tech, as I won’t be in the lesson on Thurdsay. I have to go and apologise for that eceteraaaaaaaaa. Consequently (can you tell I’m in essay writing mode? YES), I will have very little time to eat and apologise today, leading to me having to apologise for being late to probably a few things, and apologising for probably not getting to eat all of my lunch.
It feels odd anticipating what sort of day I will have by writing these in the morning. But I do like it. I like the way I can go back and edit in what *actually* happened and what have you.
I’m going to Bishop Auckland this afternoon to be part of a student recording council type thing. I think and hope it’ll be goooood stuff.
I hope there’s someone I know there. Eek.
Turns out there was one person I knew. She’s one of the Guides we’re going to Canada with, but there wasn’t much time for chitchat. I’m pretty excited now. We’re a record label :D
There are these sliding doors (I think I’ve written about them before) in the tech block, the red ones with the slidy metal bits like old lifts?
And SOMEONE CLOSED THEM SO FAR that it was impossible to open.
Oh yes, the handle was so close to the cupboard that I had to pull the lever thingggggggg.
To open it.
And by gum those doors are heavy. THEY HAVE HYDRAULICS. Well I think they do, how else would they be able to be forced open without such a force?
Anyway, my arm and palm of hand really hurt from trying to force those open.
I could’ve just walked around tbh to sound like a teacher, *clip clop* :D
But I didn’t. I decided to hurt myself.
But all in the way of getting to a printer to save myself the faff of the Sixth Form SHAMBLES OF A PRINTER IN THE LIBRARY SERVICE. So, thankyou technology Father, for saving me from that FARCE.
That reminds me, I must listen to that podcast… XD
Well, I’m very pleased with my English (another one this time), and I’m just generally quite happy.
My androgyny test in Psycho yesterday showed me to be…get this: FEMININE. So, I may not be completely psychologically healthy (like Danielle’s showed, so therefore the test is a complete sham because we all know THAT’S not true) because I don’t have enough male traits to keep me balanced. I mean, we all know I do. So that test is balls, especially because you have to judge yourself on a 1-7 basis thing, where 1 is Never True, 3 is Sometimes never true, 4 is Occasionally true (WHAT IS THE ACTUAL DIFFERENCE?) and 7 is Always True.
And whatever else is inbetween. It’s just not fair, how can you judge yourself honestly? Everyone wants to say “always true” for “kind and caring” don’t you? Oh I don’t even know anymore.
I’m going to go and practise my lines because…well I have to.
Tatty bye,
(sorry that this was written on like... Wednesday...and the rest of the days...NO TIME)
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
“Some kids are like squirrels”
Thanks for that nugget Dad.
It just reminds me of those times when we went to T.K.Maxx and found pairs of shoes we wanted to get…but didn’t get them then and there because there was this one time we bought shoes without Mum and she didn’t like them, so now we have to ask her before we get new shoes (if we find new shoes without her), and we hid them behind the rack so no-one else would buy them.
That was a little bit jumbled, but I’m sure a few readings of it will make it settle.
Yesterday was sufficiently awkward on the bus. I was getting up to get off at my “not quite death stop of doom, but quite close” and there was a boy moving up the bus as I stood up. I say boy because he got on at the college stop, and after already being significantly already quite low in my immediate estimations, he was wearing tracksuit bottoms. Of the GREY variety. At the same moment I was standing up, he was reaching for the pole just behind my head to steady himself. My face (glasses and all) and his fist collided. I was stunned. I was just talking to Samantha, saying “Here goes, fighting my way through the crowd, wish me luck!” and POW. RIGHT IN THE KISSER. Hahaha, sorry.
But get this…
I apologised. WHY DID I SAY SORRY? SORRY MY FACE WAS IN THE WAY OF YOUR HAMMY FIST? Aww, bless him, he was so apologetic. It’s almost as if there was something inside me which made me want to say “YEAH YOU SHOULD BE SORRY” and I got off the bus a little befuddled.
Today, oh yes, a Tuesday, is my full proper day of work in school.
Psychology, Double Biology, and Double English. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.
We’re watching gender development videos in psycho. Please leave a gap for me to vomit. And then giggle at the poor hermies.
Oops, wait, perhaps I shouldn’t say that…
Giggle at the term “micro penis”.
Our class is so juvenile. But a good bunch.
Shame about the teacher.
OH GOODNESS, SUCH EMBARASSMENT IN THAT LESSON. I shall not reveal it here. It shall remain a thing between Danielle and I only.
I’m trying to craft my Canada blog post when I have the time to so that I can be one of the two people selected to blog monthly about my journey leading up to the camp in 2010, and what we’re doing about the lead up to the camp. I have to submit at 350 word post about what Guiding means to me. I’m having fun crafting it, I love the power that a well crafted paragraph can harbour :D AHH THE POWER OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.
ENGLISH TODAY WAS STONKING FUNNY. I was actually creased with laughter, and red in the face. I mean, this was Hughes’ lesson. GB would never have allowed such a commotion…ever. In her lesson, I had to read from Act 3 of King Lear as…get this: LEAR.
Ickkkkkkk. It was ermmm…challenging? Well, I managed to say most things right. When he says “I’th’*SOMETHING*” it clicks well with my northern twang :D And the elements of y’know…Yorkshire ;D
So in Hughes’ lesson, we discussed (albeit briefly) the effect music has within Death Of A Salesman.
Then we talked about primary school, summer dresses, falling over, holes in tights, concussion, being German ja? And walking into people.
Oh my, it was hilarious! However, can’t really be expressed well in words here, as it was one of those moments where the facial expressions and time delay of understanding what was said (the pun of So you’re German, ja?) were key to the enjoyment of the moment really. So, I apologise for that. Like I apologised for being punched in the face. Make of that what you will.
I have a sinking feeling that Rachel will be in Rome when I want her to come with us to see Imogen Heap at The Sage in February. Oh balls.
I checked, and yes, she’s in the Land of the Romans.
Pantilunious Poopicus.
Oh yeah, and I’m in a pantomime soon.
As Aladdin.
Excitement for Friday, our full dress rehearsal to the year 6’s hoping to come to our school. Goodness knows what image they will take away of what our school is like and what we have to offer them. Cripes.
Tatty bye,
Monday, 16 November 2009
3-5 Days condensed in ONE
This time a truck blocked him.
Dad then said “I wonder what the truck he can do now!”
It was yet again another case of laughing out loud inside.
Elizabeth’s in London. With Alex. Doing Chartjackers things…
And building robots ^_^
Which is beyond awesome.
What I am doing today is :
· Recovering from V.V.Brown last night (WHICH WAS FUGGING EPIC :D)
· Recovering from my weiiiiirdo dream!
· Going to see Sister Helen Prejean speak about the Death Penalty and Christian Faith
· Going to Orchestra with Bert the Bass Clarinet
· Distributing Chartjackers fliers
· Rehearsing for Panto
· Catching up with Danielle
· Going to see the light display in Durham, get cold and get as many free torches as I can before someone picks up on it
· Do all of my work after tea time
· Be thankful that I’m busy and not bored
· Finish this list and post this blog whilst avoiding the rest of the internet…apart from Twitter.
I love lists. They make me feel organised. Right, I’m going to print off some fliers and guillotine them up and slot them in the registers. Hopefully!
Well I managed to do it! One in every register!
Right, now to see what I managed to do yesterday…well I didn’t manage to post this. Douche.
· Sort of recovered
· Recovered from the dream…ish
· Saw Sister Helen and Bud Welcher speak; cried.
· Read The Time Traveller’s Wife in Orchestra
· DID THE CHARTJACKERS FLIERS. In the centre of Durham too, mainly to gullible students, yeahhhhh.
· Failed at Panto, but it was funny :D
· Caught up ish with Danielle
· Saw the lights, the torches were pathetic, but filmed some epic NF bits of film and long exposure pictures.
· Did sod all after tea time, we went out.
· I was thankful to be busy and not bored
· And I didn’t go on the computer at all yesterday.
I’m having a vaguely good hair day today…I think.
I came into the tech block this morning to find…two tables completely missing. And some cupboards strewn across the floor. I just stood there like 0_o and then PR and the other man brought the table back. PR called me Elizabeth.
Oh and now I have Avenue Q in my head…
You’re not just a normal person but you’re not in the mood for me…
Winter here means you’re in summer but you’re not in the mood for me…
So…off to Biology, frantic tech research, major Psycho fail, and HOMEEEE. Then to Rainbows and to see Footloose! YES!
I want to go to more gigs man, the thrill of it is keeping me going! Seriously.
We need a better gig venue in Durham.
Anyone support me in this?
I found my pink leather gloves yesterday. Oh yeah, I am so jokes and you know it :D
Ok…so it’s Monday now. FAIL.
This weekend was major busy, Liz was back!
Footloose was EPIC. The nerdy characters were the best xD
I have found somewhere to go to a gig, FO’ FREE YESSSS on Saturday. This means no Manchester gathering. BOOO. But it means frantic panto and a jokes Band rehearsal :D
I’m getting a haircut on Friday, pleaseandthankyou.
I’m vlogggging this week, so I’ll probably not get to post and stuff, plus I’m properly knuckling down to work. Honestly.
I just walked home with Richard, it was pleasant and somehow uplifting :D
And I now feel like I'm eating student food: Cheese and pesto on toast, with a carrot, to balance it out.
I'm off to Piano in 20 mins, then I'll come home, do my DOAS quotes, and UKULELE IT UPPPPP :D
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Note to self
I have this little triangle of burn tissue on my thumb, like the fleshy bit of my thumb. The bit that’s still technically my hand, but is the thumb bit. And it barely scorched the palm! It’s really tough and red now…and bleedin’ obvious as well. I caught it when I was drying my hands on the towel the other day, with my nail. Dang, that stung.
Today, I am wearing my waterproof. I thought, that if I’m walking to get the bus this evening, I need a coat and scarf. So I also have a scarf. IT’S HUGE! And red and purple. It has these huge lumps of, well, wool and it even has some sparkly bits! The best thing about it, is that it was about 20p from a Primark bargain bucket type thing. TWENTY PENNIES! WOW.
It’s really, super duper long too! I think it’s about twice my height. When it’s around my neck, just the once with the two tails hanging down my front, they come to my knees.
Oh darn.
I have just realised.
It’s 8:26…a.m… and I’m not wearing boots to walk down the hill. I am…screwed to say it a little more politely than I was going to.
My feet will be in a right state now by the time I get home. Even moreso than they are now!
The cold does funny things to my feet. They go red and puffy. Does that mean I have chilblains? Probably.
It’s Tuesday now.
I have just realised that this computer is far quicker at starting up and the security thing is WAY quicker at popping up over here than at my other more ordinary station. But the mouse here is cack. Yes, it still has bits of plastic on the mouse ball. GRRR.
I’m doing the rest of that tech research now, because tomorrow night is going to be silly and crazy busy. BUT IMMENSE, hopefully. I didn’t get to talk to James at al today, because he went all frantic and went to get the t-shirts done for tomorrow. And he talked to me in a weird way. I hadn’t read his text, it was in my bag. And now we both have missed calls from each other. This is a mess indeed.
Ok, so I rang him and it’s all fine.
So yeah!
V.V.Brown live tomorrow!
How has it got to November already y’all?
This is some crazyyyyy stuff.
I’m never going to say nang again.
Tatty bye,
Saturday, 7 November 2009
When I’m a teacher
It’s just one of those things that really BUGS me. When someone has written on the whiteboard, and doesn’t clean it off entirely. THOSE LITTLE SMUDGES, COMMAS AND EXCLAMATION POINT POINTS, just hanging around. Just clean the board damnit! Never mind, it’s just like when I see a plug socket on with nothing plugged into it.
They actually terrify me, especially in Biology. Nevermind, stop typing insane person.
Today is the Feast Day of St.Leonard, the patron saint of our school, and (wait a minute, checks, no joke) (WAIT A MINUTE, POP UPS? AT SCHOOL __) I think its prisoners, or something like that. was a little bit of a fail there.
“Patronage - Political prisoners, imprisoned people, prisoners of war, and captives, women in labour, as well as horses.”
THANKYOU WIKIPEDIA. Haha, “as well as horses” Brilliant.
So yeah, we get “the morning off”. Well, we all have to be in school still, but we have a mass first, so sitting and being encouraged to sing and, y’know, pray. Then, ‘long tutor time’. It does what it says on the tin. We sit until lunchtime, in tutor. We have no idea what we will be doing today, I’m hoping GOSSIPING.
Oh, harking back to the other day, there was no cake at the presentation for University choices and all that shiz. Gutted.
But only at about 8 o’clock, I have to go to Guides after Rainbows, blahh blahh, watch Waterloo Road that I didn’t manage to watch last night even though we didn’t go to Aykley Heads even to Johnny Durham spot. We were all too tired and fed up tbh, and we heard enough fireworks anyway.
I hope you guys (even if it’s just Liz who reads this) had a nang time whenever you celebrate bonfire night, if you do, and be careful with all the fire and flames an’that man.
"Fictionally, in the Harry Potter series, the so-called "First Wizarding War" between Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters versus the Ministry of Magic with the assistance of the Order of the Phoenix took place in the Wizarding world of the United Kingdom between 1970 and 1981."
Now, this needs to be explained. I was doing my technology research, for fashion history in the 1970’s and important dates that shaped fashion influences, on Wikipedia, naturally. AND THIS WAS JUST CHEEKILY PLACED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE.
Man, do you think I should actually include it in my notes that will be copied for the rest of the class?
It’ll make Mary laugh at least ^_^
Sorry that it’s been like… a day since I wrote this.
And NOW I’m posting it :D
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Laughing out loud inside...
Now, I shall explain this situation. On the hill on the way up to the back of school, there is a street. Perfectly fine. On one side, there are parking bays, with designated passing bays, for if a car is coming towards you, and you need to let them past. Now, in times gone by, there apparently used to be a sign that read “Right of way for vehicles in this direction”. Yes, *our* direction. So, this arrogant man in his flashy red car decided to keep going, at us. He refused to “go up on the kerb”, which is what you’re supposed to do in this situation, it’s legalities I’m not so sure of, but he refused to. He made a face that was an “I’mgoingtomakemychinblendinwithmyneckandgrimace” face, and I giggled. Then Dad got angry and called him a KNOBHEAD. Now, that, may have just made my week. I haven’t heard that in SO long. The man then wound down his window, because the car that was infront of us was actually parking, so we couldn’t go into a passing bay, and we kept going. The man tried to shout something at us, but I was too busy laughing inside at Dad now shouting “TOSSER” to an unopened window. The man’s face was priceless. He did the arrogant hand wave (which is when you try to make a point, and flail/fail and so wave your hand to demonstrate the lost point) and drove away.
We got to school safely.
I can’t help but feel I’ve comfortably gotten into this internet regime. I mean, I said I wasn’t going to start a blog once upon a time, because my writing would be nonsensical. And I would be without the time to write anything worth reading. I feel like I was somehow meant to be this involved with my personal output on the internet. Blogging, vlogging, tweeting, and then the much detested at the moment, FACEBOOK.
I survived yesterday. However, I did hover over the book mark, ALMOST clicked it, and then remembered. And I did succeed in reading more last night. YESSSSSS.
However, I am not succeeding in texting any less. Texting twitter and Danielle lyrics recently has probably cost be just about all of my free texts this month.
The 5th of November is tomorrow. That means Akley Heads. I don’t have any friends to go with. Not that I don’t have friends, I mean my friends don’t want to go. Nevermind, I’ll probably go with the parentals and have glowsticks and try to take some lovely pictures.
I almost said NICE then. SHUDDERS.
Oh wait, I haven’t had time to post that yet. DARN.
I have to go back to Guides tonight to sort out some bossy newcomer and a disco for the new year. Man, if I’m running those decks there will be some NANG tunes bangin’ from those church speakers. WORD.
However, being in the Chamber Choir now (don’t get your hopes up world) I have to stay back until at least ¼ past 5 now. And that means less time to film, work, blahh. I have to finish my sewing for the Cathedral piece for Olive! That and a Clarinet lesson today. Wednesdays are incredibly busy, but I will have no time for the internet this evening apart from posting this and hopefully Dailyboothing.
I am hoping to enjoy my Wednesday free today, discussing important topics with Danielle. OH JOY :D I do actually mean joy there, I’m not being sarcastic.
Pure Euphoric Blissful War, Started When I Asked For More And I, I Really Miss You…(8)
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Sticky, hot flesh and singed metal.
And my ordinary one is in useage. So, I’m using one that is further into the stench pit. IT STINKS. It’s actually terrible. It’s really clinging to my nostrils, as well as the ting little flecks and chips of plastic that are stopping the mouse from moving. I mean who even uses mice with balls in anymore? They’re just impractical. Especially in the tech block.
I am now leaning back in this chair at an exceptionally dangerous angle. Lemme sit up.
I wore my winter boots and hoodie to school today. I mean, I had to take off my hoodie when I got into the common room, but it wasn’t all bad. Wait, yes it was. Perv no.1 was sitting there, stretching back while I peeled off my hoodie. It was not seductive. My top came up abit, but I wangled it down. Eventually. Only to get my blazer tail stuck in my belt. Oh yeah, I had to wear a belt today. It’s well nang. Danielle told me about my blazer/belt mishap at lunchtime. Oh how I blushed. Back to the common room. So creep no.1 (creep, not perv now) was sitting there. Just. Watching. As if he was waiting for something. I mean, to take my hoodie off I had to take off my jacket. I REPEAT, THIS WAS NOT AT ALL SEDUCTIVE. He just sat there, drinking hot chocolate and watching. I felt icky all over. Ew. Then I went and sat with Rachel. I figured, she’s good at multi tasking, so I asked her if she’d finished the Biology whilst I could see she was reading something from someone’s Politics lesson. The person who gave her the sheet GLARED at me and said “CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S READING? DUH.”
I stuffed my bag onto another chair and plonked myself down on the one ahead of me. “Hmm well.” I said.
Rachel finished reading and answered me straight away. SEE? NO PROBLEM.
Boys indeed.
Haha, that feels so childish a statement to write. “BOYS INDEED.” I feel like it should be prefaced with “BOYS ARE ST00PID.”
Well, mostly they are. In certain fields. I am not decrying boys. However, I feel that as time goes on, these blogs will document all sorts of progressions upon that matter.
Prefect duty was pretty nang today.
That, is how you say “NO” with a London accent. Ohh yeah. “Noyhh you have to walk arounddd, sorrehh.”
I haven’t seen Danielle enough today. Well, I mean I have, but I haven’t talked to her enough. Tuesdays are my Danielle days, she’s there, in EVERY lesson with me. I sit next to her in EVERY lesson, except double Bio, but we glance at each other, over the rest of the class. I sit at the front, she sits at the back. Conor looks at me funny. I turn back around. I turn a funny shade of embarrassment, but continue in my perplexing about tissue fluid.
Fluid’s not a pleasant word. The middle of it seems abit too busy. ‘Lui’ just doesn’t flow. Ha, fluid DOES flow. I am not even remotely funny.
So yeah, Danielle left me at lunchtime to go to the hospital for her allergy checks, and I had to soldier through English by myself. Well, I did talk to Charlotte, but only really because she forgot her text, and we had to collaborate.
I’m going to the Stadium of Light tonight. Hehe, rhyme. For a university talk or whatever. The letter said there will be refreshments. I’m crossing my fingers for cake :D
I have made a “No Facebook Until Friday” pact, and when I want to go online, I’m going to read DOAS or Time Traveller’s Wife.
Done. I don’t know why I’ve said this, it shocked Danielle tbh, because I’m waiting for a reply. ALWAYS WAITING.
Wish I could be in London tomorrow for the Chartjacker’s gig D:
I know my Mum reads this, so PLEASE? I WILL READ MORE, I PWOMISE.
And if you catch me on Facebook before Friday, tell me off.
Of course, I will still try to DailyBooth, Tweet and write these.
They’re special.
Special Cases.
I’m hoping and praying I can persevere.
Please don’t.
Wish me LUCK!
Tatty bye,
Monday, 2 November 2009
Despicable, Really!
Yesterday, I had a conversation that got me thinking. And I mean really thinking. It wasn’t spoken, oh no, not in this day and age. It was over MSN. And I like those kind of conversations, don’t get me wrong, but I never seem to be able to convey what I actually mean. Sarcasm is lost, and there’s a delay that you don’t get with real life conversations. It was one of those times where I wish I could’ve just written a letter. I love writing letters. When you put the address, check it, make the indent, sign it…ahh it’s just lovely.
However, I digress! This conversation was with someone who shall remain nameless, but since speaking to them, I appear to have a written communication problem. I find myself swearing, chronically.
They said that they had this problem too, and we got into a kind of deep discussion on the power of words. I mean, swearing is only hurtful if you let it be hurtful, right? But why should such words hold the power to be even considered taboo? With everyday people swearing so chronically each and everyday, it’s lost its appeal and therefore shock factor with me. It’s supposed to be limited, that’s why it’s called swearing! It has no impact if you eff and blind in every other sentence. So, in the end, they admitted they had a problem, and said they had to go. This was a shame, I really wanted to continue the conversation. They’d just admitted they were a Slytherin. Or Gryffindor. They were in two minds about it. I think the green swayed them though. Oh the power of a colour.
What’s in a name?
Oh well!
Off to a day of ritual testing to see if I’ve worked over the holidays.
Time to crammmmmmmmmmm.
It was all fine.
"Pure euphoric blissful war, started when I asked for more and I, I really miss you. And I, I really miss you."
Tatty bye,
Friday, 30 October 2009
This sucks.
My, I am in good spirits recently.
I can't stop thinking about Monday Night;
Stereo Decade, we saw them at their gig in Newcastle at The Other Rooms. Their UK tour. They're pretty up-and-coming. And really cool.
They talked to us most of the night. It was so lovely.
We exchanged opinions on Shakespeare, they asked for us to add them on Facebook personally, and Joe said that keytars were on a scale of cool,-2 out of ten, which I admit, wounded me. (KEYTARS ARE COOL, YO')
I took a picture, or 4, and he kept looking up at me and smiling, It was beautiful.
Joe P hugged me lots.
His friend (Jonny) stroked my flowery-tight clad legs and said "I'm liking these" (NOT LIKE STROKED stroked, he just pointed really, stroke was the wrong word), and Joe laughed uncontrollably when I told him I genuinely knew someone called Iona Lighthouse.
Joe made a cute noise when I said my name was Hazel.
As in "That's a cool name" noise.
Then he said "I don't think I know any other Hazels. Oh wait, I know one."
Danielle piped up with "I bet you don't know a Haze though."
I said "So I'm your first Haze then!" and gave him a hug.
He somehow just ended up telling me about how he had just come out of a 2 year relationship, and it wasn't worth the hassle now. He then gave me the nicest hug EVER.
So I've had their music on repeat since Monday morning.
It's Friday now.
Oh poo it's Halloween tomorrow.
I'm not even bothered this year, but I do kindof wish I was going to somesort of party this year, just for the dressing up and judging factor.
I'm getting to that age now, that sadly, everyone feels the need to tart up, insanely.
I mean, I'm partial to it sometimes, its funny/fun, but most of the time, it's just riddiculous.
I've been on 'holiday' this week.
I didn't even explain why we went to see Stereo Decade on Monday, but it was a nice story, yet it's Danielle's to tell.
My inbox on my phone is full of messages from Danielle about Jonny.
Yesterday saw James and I going to see Eddie Izzard live at the Metro Radio Arena. He was incredibly funny, swore lots, but it somehow got lost in the moment. He did a bit about Giraffes. I was wearing my Johnny tee :D
We listened to Wizard Rock in the car on the way back.
And The Feeling came on.
I had a majorrrrrrrr sing along in the myself.
Mum fell asleep, and I can see how, but I don't know how she managed to stay asleep with me screaming "TURN IT UP AAAHOOOAAHHH" in the back.
She amazes me, daily.
Oh yeah, I appear to have 'kickstarted' my Dailybooth. It's not going to last ¬_¬
I'm really in a "lets get on a spur of the moment train" mood.
What's worrying me recently (actually, since Monday, strangely) is that I haven't been hungry around tea time, like at all. I've been doing lots and not much really, and then feel a little bit ill. I am confused.
The Sarah Jane Adventures is downloading offof BBC iPlayer. I am SO excited :D
King Lear is incredibly sad.
I just realised I didn't post the blog I promised to LAST Wednesday in Hazelizabeth.
It's on my pendrive. It's not very interesting, and now, doesn't fit in with the order of things.
Ahhh, lurker blog.
Just like 'Stratford'.
Going to go see Nana and listen to "Train Ride"
and for a LOL
Tatty bye,
Friday, 16 October 2009
New Chair
So, I could have turned it off and on again (oh The I.T.Crowd, I do love thee muchly) but I just decided to use a computer that was already on and save the hassle.
So I’m vaguely back to normal. Health wise. God forbid I’m mentally well any time soon, I wouldn’t be writing these if I had an ounce of sanity. Or would I?...
Well, that was strange.
I’m in school again, and have to be apologetic and catch up on things.
And wear my uniform again instead of my pj’s. Man that would’ve been weird.
Anyhow, I have to apologise for not being in, catch up on work, hand in an essay that I really didn’t try very hard to do because 1. I was falling asleep writing it and 2. I WAS VERY ILL.
That means I will write a cover sheet that says “Flu was responsible for this response. Hazel is very sorry.”
“I was not in my right mind when I wrote this, sorry.”
I have to write an absence note now, and self-whatever.
My mind went completely blank for a second there.
I now have no excuse to have to stalk around the school finding teachers to apologise to.
I’m going on a bus this afternoon with Bert. It will be fun.
Bert is going to meet Barry.
Clarinetix was amazing. So, so, so funny. I love being a bass XD
That’s where I went on the bus by the way. It wasn’t just irrelevant. I MADE A RELEVANT POINT GUYS.
Seriously, another two-parter blog? LONG STUFF. Mum says that the people who read this won’t read it all.
She lies.
Well, I hope she does anyway.
And shopping to do. Dress-hitching to do. A party to go to. And document afterwards and during.
Band to go to, I think.
Rainbows to go to this evening…
Saturday is going to cripple me guys.
And then Sunday will be nonstop work.
I seriously was *this* far away from being completely asleep in psychology today. Watching two DVD’s in last lesson?= SLEEEEEP.
I wish I could’ve just Levicorpus’d her. It would have been amazing.
I’ve grown.
And I had shoes on. My awesome shoes.
And my teacher is really short.
Short as in she can only write half-way up the board at a really big stretch. And even then it’s not straight, bahahahahahaha.
We arm wrestled today. My arms are WELL BUTCH :D
Yeah, I’m 4th strongest (:
My arm hurts.
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 8 October 2009
As you can probably gather, I have a cough. Quel Surprise. It’s werid. I guess I screamed it all out last night, for two reasons.
Firstly, We were going to see Tim Minchin, and I was freakin’ well excited :D
Man, 139 days to go! Well, she got tickets, so YEAHHH.
It’ll be ruddy GOLDEN.
I can’t wait!
So, she rang, and then we went to pick her up, listened to some MIKA in the car, and had some squee-ing fits, drove past where Mum and I went to see him (dubbed ‘MIKA corner’ from now on, the student’s union in Newcastle), and parked up. We walked in the slightly bitter cold, and saw the Newcastle University rabbits on the hill (N’AWWW) and rocked up to Newcastle City Hall.
We saw Philippa there, with her cousin Julia, and SHE HAD PURPLE SHOES ahahahaha. As did Tim when we met him, but that was LATERRR.
He was *so* funny, rude, hilarious, and Andy Bear was incredibly fun too (:
Tim did a lot of smiling and waving at Pippa as she was in the front row, and from now on, I will call her Crayons, as Tim was surprised at her youthful age and appearance. She is only 16 (: So, Hi Crayons :P
So we waited at the stage door with a HUGE gaggle of mad fans afterwards, and it was his Birthday yesterday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM! For…yesterday…
He had awesome trousers, and shoes :D and a mad face, so YEAH. I had my blue shoes on, and I felt way too cool. I shall hopefully insert a picture just about…here.
Hooray for the celebration of language and literature.
Good times.
We didn't do anything for National Poetry Day in school.
It was a sad day.
In that sense, but other than that, I WAS WELL HAPPY TODAY!
*hang on, as I type this bit straight into Blogger, I'm listening to MoM - The Bravest Man I Ever Knew, and I can have it on FULL VOLUME AND SING AND CRY ALONG BECAUSE DAD IS NOT IN THE VICINITY. Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh. And all other Wrock I possess too, even Howl At The Moon.
*The Ministry Would Like To ThankYou...wish you all the best*
I really, love my life at this point.
I'm contemplating doing a full blow, will-probably-take-a-month-of-Sundays-to-record- cover of Noah and The Whale's '5 Year's Time'.
(That means opinions ;P)
I am sorry about all of the coding being on people's different-to-firefox-browsers.
I love hyphens.
They want to ban the hyphen.
I will sign Mrs.Grehan-Bradley's "Save the hyhpen" petition. OF COURSE I WILL.
I love hyphens.
They make my punchy descriptions a little more dragged out.
Or jumbled together, either way, I do love a good hyphen.
Anyway, back to whatever point I was making.
Oh wait, I wasn't.
This day has been awesome.
Double English Lit, Study- where I had tea, felt a little ill at some of the things Lorna was saying, but it was pretty funny, and made me realise I miss Amelia. Or the things she used to say. Ohhh Amelia.
Then lunchtime, I went to a panto rehearsal, Tech was meh, Pastoral R.E. was just average, and dragged.
However, I did leave a little message for the cleaners on a piece of paper that read : "D.F.T.B.A. My Friend"
They'll never read it.
Man, I love that website.
And my Bass Clarinet part for Les Misérables that we're playing with Orchestra.
Oh and Mr. G-B has chucked a violinist offof the Paris trip so I can go because he "really wants a Bass Clarinet there" and he did a little "I'm enthusiastic about music" pose.
Ok, I'm starting to loose things a little bit more now.
I'm going to see Mika in 139 days.
In Newcastle.
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
It smells like a good pair of new shoes
I didn’t know whether to put ‘smelled’ or ‘smelt’ for the title, so settled for ‘smells’, even though I’ve been in here for 5 mins, and I’ve adjusted myself to the smell. Saying ‘smelt’ makes me think of iron works, and molten metal. Smite me o’ mighty smighter! Hang on, does smiter have the ‘gh’? It appears it doesn’t have either Hazel, it ain’t a real world darlin’.
I feel like such a dweeb. I’m still sitting on this green stool (yeah, the teacher’s stool ;D) with my rucksack on my back. I AM THE ONLY GIRL IN LOWER SIXTH WITH A BACKPACK AND I LOVE IT. It means I don’t have to fret about carrying all of my files, but I still have to carry the big ones. I love being able to carry things and not having a stupid handbag that you can’t even fit a textbook in. And then proceed to not actually USE FILES BECAUSE THEY DON’T FIT IN YOUR BAG? Well, I’m getting an organised education, thankyou. All the best to you, people.
Wow. Why did I type that?
I’m feeling rotten, that’s why.
People spark off me too much. Like one boy in particular. Yeah, BOY. He ain’t no man.
Why act like a 12 year old girl and be so unpleasant to me? How, may I ask, have I ruined your week? Oh yeah, emphasis on YOUR week, because MY sibling’s gone away, and oh wait, you think that effects you as well?
It makes me sad how people can turn so quickly, and just out of spite.
It’s ridiculous.
I hate the word spite. Thankyou Death Of A Salesman.
And Dustin Hoffman for spitting it out in the film.
Man, now I have to face a day being ignored.
Fun. Times.
I love you guys who comment.
I miss Liz.
It’s Tuesday, and I didn’t manage to post last night.
I’m sitting at the same desk as yesterday, same time, different hair and shoes, coatless (because I wore it yesterday when I didn’t really need it, and now it’s raining and I need it…it’s in my locker *headdesk*) and I have decided, it smells like new boxes.
You know, like when you open a box of books, and the BOX smell. All, airy and…tight.
Things with that boy are good again. For now.
“Tracy, wake up, everything’s good again!”
Oh Mrs. Edna Turnblad, how you make me laugh.
There we go, some quoteage comin’ atchaaaa.
I’ve almost finished making my skirt, I’m so pleased ^_^
However, I think I may hoist and pin up one of my dresses to go to Flossy Jane’s “Alice In Wonderland” tea party… I need some mahooosive bows, YEY FUN TIMES :D
Today is my full day of the week, no studies or frees, but just SOLID CHOCKA WORK.
I still have this good feeeeling in my tummy when I have psycho first on a Tuesday, and I must find out what the bot makes me so happy…but for now, I’ll live in mystery.
It made me laugh this morning in a true schadenfreudian way, at a woman who tripped up abit on a wet paving slab, but then continued to try and walk as if it hadn’t happened. Whilst I was in the car, dry and snug. Well, as snug as I could be without my coat. Hehe, I’m still laughing at her “I didn’t just trip up” walk. Man, that’ll make me laugh all day. Only because it’s usually me.
Oh yeah, that means it rained today. Like, it’s actually poured it down ALL DAY. No excuses James!
If James doesn’t post a video, I shall be more cross than a crucifix.
Wait, what does that even mean?
I’m in a Catholic environment…oops.
I’m home from school, and ate my tea by myself for the second night in a row because Dad fell asleep. It’s like I’ve been on a diet. Two days, on the trot, mackerel sandwich and then homemade soup for tea.
I felt quite humbled, but just a little… well depressed really.
Still, nothing like two hours of Cadets then some King Lear to cheer you up ;)
Most common oxymoron anyone?
Microsoft Works.
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 1 October 2009
And I have been so, so, so BUSY THIS WEEK. I haven’t like *gasp* been on the internet! I MISS IT!
Especially youtube *sadface*
And Elizabeth. Like silly amounts.
My right leg is seriously not my friend right now. I woke up at…well actually I don’t know what time it was, because I didn’t really have a chance to check it. I was in SO MUCH PAIN IT WAS UNBELIEVEABLE. And I do *not* get CRAMP. My whole lower leg just seized up and I wanted to scream. It was UNVBEARABLE. Hate IT. So I rolled over to make it better, alas, earwax.
Woah, not really. The pain just didn’t get any better. I had to snuggle up and stretch out my foot, but it was just awful. And now, after waking up, I had to limp out of bed. Yes, LIMP. Gah, I feel so lame. In both senses.
So I have my Dr.Marten boots on today, with Red spiderweb laces, so that I can walk, instead of my lovely-but-make-my-feet-ache-I’m-a-woman-who-loves-my-shoes-so-I-will-still-wear-them school shoes. They remind me of Halloween. AH WOW IT’S OCTOBER AND THINGS ARE FROSTY.
This means I can finally get a new coat, whip out my scarves and hats and…wait for it…
Oh wait, I’ve told you that.
Ah, Liz. You do make me smile.
Things are a little bit sidge, and outside, it is NOT wethot.
On Saturday, I am going on an amazing adventure, and hope to document it well. Oh man, I’m so excited.
WAIT A MINUTE. I haven’t told you what colour my gloves are!!!
Maybe you guys (yeah all 3 of you who respond <3)>
Mind you, they’re an inbetween colour, so BEST OF LUCK.
Woah, I just typed “best of lick.”
Please, do not lick my gloves. They make hitting the correct keys even harder, and now I’m scared the securus software may pick up on my spelling mistakezzz.
Oh well.
Ooooooh, The Pitmen Painters last night at the theatre was really interesting! Lots of little swears though, and a fully naked woman. 0_o
Apart from that, it was mostly about art and pitmen. Liz would have really enjoyed it. Mum came along too, so all was AMMEZZIN’.
I haven’t said that in ages. TIME TO RESSURECT THE AMMEZZIN’.
Oh to the heyday of Myspace indeed.
So, it’s now after school, and I’m waiting in the Sixth Form Library to get a lift home. I happened to pick the keyboard with a slightly more functioning space bar, but it’s not much better. *sigh* At least now I don’t warrant gloves. But my nail varnish is all but completely chipped off. There was a random upper sixth dude who just walked in and out, glared at me for typing so furiously, and then decided to huff off again. Ho hum pigs bum.
Ah, so onto why I started typing again. Pastoral R.E. I mean, it’s compulsory because we’re a Catholic School, I accept that. But when we have to spend a lesson being told and not actually discussing the evidence for the existence of a soul, it kinda drives me to do this…
Now, don’t get me wrong. I felt a little bit badass doing this. I did not take any of the lesson in, but meh, we got all ready made notes given to us at the end of the lesson, so it’s not that bad. However, not badass enough to do a little “Marissa’s badass moment of the day” moment, thing. I just think that, maybe, just maybe, I should do this every week? AH THE JOYS OF THURSDAYS.
My favourite bit is the HOT PIE and COOL PRAWN. I was hungry,’kay? Also, the little Marissa in a puddle was only drawn because doodling reminded me of the “DR.WHO LOGO >.<” pwning that went on in her blog. MAN IT WAS SO FUNNY. OWL <333
I just realised I didn’t do an owl. DAMMNIT.
Now, the space bar has finally packed in.
Crilley has gone.
That’s the other guy who was creeping around… I don’t know why he’s still here, he left…for Uni??????
But yeah, my furiousoooo typing has knackered the keyboard, and I still have an hour to kill in tehhh library bbz.
Man. This. Sucks.
Heck, I’ve written lots today.
Sort of makes up for not documenting Stratford?
Tatty bye,
P.s. I just googled “amezzin’” and it came up with a montage of Alan Rickman. AHHH MAN I LOVE THE INTERNET.

Thursday, 24 September 2009
So, sitting in my study period, not much to study… Gonna hit “Birdsong” in a bit, because it needs to be read. So does Death Of A Salesman though. Oh dear.
Watching films at the start of the day doesn’t half tire/ wear you out. Like major-big-time. I am shattered. My eyes had that weird watery-tiredness about them this morning, and James said I looked depressed. Way to go. So then, watching Death of A Salesman REALLY CHEERED ME UP. Not that I am depressed at this moment. Or at all really. Just a little weary. But then we watched some more of As You Like It, and I can’t wait for tomorrow evening now.
Man, Shakespeare is great. THIS KEYBOARD IS NOT.
I really don’t have much to say yet, I haven’t eaten. With James. He always has something to say to make me laugh, or feel uncomfortable, y’know.
So now I’ve eaten.
I also ate a cookie in the car just now. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
HAHA Yeah, meditating with a cookie, what an image.
Man, I needed that after Textiles today. No offence, but everyone in the room was half asleep! And eyes were drooping all over, I for one couldn’t keep mine open. I’m convinced there was something in the air…
Then off to pastoral R.E. where Jen said I looked like Richard Dawkins. Yeah, thanks a lot JENNY.
Today had some pretty freaking awkward parts :z
"I'm pretty sure she's not all there *strange glance*"
Oooh wow.
I'm eating a Hazelnut treo, it's mighty fiiiiiine.
Is it wrong that I like Hazelnuts? Because it feels kindof wrong, but also, quite devilish teeeheeeeeee.
Orchestra with Bert was beautiful (:
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Elephant Socks
Oh deary me, the power of advertising. Well, I’m wearing my grey Elephant socks today, because I’m wearing trousers for school. Not that I didn’t like wear ANYTHING to school yesterday, I wore a skirt and tights and the rest, just today, I’m wearing trousers. They’re really wide-leg. :z
I can’t type any swears on here, not that I really do anyway, because the Securus thing at school flags up if you type ANYTHING like even accidentally typing SHIRT. It’s a joke. And makes the computers SUPER SLOW TO START UP. Grrrrrrr. Anyhoo, the keyboard is a little less sticky. I do have a lot to say now, but it’s 25 to and I need to get revising for my Psycho test! Well, if it was an *actual* psycho test, I’m sure I’d pass, I’m way too psyched for my elephant socks today already. Before anyone’s seen them yet. WHOOOPEEEEEEE. Right, I’m going to venture out, save this to my nifty, lego-like pendrive, and hopefully enjoy my day. Man that sounded bleak.
Holy shiz, I read that back and was like “What the actual HELL was going on in my head?” Today has made me tired so far. Now, you hear me fresh from a walk to the Doctors, listening to this song M sent me – So Contagious by Acceptance, and WOW. :D Oh yeah, I was at the doctors… for my second “your arm is too muscly” injection. Yeah, HVP. I had it written on my hand ALL DAY. I must have looked like such a n00b, oh well. Only because I actually, physically forgot to go to the doctors last week :z OOPSAZIZZLE.
For once, I have not tweeted about my AMAZING SITUATION before I tell you lovely blog readers.
He is called Bert, yes he’s male because he makes a throaty, beastly sound :D And I love him very much. I am now part of the bass crew massiiiiiiive. Oh yeah, Immagetalltheboys.
I love guessing who people fancy, it’s great, especially teasing them afterwards if it’s someone weird :P HAHAHA. Oh sorry, I am malicious like that, sometimes. And he’s not that weird…well… I’m not one to offend in a blog, really, I’m a face to face insult person. Ha. Man, I’m obnoxious.
Anyhoooo, ahha I like saying that. WHY AM I POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS?
Choir is frackin’ huge! So many people, us Altos are MAHOOOOOOOSIVE, whacking out a good ol’ tune too though (: Whacking? WHAT NOW?
So yeah, I should stop my stream of consciousness right here, now.
I got an outstanding in my Biology homework that I printed off right after I wrote my blog yesterday, so this is GOOD KARMA, DANG IT <3
Well, I don’t want to dang this blog at all, I’m growing very fond of it and my readers.
And this song now.
My, my, it is So Contagious.
I bet Marissa sent it to me because she KNEW I’d end up saying something as cliché as that. HA. POOSNIFFER.
I didn’t mean for that to sound so aggressive. Honestly!
Ok, yes, tea, eat, hottub…relax my injected arm (:
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Also, by writing these at school when I have the time means I can write them when I have things in my head, fresh from sleep, and haven’t had a day to interrupt these obscene and interesting thoughts. Not obscene OBSCENE obscene. Just…yeah. Plus, I can just scrawl ‘em out and save them on my pendrive, then upload ‘em to the ol’ blogspot before I’ve wasted a good half an hour thinking of something to write and digressing onto facebook.
I got the feeling that as I wrote that, and you read it, I was swinging my arm and going “GOOD OL’ BLOGSPOT”. Oh dear. This is what I like to call “early-morning-itus.”
So this keyboard is sticky. Hopefully my typing will correct that, but then I have this awful sensation that it’s CLINGING to my fingertips, ew.
I’m filming for my last “Elizabeth is still here” week of Hazelizabeth this week, and it’s slowly driving me demented. BUT STRATFORD ON FRIDAY, HOLY SHOOT. I am so excited :D
Apart from the fact Stratford was on the news yesterday because Shakespeare’s house is falling down. Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmholes.
I’m trying to think of new, innovative ways to let out my anger in words. By not swearing. So, saying sugar, bum, poosniffers, stuff like that. It’s not all that nice, but the occasional FLUFF OFF is quite amusing tbh. I mean, it’s all James’ fault anyway, he swears like a chuffing trooper! AND THAT NORA! She swears lots and lotsies! SO YEAH YOU TWO, BACK AWFF.
My accent irl is getting like, more broad. WHAT AM I DOING?
Aaaaanyway, it’s approaching time to switch on the Zen, listen, go to the common room, listen to talking, sort out Prefect duty, have some lessons, eat a STEAK AND ALE PASTIE (oh man, I love you Mum) and then…oh yeah DOUBLE FREAKIN’ ENGLISH <3
So, my day’s gonna be preeeetty dandy, and pardon the expression, but I feel almost as enthusiastic about my day ahead as I feel Marissa would. Man, she’s infiltrating on our lives like MAJOR TIME now!
The only thing that is somewhat like a doomsday to me, is going to Cadets.
Screaming children who get their fingers stuck in chairs. Yes chairs.
Dang, they’re so clingy.
Anyway, I’ve gotta dash. Well, really, there’s no hurry, it’s only 8:15 a.m. Oh, and I changed the wheely chair to a stool so my wrists were higher when typing. Wait, did I tell you I was on a wheely chair?
I probably didn’t, but there goes my train of thought.
I like to think it’s actually a train.
Choo choo.
SO I'M HOME NOW, and about to post this...
I put my order in for the Café Pasta food for the Stratford trip...
3 guesses if you don't follow me on twitter?
Pasta and WHAT?
Tatty bye,
keep scrolling
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Errors and PESTO
But I thought I'd write a blog upon the subject of pesto.
I mean, yesterday, we went to Hexham, which is *actually* where the bracelet shop was, not Carlisle. I just like typing Carlisle, it's funny. You say "Car-lie-uhl." Anyway!
We had lunch in the Arts Centre café , it was so homely, yummmmmm.
I was so lush, I cannot put it into words.
Mind you, it was abit hot at first.
But, mmmmm. I love pesto. When we were in London for SitC, I had 2 pesto pasta dishes. And watching Pasta Week on thesexymacaroni reminded me how much I love pesto and pasta, both together and separately. One of those dishes was Pesto linguini, and the other was these tiny, tiny twists, like round twists, of pasta. MAN.
It was like oily, but basil-y, and then PINE NUTS <3
The other day Mum found a box of grissini (breadsticks) and was like "I bought these for your braces." Meaning, "I bought these for you to eat as brace snacks instead of chocolate and sugary-cack." But obviously, we hadn't opened them.
So, I saw some olives on the front of the box and was like "HECK YES, IMAGONNA CRACK OPEN THE PESTO!"
So, sitting watching Mock The Week, with a little dish of pesto and some breadsticks, I was VERY pleased indeed!
I mean, granted, all of these pesto-speriences were green pesto.
<3 It's equally as good, just not as available as the heavenly green variety.
We used to get these mushroom pocket pasta flat ravioli, cook in a pan for 10 mins things from Aldi, and Mum and I used to eat them on a Thursday when Liz went to Caitlins, so we could indulge in pesto-ey or cheesy things when she was out, and Dad was out training so would eat later or something.
Now, THAT pesto was sommink ELSE. It was like CHEESY, like REALLY CHEESY. It used to be stringy, and HAAAAAAAAT. That's hot, not hat btw. Holy moly, a pesto hat? I mean, an appreciation hat.
No Hazel. NO.
But this blog has made me think how much I get over excited for food. Like, I could never be veggie or have an eating disorder; I'm waaaay too fond of food. Not like excessive, I just really enjoy eating and experiencing flavours. Not too fond of figs so far though.
I really love making food, it interests me.
Italian food is SO LOVELY.
We found this sweet little Italian restaurant in Carlisle (hehe typing fun) and I got this AWESOME pizza called "Pizza Ultima."
Cumberland Sausage, salami, chicken, bacon, bolognese sauce instead of tomato sauce, and probably something else, MEAT BLANK.
I'm salivating, like Pavlov's dog.
Typing the word meat is my Conditioned Response.
So, I have to go research a respiratory disease, write about stage directions, and probably not eat any meat today.
Man, I would like some pesto.
Can you tell?
Tatty bye,
Saturday, 19 September 2009
This is what school does to me. I swear down and hope and pray it isn't swine-flu.
I had to take my new bracelets off to type this, I thought they'd scratch the laptop, the lap bit.
So yeah! New bracelets! They're a little set of 5 indian-type jangly things from this SUPER CUTE shope in Carlisle, called Gaiya, it sells Namaste bags and lush skirts and insensce and keyrings, lovely books, and BRACELETS.
I got my friend a birthday present for Monday. She also happens to be my Princess Jasmine for the school panto this year, haha EPIC. I love her lots.
Did you know Merlin's back tonight?
School has given me cold already. Or maybe not wearing trousers out last night has helped to induce it sooner. Not that I just wasn't wearing any trousers, I was wearing a dress! Hah, Liz got asked if she really wasn't wearing any underwear today because her Avenue Q top says she isn't. How epic is that? It makes me think back to SitC when people asked if I really did like giraffes, and I was like HECK YES I DO.
Good times.
Sixth Form is so tiring. But I have a locker now! I ALSO PUT UP MY HIJACKIT POSTER <3 People think I'm weird for filming myself opening my locker, then trying to explain "It's for my American friends, really!" HAHA.
Especially the new kids.
I'm making a skirt in Textiles at the moment. I really want to make a full suit for my final project this year, like jacket, waistcoat, trousers etc. It really disappoints me going shopping now. I mean, Liz got a new coat today, it's really lovely, but going shopping for things other than shoes, tights and coats has begun to annoy me, because the whole "one-wear" item thingymajjig is really wearing on me. I wish I could just make my own clothes, like my teachers used to, and Mum, it would be so much more useful. At least things would fit. You could get the right colour too.
I hate how skills are wasted just so companies can make gross profit.
I'm quite riled up now.
But yeah, I'm quite happy really, I just did a new video, despite being all full of cold.
I miss being able to write weekday blogs.
Tatty bye,
Friday, 4 September 2009
That is just about all I can say about how I feel today. So overwhelmed mayn!
Sixth form is a surprise tbh, it's so BIG.
So many people I never expected to come back are still lurking around, giving me creepy stares, and just generally scaring me.
I'm in an AWESOME tutor group though! First day, and Hodgy's making jokes about Ashlee being orange, oh my life.
I felt so odd in my new black uniform, looking sortof strangely longingly at the new little people in BLUE uniform. Not like that, I really like blue, black makes me feel like I'm constantly on the way to a funeral or a business meeting! I LOVE MY SHOES THOUGH! If and when I get time, I shall upload a picture of me enjoying wearing them (: They are SEXY. Like, no joke. I love them.
I feel quite bad because I was SO psyched for Psych today, and the rest of the day, and I wanted to feel like Marissa did and be like "HOO I CAN'T WAIT FOR SOCIAL STUDIES MY TEACHER IS AWESOME." but... I didn't. I sooooo didn't. It was just scary.
However, double English one day a week? I LOVE THIS, I have BGB <3 She is absolutely THE BEST. I'm never giving English up, EVER.
So I'm excited for that, Textiles and actually Biology. But Psychology? HECK NO.
The teacher is so dozy she actually forgot that Liz sat at the front of her classroom for a whole year, only 2 years ago. I tell you what, she doesn't half lull me to sleep.
So, I'm with Danielle in ALL of her lessons and frees and study periods with her, except her Maths lessons, where I have Tech. I LOVE THIS LIFE <3
Mass was a cringe.
Then again, when I got home, I realised the little flap at the back of my new blazer was still tacked together! AHAHA HOW LAME AM I?
Did I mention I LOVE MY NEW SHOES?
We had Chinese for tea, and Chinese tea, then...Rocky Road Ice Cream bahahahaha.
I am absolutely so gutted that I had to delete and re-upload my Mika competition entry video, if you're reading this, please watch rate and fav again, please? It would mean the world, as I am *slightly* distraught!
Ah, I need a relaxing night tonight, and thank goodness for the weekend, even though I know I have no time to relax. Dammit.
I'm really struggling with this diary/blog crossover you know! Argh.
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Greg Holden <3
Maybe bar the smell that my newly waterproofed, sexy new school shoes are wafting around my unventilated room, but hey.
I played on OMGPOP today, a guest, and I WHOOPED ASS, but as a guest, then I got a hazelizabeth account, so add away and be nice to us/me...
Oh my giddy goodness. I got so giddy today actually!
We watched "The Benchwarmers" and by jove, I'm in like with that film!
It's so funny, nerdy, oh JON HEDER <3
I think I shall write up a proper review of it in good time, because I want to watch it again, but SIXTH FORM, GAHHH.
This is my stream of concioussness YO.
I wrote like 2 whole pages as opposed to just one in my diary last night, so much happened to me within like an hour!
I got a text inviting me out yesterday, for today, and I was feeling SO grotty that I was just like UGHHHHHHH NO. But I thought it would be like one of the last times *us* lot would meet up together, all together with James. So I was having a crisis. I'm not ashamed to admit I totally broke down. There were various other things that had been agitating me, but it all just hit me, plus I had a reason to blubber, so I did.
Then, James rang me and was like "I REALLY HAVE TO TALK TO YOU. YOU SOUND STRESSED AS BUM." and I just had to hang up; I couldn't speak to him.
He rang back and sent a text like "please just answer!!!"
So I finished up writing my diary and sat with a hot water bottle for abit, and he rang back.
I still don't know how/ why/ what he's doing, but he's going to be with the Dream Team again! Minus Fran...whoops.
But it made me feel so much better! But silly me, I just cried down the phone at him and he was just like "YOU ARE MAD."
Then, he dropped the bomb that he has tickets for V.V.Brown in NOVEMBER!
AAAMAAAGAAAAA I am so excited for then, for Friday, for life.
I'm getting ready, clearing my pendrive, packing my bags, having a bath and painting my nails neatly tonight, I'm so psyched!
Early nights make me feel prepared.
I like preparation.
However, I fail to prepare for lots of things, but I enjoy what I do.
Plus, I just found my Aladdin script and highlighed it all.
Wow, I have some mediocre lines.
BRING IT ON SIXTH FORM, wear me out why don't you?
I apologise now blog readers.
In advance.
See? I'm preparing you at least.
Tatty bye,
(for the drab foreseeable future...)
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Oh how I feel the shame!
Anyway, this past weekend saw Summer In The City in London!
That...doesn't make sense...
I don't want to rant about it, because I had so much fun, and so many amazing experiences, it'll make me miss it.
Plus, Liz will probably give a better account of it anyway.
We met SO many people, and just had an awesome time, singing, being, enjoying :D
I feel abit guilty because I find it hard to blog when I've written a detailed diary account of the day, and I don't want to just write out what I've written in my diary because that would just feel wrong, and I have a thing about copying things like that.
I like this thing to be more internetty and stuff, related to friends and times that people hopefully like reading about, and can relate and comment *justspoutingnowshouldstopreally*
I just don't want to give up on this, because it's fun, but I know that in weeks to come, sadly, these'll probably become short, uninteresting, rushed or non-existant.
Anyway, we went on a big Primark spreeeeeee so I have lots of little nice things and cheap clothes to mix and match.
Liz and I need to iron on transfers and watch up telly and films we're missing out on.
I think I'm going to paint my nails U.V. purple today, ah thankyou Primark bargains.
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 27 August 2009
I'M SO SORRY! It uspsets me too :(
I thought I'd let you blog followers get the good news about my exam/GCSE results!
I got 4 A*'s and 6A's for my results! SO I PASSED EVERYTHING AND BEAT LIZ IN FRENCH!
Which pleases me insane amounts hahahahaa.
I then had an interview with the head of 6th form to get a place there, he was like "I do like organised people, ideal candidate blah do an English degreee, have fun in London at your gathering, BYE." It was awesome (: Then we hung around abit so see other people getting results and stuff, and I think everyone was happy! Lots of people did SO well, I'm so happy for everyone!!!
Then we walked down into town and got lots of chinese food from Inshanghai and ate and ate, well me and James did, haha woofed down about a whole chicken, then some jelly which was abit odd, and I had a banana fritter because I'm cool :D
So we then ventured to Esquires to get some change to settle bills, it was a wee bit complicated, and we met Sam, Beth, Ruth and John in there, good banter there (:
Then I came home, saw Nana and she gave me a card and a congratulations teddy, a metoyou one as well!SCHWEEEET! And then some other cards as well :)
I'm now going to write to Alice and shout at my mum about picnics and baking ¬_¬
I'm once again, very sorry, and I might write some advance blogs if I can, may have to ask the B in french about that later.
I want to watch Labyrinth for Danielle :)
Tatty bye
X (woahh what is THAT? A kiss???)
[yes, I missed writing that]
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
She thinned out the monster fringe so now it's all... fluffy! ( I just typed word WIN)
It's really short at the back, and like long at the front.
I think I look more like Danielle now, but Liz thinks I now look even more like Marissa!
I can't help but touch it now, it has that softness from the hairdressers that's all lovely and hmmmmmm.
But it's the long bits at the front which are stroke worthy. Oh, I can't help but touch my hair! I'm not going to dye it anymore, but replenish with my new hair-stuff I bought to lighten it abit...then...agh, I just want to temporarily dye it PURPLE MAYNNN.
If not pink then PURPLE ARGH PURPLE.
Anyway, I'm hopefully going to venture out into the big, wide world of Argos later today, and buy something.
Webcam hopefulliez (:
Anyway, if you want to read something with non-stop giggles and proper laugh out loud moments, I highly recommend with GREAT THANKS from James, Alan Carr's "Look Who It Is!", incredibly funny and interesting.
I actually cried with laughter last night before bed at Minstral. Poor thing!
I have told only a few people about this major brain fail, but I'm going to tell you.
I woke up from a dream on... Monday morning, and in my dream I had my nose pierced, and really liked it! Now, I really am not a fan of piercings, not even my own ears (even though I've had them done now) so this was quite odd. However, when I got up, I looked in the mirror and was like "OHMYGOD MY NOSE HAS CLOSED UP!!!"
Then I hit my forehead with my palm *IT WAS A DREAM MAN HAZEL*
But now, I'm kindof thinking I like them... NO I DON'T IT WAS A DREAM.
Seriously, I'm messed up!
Any opinions on nose piercings? I HATE BULL RINGS.
Tatty bye,
Monday, 27 July 2009
Damn Facebook Too Bloody Addicting
I just can't help myself!
So, technically, I shouldn't be blogging today, but I want to, so sucks to my made-up-in-my-head-rules.
I saw HP&HBP again today, it was way awesome the second time around. I actually cried proper tears this time, and had someone to grab a hold of that wasn't Ross when the Inferi went RAAARGHHH.
It was nice.
But just nice, gosh I hate that word.
But it's all I can say about my situation. I'm a conflicted woman.
Anyway, it was a lovely day to be sat inside the cinema. Trains to Newcastle are fun, and getting to use my student rail card and getting a return for £3.70 and watching Kyle pay £5.80 or something ridiculous was quite...well...schadenfreude-ian, ;D
I think I'm allergic to him, because I've actually come out in hives. Like, all over my neck, my elbows are sort of hivey, my chest's even gone hivey. It's horrible! But, he says it's his new aftershave?! I BELIEVE IT'S ACTUALLY HIM. But he won't have it.
It's been really lovely talking to my friend Dan from Poacher, who I met at about this time last year, at the Laser Shooting thing at Poacher! Really good times! So, it's been nice to talk to him again, and it's his birthday soon! Too bad he lives in Chesterfield, it's like well way away... :(
It's too bad I never got any contacts for Josh from Hull from Poacher... they were really nice to me and Jenny ;) We sat and drank Fanta (well I didn't) in our Beer chairs and just had a real laugh. I love camp, I really do. Well, mixed camps are fun anyway... no not like that, it means the Guides just get to show the Scouts up at every moment possible, because they just fail.
Anyway, I was going to do something really ellaborate for this week's Hazelizabeth video, but I have to post it on Sunday because we're away Fri&Sat, so... might be difficult to edit well for what I wanted to do, so I'm going to have to let James down! I feel terrible now :(
I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, pictures should be on facebook if I take any, but I'll probably do a blog for you lovely people too, because I like detailing HAIR.
Tatty bye,
Monday, 20 July 2009
The best bit of yesterday
Clearly! I was absolutely delighted to find this cheeky chap in the peeling pile :D
A little startled nonetheless, but clearly happy (: Sorry about the facial expressions, tiredness was deffinitely setting in.
Today however, I might film for a personal vlog, but whatever happens happens, and it might not because now I've said, I'll probably not do it :\
However, I do strongly reccomend V.V.Brown's debut album : Travelling Like The Light!
It's something I wouldn't usually purposefully listen to, but I love it!
I'd like to thank James a LOT for introcucing me, it's really boppy, happy and the lyrics are interesting to me...haha parallels (:
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Two weekends on camp.
You may not remember me.
Right, so last weekend, I went into Durham for a residential weekend with Guides, and it was AWESOMEE!
We developed the phrase "runty" for things that are not quite justified/recognised/cannot quite be described, and also, a little bit rubbish. TINNIES, and the Big Meeting were also quite interesting.
Sorry for not blogging this week, I was filming instead!
Right, so this weekend I went away with St.John Ambulance Cadets, which if you can, you should join (: It was a really fun weekend, and I went as part of a group of 4 (3 of whom I'd never met) to compete for the title of "County Cadet Of The Year", for Durham, and also the chance to go further and compete at National Level.
I didn't get it.
Ah, what a shame.
The weekend was a lot of fun though!
We had a campanology session with a guy called Colin from New College, and goshh that was funny (: We were the elderly group, so he named us: Doris, Ethel, Ada and Cissy.
I was Ethel of course :D
So yeah, it was great fun, and Rebekah, Jennifer and Caitlin were all really lovely people and Caitlin deserved to get the role (:
Of course, Rebecca was gutted to give up the title to Caitlin, but that's the way things go!
So, I'm back now, and hopefully blogging about more interesting day-to-day things, but right now, I'm going to watch Labyrinth with Elizabeth and recover from my lack of sleep!
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
"I am twelve, what is this" said Mum.
Golly gosh, Mum did a meme.
She's so awesome :D
So this evening I went to Guides to help. They were doing skewers on BBQ's, so I stink, naturally. Pork, chicken, turkey, corgette, mushroom, red onion, YUM YUM. Tarragon and lemon marinade, mmmmmmmhmmm.
(Mum just started singing Exterminate Regenerate too...SCORE!!!)
So Guides was fun, there were some n00bs who needed pwning, so, ahem, I showed 'em what's what and did some "EEH-HE" in with Debra.
So last night was also really rather awesome! It was our first night of the "Come Dine With Me" experience, and was SO fun + funny hehe. We all got there in dribs and drabs, there being Rachel's house, but we were all there before Fran, and when she got there, we hid in a cupboard for the lolz, but Sophie was a little too loud and, well, we ended up bursting out, after being locked in from the inside, BY SOPHIE!
So we hung around and chatted for abit, then went to eat Rachel's food.
It was as follows:
Potato and Leek Homemade Soup with Tomato or Tiger bread and marge
Leg of Duck with Roast Parsnips, Sweet Potato and Carrot, with Creamy Beetroot Sauce
Chocolate Mousse with Strawberries, Grapes and Clementine Segments
It was absolutely beautiful!
I say 10/10 for the first night!
So, we slept over, but Fran went off to Amy's at like 10 ish, so Sophie, Danielle, Rachel and I set up camp in her room. Many chats and guffaws later, we decided to go to sleep...ish.
Sophie's singing never fails to amuse me <3
So, I'm really quite worn out, as I got home at about 2 o'clock, had a sandwich, watched some of Cheeky and Gary on the plinth on Oneandother streaming, and watched last night's Torchwood.
WOW this week long saga is AMAZING!
I'm pretty tired, got lots to do tomorrow, and am away all of this weekend at a Guiding sleepover/organising thing, plus it's the Big Meeting (Miner's Gala) in town, so, BUSY BUSY BUSY!
I'm baking muffins in the morning for Joe, so :D
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
I refuse to accept it!
I can't believe I've let it get to Tuesday! Argh!
As I type this out, I'm watching "How clean is your house?", and my my, this woman's house was INSANE!
Well, to re-cap yesterday, Mum considered grounding me because I was 'tweeting into her time' on the computer, (but I was voting for Doctor Benjy on the Mr.Twitter wall, hehe), because I got up late and wanted to go to bed late, even though bedtime doesn't really have an effect on me anymore... nevermind. Torchwood was IMMENSE, EPIC, AND AMAZING. Scene kid words ;D But really though, it was so enjoyable, I was enthralled to the maximum! Captain Jack and Ianto <3
After a little shouting match, I went to bed and read, so all was well in my tiny mind :)
We did a lot of ironing between us yesterday, but the electricity cut out during the crazy hail/thunder/lightning/torrential rain storm this afternoon, so we couldn't finish watching Transformers either! (Personally, I think it was the Transformers...) Still, that was a little bit mental, as I did think Liz had been struck by lightning as she wasn't responding from upstairs. It turned out the rain was just too loud to hear over... We also then sat and watched some Brotherhood 2.0, so XD
Sunday... ah Sunday.
I did my nails throughout the day, so they'd be dry and NOT chipped for once!
(Oh, I've seen this episode of Will and Grace...for once O.o)
Mum put heated rollers in at about 5 ish, and then we took them out about an hour and a half later, listening to ALL CAPS and Mrs. Nerimon, both parents were like PWN! It was so awesome haha.
My dress did actually look less creased (sorry for the unbelievable late reply Ashley!) yet whenever I sat down at the dance it got even more creased. Helen and I danced to every 90's song, Jess and I requested 'Come on Eileen', and they played it!!! :D It was a very enjoyable night, however, my feet are in pieces now, but my shoes were just the GREATEST :) Mmm shoes ;)
Jon Richardson was on the radio this morning, yeyeyeyeyey :)
Love it.
Right, well I need a shower, and now my Twitter texts are working again, you'll be hearing more from me because I feel the need to broadcast more without constant internet, which isn't actually mine.
I'm going out tonight and sleeping over, so Twitter might be a good idea to keep y'know, posted.
Today's going to be good, sewing labels and hopefully the rest of Transformers/ironing?
Tatty bye,