Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Seriously but not serious at all fun times!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Overused word will be overused in this post
The 25th November, is officially a snow day. Here, in Durham, we have about 4/6 inches of snow. Yet, I’m still in school. Technically, I have nothing to do in this lesson, so I decided I’d finally write something for you lot to read. If you still do of course. We’re discussing how rubbish Twilight is, and the pathetic nature of Bella as a protagonist. GO KATNISS AND HERMIONE!!!!!! Now it’s Christmas. I’m getting really excited; my Textiles teacher for theory is a super supporter of the Christmas spirit, especially in light of this flurry of snow.
On Tuesday, something really funny but also quite terrifying happened to me. I went to Reading Group (normal, perfectly) but didn’t have any time to get to the toilets or anything, so I ran to tutor, dumped my bags and went to the toilets under the stairs in the languages block. As I walked into the toilets, I saw a lot of flour on the floor. This was weird, even though I know Year 8 Girls hang around in there and eat food (super minging). Yet, they're still messy, and had spilled a whole bag of flour down a toilet and all over the floor. I did a little wretch and went into the disabled toilet at the end, because it's the only one that ever has toilet paper. I heard someone open the door and say "there's flour everywhere" and then the door closed. I came out of the cubicle, washed my hands and went over to the drier, avoiding the flour patch. After laughing to myself and my little head-made reference to Barbershopera III (innefective hand-driers), I made my way to the door. Grasping the handle, I pulled it towards myself with adequate force to open it and let myself out of the flour pit. Alas, the door did not swing, not even an inch. (An inch is quite a lot actually). Repeating the door opening movement, I repositioned my feet, and tugged at the handle some more. Locked. In. The. Floury. Toilets. FOREVER. I looked through the frosted glass of the door and thumped on it. "HELP! I'M IN HERE!" I shouted, really rather lamely all things considered. Thankfully, our technician walked down the stairs and heard me banging against the door. "Thankyou!" I cried, mercifully wanting to say "YOU HAVE SAVED ME, WHATEVER CAN I DO TO THANK YOU ENOUGH?", but I just left it at that. Mel (the technician) tried to kick the door down for me. I shouted back "It's locked man! Don't try!" and he escaped to go and get someone with a key. It turned out that Mr.Dodds had locked them up, and what with him being a member of male staff and all, didn't go in to check if anyone was still in there, and just LOCKED THE DOOR ANYWAY. I left the floury-pit feeling a little shaken, and only told two people about my strange adventure, feeling quite shocked really.
(Just as a little note, it has taken me so long to write this blog during today, that the sun has naturally set and I was plunged into darkness, a sign that my work really does need to be done soon. So, being me, I continue to write the blog...)
As I sit here, my feet are getting considerably colder, and I'm at my little work station. That is, I've closed the lid on my electric piano, and plonked the laptop on it so that I have a desk area rather than a bed where I am liable to just stick videos on and snooze. Failing that, whack an awesome Spotify hour or so on and get in a right musical trance. A jazz trance.
I apologise, I'm sitting and watching little snippets of the wonderful "Mighty Boosh" just because it is purely amazing, and it's making me feel really happy. I'm surrounded by wonderful music, and the snow is starting to thaw. I'll probably be at school tomorrow, so seeing human faces (other than my parents) will either cheer me up or make me more morose. Today has felt like I have been on the edge of a certain feeling all day. When I woke up, I was just moody, and then watched the episode of Hollyoaks with Steph's funeral and CRIED SO MUCH. I can't believe she just... stood in the fire and was like "I'm ready to die". I don't watch it anymore, but gosh, there are so many new characters and relationships and FUNERALS going on, it was really difficult watching. I then progressed into my bedroom, did some drawing which was rubbish and I'm not going to include in my project, listened to some fairly normal music and got bored of its... well average ability to not make me go "Wow this is beautiful music", so I felt sad about contemporary music's failings there. I ate some lunch with family, watched a programme about extreme fishing and laughed a fair bit, had some tea, played some piano which made me really happy, and then set up my little work station. Music since then has made me sink into a little bubble of content. That's about it really.
I hope everything is well wherever you are, I have an horrendous tickly chest cough which makes it difficult to laugh and consequently breathe, but there's nothing like braving the Arctic conditions outiside to get to school next week to cure it! Right?
Tatty bye,
Monday, 1 November 2010
That boy had really pretty shoes on
One Pair to find them,
One Pair to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
I wish I was an Owl.
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole"
Saturday, 2 October 2010
I don't do sadness
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Enthusiasm vs Melancholy

Thursday, 19 August 2010
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Friday, 14 May 2010
Just a note or two...
Monday, 10 May 2010
So, so, SO Naked.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Really beginning to struggle
Friday, 2 April 2010
Long journeys
Saturday, 27 March 2010
The clouds are moving
They remind me of the clouds in Toy Story on Andy’s wallpaper.
Oh dear, what an atrocious hair day. Seriously. This is just WRONG!
I walked into the tech block this morning, and the room in the back where I sit and write these and record the Friday Hazelizabeth News smelled like a car showroom this morning. Only mildly, because my own burned hair scent filled my nostrils sooner than I could have spurted my guts out at the smell of seat belts. Oh yes, I once again have an horrendous cough. I coughed up luminous green this morning. I KNOW YOU ALL WANTED TO KNOW IT! But yeah, colloquialisms aside, I should not be in school. I feel ok in myself, like I don’t feel dizzy or squittery, but I know I’m ill. Another reason for me to, you know, skip school today is that MY HAIR SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED. EVER. Proof that it needs taming with scissors and a razor soon? THE DAY HAS COME, WHEN I CANNOT PYHISICALLY DO ANYTHING TO BETTER IT. THIS DAY, IS TODAY. No day but today! Except, it might have to be in the Holidays…
OH POOPY POOP AND POOP STICKS! I have English mocks next week, as well as finalities to do on the essays I did over the weekend. This is going to cripple me as a blog writer. Don’t expect much!
(I wrote that on MONDAY. It is now SATURDAY)
So, I had a haircut last night. It was tamed and the fringe simultaneously RUINED. I loved my fringe, like a loyal but slightly retarded friend. It was sometimes willing to be clipped out of the way, it did as it was told some days, and it was always there, it never mysteriously disappeared. Until Vanessa savaged it with a razor. I now don’t have a parting at all, it’s all just short bits that merge into a fluffy line of fringe. It’s growing on me, but I have this massive urge to just want to pull at it until it grows out, coaxing it out of the follicles. I also really want to dye it, all of my hair. Vanessa is right, it’s kind of a dull colour now. It’s naturally kind of light at the front, but I want it to go sort of, gold. Really GOLD. And shiny, with like the shiny bits kind of coppery. Ah, well, I just really want my hair to look interesting, for it to stand out in a way. Not like “HOLY CACK, HER HAIR IS SHORT AND LIKE LUMIOUS PINK AND SHE HAS LOTS OF PIERCINGS AND DREADS AND A SHORT FRINGE AND A SHORT SKIRT AND RIPPED TIGHTS AND BOOTS” kind of “stand out statement”, but something that just sets me apart in the *right* way. I can’t really define the *right* way, but it’s not a rebellious look.
I have this BIG urge to want to ride my bike too, but it’s chilly and windy outside, I think I might go tomorrow in the afternoon sun just before or after Choir, I’m yet to decide!
I want to watch Stardust tonight, because we failed to record The Full Monty on Wednesday, and I really want to just cosy up with a film tonight, seeing as I planned to last night, but ended up baking (rock-hard according to Mum, I will not forgive her for the face she pulled when she judged them so harshly) coffee and cream muffins instead.
I’m also really rather excited for the new Episodes (not “eps” Matt Smith, you utter twaddle talker) of Doctor Who! MAJOR W00T! (That would be my name if I was in the army...fo’sure.)
I love Radio Two on Saturdays, Dermot O’Leary has some great guests: Mumford & Sons, Russell Howard (he played Violent Femmes, and before that, BEN FOLDS :D)
Tatty bye,
Thursday, 18 March 2010
That's IT
If my Friday sucks because I made it so, I'm going to sit inside, warm, cosy, a social recluse, and watch Edward Scissor-Hands.
I just don't understand this culture of going out, dressing up, getting "wrecked". Why do they want to damage themselves? Can't they respect that their bodies aren't designed to retain so much alcohol? That's why they pass out, or vom up, or you know, get POISONED. Don't get me wrong, it's not the drinking culture that winds me up, it's the incessant need and desire to "Go OUT", get drunk ON A STREET, in a club, on a bench, in a park, not in the safety of someone's home. Regulated house parties? DANDY, GET ME THERE. But pubs, clubs? Bars, cars? NO. JUST. NO.
I much prefer a film. Some chocolate and/or (what am I doing, it's hardly EVER or) ice cream, food, water, milk, tea, thoughts, contemplations about life. Fridays are the days when I reflect back on my week, think about what I've achieved, catch up on the internet, listen to and then play some music, and stay up ridiculously late because my friends do so, and late online chatterings are actually priceless. And it means I can talk to my friends who are strewn across the seas in different time zones. And I don't have to care about BEDTIME, because it's Saturday, and I can do what the FREAK I like, unless I have plans.
So, all in all, I like to be dull, but you know, not so dull that I'm average. Heaven forbid.
I had three separate people today who came up to me and told me that I should audition to be part of the new cast for Skins.
I'd love it. I would totally be the one to FLIP THE HELL OUT and tell everyone to GET A GRIP AND JUST DO SOME WORK AND NOT SO MANY FREAKIN' DRUGS, KAYYY?
Oh well!
I'm living in a state of "maybe it was all for the best, I'm still happy".
It's really odd, but liberating.
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Trodden Down (PART ONE)
(Note, this is not typical of this blog)
Finally, it was Saturday. I really had the jitterbug. In two weeks time, I would be seventeen. I’d have this sense of freedom and the passion of learn how to drive was slowly and surely making me both nervous and excited. I’d even have my own car. Mum had picked it out, insured it and everything. Things were piecing together, so neatly, so securely. Everything was just right. Saturday meant boot day. It also meant finally seeing Joel.
Don’t start assuming things, I mean, I *wish*, but he was nothing more than just a teenage boy behind the counter. In that shoe shop. And I mean he was ALWAYS there. Not that I kept checking… but just everytime I walked past, gawping at that pair of paint spattered Tuks he just glanced around, and caught me through the mesh of the window. The most glorious flush of crimson invaded my face and I scurried off. Subtlety is definitely not my style.
“Cee, are you ready? I’m just going to put the keys in the door!” Mum hollered up the stairs.
“Yeah sure Mum” I sort of hollowly answered. The truth was that I’d been ready for hours, I was just so nervous. I had no boots to quake in, so some battered Converse had to take their place. I supposed that I had to put on something that was alright to change out of to try the boots on with, if you catch my drift. The only thing missing was my hat, scarlet and floppy, it fixed itself behind my ears and over my forehead, and nestled just at the nape of my neck. I was ready. Just not very prepared.
Mum locked up and we stepped off the porch and onto the road. A rather large drip of rain plopped off the roof of the porch and went right down the back of my neck. I turned around in disgust to face the house, but just wiped it off. I couldn’t stop smiling for one, and an insignificant raindrop was not going to dampen my mood. The car jittered into life, and Mum started asking mundane questions about school. I automatically started answering, but there was no real thought behind what I was saying. I was watching the raindrops as they ran down the windscreen, cheering them on silently, watching them race. The rain was heavy now, and the feeling of being inside a tin box, warm and dry, was increasingly nauseating. I just wanted to be outside in it. I wanted to splash in the great big puddles, fill my shoes with water and make my socks so wet that they felt like great big balloons of water to wade in. But I was rattling around in a car, bound for the city centre, in the middle of October. The oddest thing was that I felt more trapped inside the chassis of the car than my imagined state in the puddles. I just really wanted to get out, smiling and dancing, and forget about all of these overhanging burdens.
“Celia, are you listening to me? Have you got a pound for the meter?”
“Oh, yeah. Here” I prised the pound coins from my pocket and handed it to Mum. My hands were extremely cold, I could feel it spreading up my wrists from the tips of my electric blue fingernails. The car had somehow stationed itself in the car park just below the shopping complex, and I rather dramatically decided to drag myself out of the car. Now that we were inside, I wanted nothing more than to just sit there and wait for the car to dry off. Even though I could feel that under my hat my hair was dry, I flicked it and rolled the long, brown bang-like bits at the front as if I were wringing them out. Smoothing down the front of my coat, I made my way to the meter, nonchalantly pulled the ticket out of the machine, and stuck it to the inside of the windscreen.
(On request?)
Tatty bye,
(p.s. on blogworthy terms, I saw Francesca after Clarinetix [which was totally hilarious] and it was so lovely, she makes me happy amidst all of the poop I have somehow stooped myself in)
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
That sensation when something reminds you of something else
On another note, we saw that really annoying man in the red Saab again this morning. Dad and I just laughed really heartily and he drove on. It was amusing :D
Also, another thing that’s pleasant is texting someone who you wouldn’t necessarily expect to respond to you in a pleasant way. That was odd last night. But also, getting in touch with a friend who you haven’t spoken to in at least a month, and them apologising for late replies, but just continuing a conversation smoothly is also really…just comforting. I had this moment in Biology yesterday, I know, kind of the wrong place to have it, but I’d finished the experiment, and test (HAVING RECEIVED AN “A” AND A NICE ONE OFFOF MR.JOHNSON *punches air*) and I was just sat there, thinking: “What if I’ve done it wrong? (not the test) What if I’ve made all of these choices, and I’ll look back to see that the people I’ve made friendships with will all have left me, and I won’t have appreciated the support network I had?”
And that was it. Just a brief flash of doubt. And then my real head kicked in and said “NO HAZE. LIVE IN THE MOMENT”
So that is what I’m doing. If it all goes wrong, I’ll live with it. I don’t really think it’s going to, I’m just really apprehensive that one day, it *might*. I don’t want it to, at all! It was certainly a scary thought, and I really surprised myself. I think that thinking like that is something I need to *STOP* doing.
My decisions must be right, because I’m really happy.
Although, I am going to be in school until 6pm tonight. It is now 8:22 (when writing this, not posting) A.M. THAT IS (just less than) 10 HOURS.
But I will be singing, so eeet’s not all bad :D
Anyway, this blog was really weird, and I don’t think I should try to divulge my depressive thoughts to you any more, right?
(Sorry it wasn’t a story James, I’ll keep thinking)
Tatty bye,
Monday, 8 March 2010
Never before and hopefully never again.
But I told Alex how I’d fallen out of the bath, and he said that it was one of his biggest fears to fall out of the shower, like “WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME?” sort of thing. I told him about the time. OH YES, THE OTHER TIME (actually, this was before I’d kind of done it again, so it was just “that time”) I’d put myself in the recovery position before almost passing out because I could feel it coming, getting up after obviously passing out, and being fine. Now, bear in mind that this was the time when I was definitely the most ill I have EVER been, and hopefully it will be the only occasion (touch wood/head) because it was when I got out of the bath when I had chicken pox. Man, it really took me out of it, but being pre-emptive, I braced myself, and got through it.
If Alex hadn’t led me out, or God forbid, I hadn’t somehow decided to get out, I would have for sure just passed out and been laid on the floor, amongst the empty glasses and strange stickiness all over the lovely student union linoleum.
What a strange night.
I also went to McDonalds at about half past 11 at night, which I’ve never done before. People watching in there is really interesting, but the putrid stench of all of that ketchup and the drunk people with mayonnaise and bits of lettuce stuck to their faces is just a bit too wild for me. Just in case you’re wondering what I got from the fantastic food emporium, it was a bottle of water. AM I JUST THE COOLEST OFF THE WALL PERSON YOU HAVE READ A BLOG ABOUT RECENTLY? OR AM I NOT? Let me know bahahahaha.
Anyway, we did some escalatatory adventuring in the metro station, and that was fun, then Alex’s Dad took me home, very kindly.
Eventful as it was, I got a free paper bag because I asked the merchandise man kindly, and the sort of people who follow Mumford & Sons tend to be really lovely Christian souls who just like doing nice things occasionally for the everyday people. It’s fantastic :D I also got a badge for signing up to the mailing list (Whiiiich I’m already on, but I wanted the badge!) and that really made me smile.
It’s 8:28 now, and I’ve been writing this for 20 mins. I need to go to the common room. I have so many layers on to keep me warm from the bitter chill of frost lurking in the air, that I’m starting to feel a little woozy now…
No wait, I’m fine.
(WAS RUBBISH. I actually *read* on the bus)
Tatty bye,
Friday, 5 March 2010
Dumbass moment of the day
Monday’s was “the bath” incident.
Tuesday’s was for sure, the Uke presentation.
Wednesday’s was falling over a bag in the common room.
Thursday’s was getting jammed in between the two doors in the toilets with my bass clarinet box. That was *NOT* fun.
I was getting out of the car. Singing Mumford & Son’s “The Cave” and just being really happy about the day ahead really. Then BAMMMM! I knocked my glasses off. They stick out from my face a little bit, but not all that much to be a daily nuisance. All in all, my face must have been too near to the doorframe of the car, and yes, my glasses FLEW from my ears, from atop my nose and landed on the ground next to my feet. Thankfully, they did not land lens down, but just as you would expect glasses to be left on any other ordinary tableau or work surface, with the arms outstretched and underneath of lens just touching the surface. I kind of shouted “OH BALLS MY GLASSES” and Dad was like “OH NO, REALLY?” I just sort of huffed off because I realised how dumb a thing it was to have happened to me; I mean, I knocked my OWN GLASSES OFF BECAUSE MY FACE WAS TOO NEAR TO A DOOR. Bearing this in mind, I have done this many times in many different places, against many different frames (some frame on frame action, geddit? Hahahaha NOT FUNNY HAZE) and I am not exaggerating.
I guess this just highlights how many of these awkward and potentially life defining moments happen to me, well, daily! I really am just a magnet for all of these mayhem inducing moments, at least they seem traumatic and devastating to me. It bugs me that I know some people who act awkward to get attention. Me? Seriously, it just HAPPENS. I think it’s mainly because I’m a really bad judge of spatial awareness, and partially because I’m quite obnoxious, but those are just my interpretations. People might think that I act like this for a reason, and if they do, they can get stuffed after telling me so. Do you ever think that? That you just wish people would tell you *really* what they think of you? It’s one of those things that annoys me about myself, I want to learn more about myself from others, but in a way, I’m still scared that their truth will point out the things about myself that I don’t want to recognise, but I do want to learn from, or you know, improve upon. I don’t know, but it’s just one of those things where I just feel this URGE to learn more, and observe the way that people observe me somehow. Anyway, those people that *Act* awkward? Please, you’re not doing yourself any favours. It’s not an endearing attitude to adopt really, is it?
At the end of the day, people will like you and want to spend time with you for who you really are (well I HOPE they do!) and if that someone is NOT NATURALLY AWKWARD, THEN THEY NEED A REALITY CHECK. I happen to be naturally awkward, obnoxious and sometimes rather, you know, frank. My friends accept that that is who I am, and I hope they like it. Not all of the time, but they understand.
I’m going for a meal with all of the people going on our Paris concert tour (in June) tonight. I’ve ordered a 12” pizza. Man, watching me plough through the WHOLE MOTHERLICKING PIZZA is going to be a spectacle. Not to mention awkward.
Tatty bye,
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Queen of the Royally Awkward
I have come to point this out this morning because, well, I had a rather unfortunate accident last night.
Now, just to set the scene, Monday nights are those nights when…well I sort of have the most free reign over what I can do on a Monday. As a result of this, I’ve taken to having long baths before Glee. Now, my baths are LONG, DEEP AND HOT. (THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID…oh cripes). Also, when I am relaxed, I may need to point out, that this is my most awkward state. I mean REALLY. So, in this relaxed and quite calm mood, I decided to reach for a flannel. In the cupboard. Around the corner from the bath. SO!
STANDING UP (oh so sensibly in a slippy and HOT bath) I grabbed on to the side of the sink, and lent. Oh my, I did underestimate how slippy that surface was. Inevitably, I ended up completely and utterly BRUISED. I slipped ok? AND IT HURT. A LOT. The worst thing was that it sounded horrific and really loud because the water splashed back and my other foot knocked my pot of cream off the side of the bath. Just to set the scene, I was leaning with one hand against the shower wall (only really Liz and Mum can picture this, maybe James, but to the rest of you, GOOD LUCK MUAHAHHAHA), one hand leaning OUT of the bath and onto the sink, this was then the hand that reached into the cupboard (which is like, behind the shower “wall”, it’s what creates the bit for the shower to be attached to) and LO AND BEHOLD, ONE FOOT GAVE WAY AND I ENDED UP THE REACHING HAND ON THE FLOOR OF THE BATHROOM, MY HIP AND LEG CRASHING AGAINST THE SIDE OF THE BATH, AND MY OTHER LEG KNEELING ON THE FLOOR, KNOCKING THE CREAM OVER. And of course, after all of this, I nonchalantly screamed “I’M FINE” and decided the best plan of action was just to GET BACK IN THE BATH AND CALM THE BRUISES.
As a result of this, I now have the most killer ninja bruises EVER. You know, the ones that you can sense but can’t see. They’re like bruises in TRAINING. Man, I bet they appear later during the week, a stonking shade of purple, blue, green and yellow. I shall report back to you, I know you’d all love to know about the state of my bruising, it’s clearly the most RIVETING THING YOU WILL READ ALL WEEK.
I got my nerd glasses back offof Alice last night. I sat and talked to her Mum for like half an hour before she got back in from getting an injection. Man, if there’s one creature or being that I admire the most on this planet, it’s Mothers. I think that is all I shall say for now, I may explore this later in another post, this one needs to retain its air of ambiguity and awkwardness for now. Anyway, Dom told me that he’d been wearing my glasses, but Alice told me that he took them out of her bag, and after realising that they were mine and not Alice’s, continued smiling. I also, continued smiling.
I hope I am not putting all of my peeps in one basket.
Alas (earwax) I must return to my stupor in light of this heavy load of work I must do. I have to cut out some corduroy OH SO CAREFULLY (not on the day of awkward, oh no, I AM JINXED) and then give a presentation on the Ukulele to some Cadets this evening. Give me strength.
Tatty bye,
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Bubbling with excitement
I watched School of Rock.
I actually, whole-heartedly adore that film. It's just great.
Jack Black, lets get rockin'!
I am sorry about my last post, I just REALLY like that song. It is just... ahh, I love Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip.
I'd really like to get my hands on his published poetry...
So I talked to my friend today. My special friend. My ice-skating buddy. My bus pal.
Now this is going to sound odd.
I suggested we should hang out.
You know, casual like.
He said that he would like to go and see Alice In Wonderland with me.
A smile broke out upon my face that was rather huge.
I checked the calendar.
I think Mum got confused.
I am going to see Alice In Wonderland with Dominic.
Not Francesca, as I think she understood/mistook.
As I will be going straight from band, to Newcastle (on the train WOOOZAHHHHH) to see the film, and Francesca said she will then take me to hers to drop off my doss-over bag, we shall go and see You Me At Six, PARRTAAAAY HARD, and then just you know, be awesome. So *that* part of the day will be spent with Francesca.
I'm slightly happy right now. Wait, I'm really rather ecstatic.
The Alice in Wonderland soundtrack is really rather spectacular.
CHECK IT OUT (when you can).
(This is a short post, it feels wrong)
And Mother, there is nothing to worry about. He's a very nice boy.
Tatty bye,
Friday, 26 February 2010
just feel human.
Full impact found here
"Silently I step up with a subversive subtext,
Trying to feed the need for more than just remedial subjects,
Place my faith in the belief that the general public,
Will open up their minds to more than just an industry puppet,
I ain't a preacher preachin' doom and gloom,
Well not just yet,
But if there's something I feel strongly about,
Then I'll discuss it,
And if I only make one album before I kick the bucket?
I'll hold that album to my heart in my grave and say "F*** IT"..
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for my feet to grow wings,
That lift me above,
All of these tiresome things,
That we know and love,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for my feet to grow wings,
That lift me above,
All of these tiresome things,
That we know and love,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does.
A lot of my poems and writings seem to start with me waking up, or being in a dream, or dream like state. Now, this implies a certain level of abstraction in my work.. You might say I'm keeping it surreal but.. I'd rather you didn't. Fact is. I sleep a lot. It's as simple as that. I like sleepin' man. It's a nice place to be.
I was walking along through unfamiliar streets,
And it felt strange 'cause there didn't seem to be anyone else around.
I don't know where I was but it had a feeling of New York,
But not New York in real life the New York you see in old films,
I can't really explain why it just had that vibe,
Every step I took felt somehow more dramatic.
So I kept walking and down an alley behind a bar sitting on some metal steps I saw a man,
From the look and smell of him it was clear that he enjoyed a drink,
But he wasn't in such a state I felt him to be any kind of irrational threat so I approached him,
With due care..
"Ah Mr Pip" he said out loud,
"We've been awaiting you, my name is Elwood P. Dowd",
Now just what he meant by 'we' I didn't really get,
But all the same I took a seat next to him on the step,
He said "You'll meet a few people before this day is through,
Who will administer advice and guidelines to you,
Now what each of them says I'll tell you now is true,
But whether or not you take this advice is for you to choose",
At that point he acted as if someone had whispered in his ear,
Which, since noone else was there, was pretty damn weird,
Awkwardly I looked away and kinda played with my beard,
And he cleared his throat for a second and said "Listen here,
In this life you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant,
For years I was smart, I reccommend pleasant,
Being smart can make you rich and bring respect and reverence,
But the rewards of being pleasant are far more incandescent",
With this information I was encouraged to walk on,
I continued alone through these empty streets,
Thinking over what Elwood had said but at the same time thinking about how f***ing strange the day had been so far,
I was in my own little world when a hand was placed on my chest,
And a guy said "Look out, there's some broken glass on the floor there",
I looked up,
He said "Hi, pleased to meet you, my name is Lloyd Dobler,
I'll get straight to the point, won't take too much time from ya,
I'm probably the youngest person you'll get advice from today,
And you may think that a guy my age wouldn't have anything to say,
But it's said that observation, not old age, brings wisdom,
And I observe every single life lesson I'm given,
I won't attempt tell you how to love or be loved,
Because you get a different genie each time that lantern is rubbed,
But I will offer you advice on dealing with life,
Its ups and its downs,
Its troubles and its strifes,
Now I'm sure you've had times when you've felt down or angry,
Wanted to lash out, punch a wall and be manly,
But the question I pose now will offer you a plan B,
And maybe some peace and quiet for your friends and family,
How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood,
And then just be.. in.. a good mood?
That's all I have to say because it's a straight up fact,
You control your emotions it's as simple as that",
He walked off then, leaving me to contemplate this brief encounter,
I'd barely had time to realise I was being taught something before he was gone,
And I was back on my way.
On I walked and almost immediately I spotted the next guide,
And he couldn't be clearer.
This guy was standing on the street corner and pacing back and forth,
Skinny lookin' guy leather jacket tight jeans, retro look,
I'd rarely seen someone look quite so uncomfortable in their ownskin,
Twitchin', smoothing his hair back, kicking the floor and looking up and down the street,
He clearly didn't enjoy waiting around so I approached him quickly,
To put him out of his misery,
And to let him start his.. spiel.
"Hi my name is Billy Brown,
I ain't gonna give you some quote,
Instead I'm gonna use some stuff that YOU wrote:
'Always had the feeling I could never be the villain,
Cause the villain in the books is always backlit,
Always had the feeling I could never be the villain,
Cause the villain in the books is always backlit,
Now I find it pleasing to defend myself with reason,
But this clock is always sitting on my back,
tick, tick tick,
Then, no explosion but participants errosion,
Like a picture over overly exposed and,
Like a fox that's been run over in the road and..'
Basically what I'm trying to say to you is,
You don't achieve anything by letting the past rule within you,
Getting all pent up and angry about stuff just eats away inside you,
What's that other line of yours..
'If you can't forgive and forget,
How's this,
Forget forgivin' and just accept that that's it',
See that's how it's gotta be.
Then you can fall in love, get on with your life and be free",
Almost before he could finished this sentence he was off down the street,
Hands in his pockets, hurrying away..
Now quite accepting of the totally surreal time I was having I rounded a corner,
And continued onto my next encounter,
Resigned to the fact this was some dream or hallucination,
I made my way through the now dark street,
To the one window that had a light on,
I walked through the unlocked door which incidentally had blinds down,
And a sillhouetted figure like a film noir scene,
But sadly no sign saying Private Eye.
As I entered a voice promptly said..
"This journey's almost over, I'm the only one left,
Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Walter Nepp,
The other guys have taught you things of great positive worth,
But I'm afraid I'm here to bring you back down to Earth,
See you can live your life in control and be nice,
But even that will not promise you a happy life,
You may think yourself in general to be a nice guy,
But I'm telling you now - that right there is a lie,
Even the nicest of guys has some nasty within 'em,
You don't have to be backlit to be the villain,
Whether it be greed lust or just plain vindictiveness,
There's a level of benevolence inside all of us,
You can paint yourself an image and live in your own little dream,
But this ain't a dream, it's one big silver screen,
So when you think you've got your happy ending don't ever forget it,
It ain't over til you hear the sound of your end credits,
You'll be waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for you feet to grow wings,
That lift you above,
All of these tiresome things,
That you know and love,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does,
Waiting for you feet to grow wings,
That lift you above,
All of these tiresome things,
That you know and love,
Waiting for the beat to kick in,
But it never does"
Tatty bye,
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
My Way of Thinking
I have missed you. It feels so good to just sit down, and have the morning time to tap this out to you. I even did the physical action of pretending to (because I can’t) crack my knuckles outwards, like piano players do to sometimes limber up to write this. A part of me has just become a little more complete for writing this.
The day I have been counting down to since the 26th October! (Which was Stereo Decade night (don’t even go there, I am beyond frustration)[EDIT- NO IT WASN'T IT WAS TIM MINCHIN NIGHT!!!!!] Since Danielle booked the tickets that evening and we just actually squealed in the car, for both of the events in our headlights. Headlines? Horizon? Oh, never mind.
So yes! IT IS MIKA EVENING TONIGHT! AND ERIK HASSLE IS SUPPORTING! I AM GOING TO EXPLODE TODAY! However, I feel a little bit too ill to feel the real extent of my excitement. My cough is tickly, it’s all icky, my nose is dribbly and I still have a raspy voice. So, all in all, not all is in good order in my body, but I’ll manage because I ALWAYS DO! Sucks to be a week night though.
Oh, and I’m totally waiting to meet him, screw needing sleep. I need Mika.
Also, it’s doom day in orthodontic land. I am getting them changed again. Or off, which I highly doubt now looking at the state of them. Maybe in a month? Phew, I hope so! I’VE MISSED SO MUCH! Like my lips looking a little bit more normal? Oh well!
I wrote in my diary last night that I had this urge to want to go swimming yesterday. I just wanted to like, float. It was odd, I can’t really describe it, but I think I’m fondest of those moments, when you just *can’t* describe how you feel, but it’s beautiful. I also had a really deep bath by accident, and my arms just FLOATED. They honestly wouldn’t do anything else, because if they somehow had done, I would’ve single handedly (hahahaaa) flooded the bathroom.
Oh dear, both Danielle and I have very little voice today. It shall be quiet. NOT. MUAHAHAHHA.
I’m going to sit and make my nails shorter and more even, via filing and maybe taking this CRUDDY layer of graphite colour nail varnish off. I hate not having the time to do a second layer, and leaving it looking all weak and watery and just down –right RUBBISH.
- Ok so I just got home from getting my braces changed. These bad boyd are coming off in 9-10 weeks time. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR NAKED TEETH! HAHAHAHA OH MARISSA!
- I just saw two boys deliberately pelt over-the-road’s living room windows with snowballs. My faith in humanity is at an all time low.
- We’re having fish fingers for tea.
- It has been about 10 years, no exaggeration, since I have had fish fingers, at all, let alone for tea.
- I am going to see Mika and Erik Hassle live tonight.
- I am going to feel even more complete
Tatty bye,
Sunday, 21 February 2010
I only have eyes for you
I am thoroughly excited about *that* right there, I tell you now.
Because I want to be a scene kid at heart, even though I despise everything they stand for, their music makes me go :D
AHH, as if I just stereotyped.
Move on!
Owl City last night completed a certain fragment of my life. I feel incredibly thankful that it alleviated some of Fran's burdens as well, just being major fangirls. It was blissful. I will say now and here though, that there were some CRAZY people stood in the vicinity of us. I mean, Owl City, eclectic crowd, right?
There was a CRAZY girl stood infront of us. I mean, she was clearly ON MEDICATION. She was with her Mum though. ROFL. Another case like this, but severely toned down, was a boy dressed all in black with a black beenie too, that was with his Dad. His father was the man that is at EVERY GIG I HAVE EVER BEEN TO (not the *actual* man, that would have freaked me out, BIG TIME) but the image of the man who is ALWAYS THERE.
The man in the coat.
Zipped up, to the top.
However, the only thing missing this time was the awkward pint in his hand. Probably because he was with his son.
Oh, I've only just realised, they must have both been under 14 to be accompanied by an adult. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.
Sorry, I was once at that stage, (The Feeling) but MAN. My parents helped me take the posters off the walls, they didn't zip their fleeces up and stand looking a little bit forlorn. Actually, Mum may have done the forlorn thing, but she enjoyed it.
And thirdly, the girl stood behind me. Typical "I'm an annoying girlfriend with my boyfriend" girl. She was so insistent upon the fact she knew more words. I mean, come ON! THERE IS NO NEED! I was just happy to know which song he was singing, and chip in at little bits. I knew she was aiming those sly digs at Fran and I, she was shouting so loudly. She was blonde and short. It was funny.
I also waved my hands a little bit too much and like, biffed a scene kid's back combed mullet.
I thought they had died out, I really did, but no, apparently they are still here, returning like a beheaded hydra. She was even wearing a BOW.
Cripes, it's 2010. The scene errupted, what, 2 years ago? That is some dedication. Or perhaps she's just behind the times.
What I loved the most is that Adam called us Magpies.
And said "This next song is about bugs and stuff", and then proceeded to sing Fireflies.
He dedicated The Saltwater Room to his father, by saying "If my Dad is out there listening, this goes out to him".
I welled up. I'm not going to lie to you.
I have a lot of revision to do for three separate tests tomorrow.
One which I've had the answers for (well actually only half of them because they printed the booklet wrong, but still) since last Friday, and the other two can just royally shove off.
I am looking forward to Pheasant stirfry mash up.
Thank you Heather.
Tatty bye,
Saturday, 20 February 2010
That the heart may be the weakest part of me
Having left my textbook in my locker.
Noah and the Whale can save me! HURRAH!
One of the things that actually cheers me up, no matter WHAT, is being able to clap in time to songs, which you know, have CLAPS in them.
Like Jocasta. That song, right there. I never thought I would be in love with an entire album like I am with that. And that band.
Which reminds me, they played the Sage in Gateshead near to me. The Sunday after we had dumped Liz in Lancaster. Mum said I couldn't go because I would be too tired. From that day on, I have been an incomplete and brokenhearted Whaleite. WOW. I JUST MADE UP A NAME.
Maybe we're just whales.
Ha, Liz's friend Alicia is TERRIFIED of Whales!
I really like clapping. Like, I mean, I can clap quite loud. And when we had to clap after performances at school, or after Mr.Quinn's speeches after mass, it was always our line of friends that were the ones competing for the last clap. Mine was always the loudest, and I hope it still is. I do tone it down around like small people, or people that I hope will hold a higher opinion of me. But apart from that, I let rip with the clapping.
Oh my goodness.
I guess I should review Avatar, right?
Well, considering I had a rather baffling night online last night AFTER I'd seen it, alas, (Earwax) my mind is not so clear.
I had to give the Imax glasses back. ARGH. Aside from grumbling... OH!
I saw my cousin Lucy and her boyfriend before we went into the cinema! They were sat at Yo!Sushi (which looked UNBELIEVABLY TEMPTING, we had to wait until we got back to eat our tea of spag bol, HALF PAST NINE? IT WAS A JOKE I TELL YOU...but really quite lovely and wholesome, we watched a programme about thatching...LOL) and she looked really happy (: I was pretty proud to have spotted them :D
Oh bum. Dad is trying to fix the shower. I have this horrible sinking feeling that something has gone wrong.
Anyway, Avatar. The imagery was lovely, I was baffled by the effects and the experience of it all. I was just angry at the end because LEONA LEWIS HAD TO GO AND SING THE SONG AT THE END, DIDN'T SHE? ARGH.
The plot wasn't amazing, but I did enjoy the experience. I think the best bit for me was when I turned to my Dad in the middle of the film and he was pretending to brush away the falling "3D" ash from his shoulders. Oh it did make me chuckle amidst all of the "LETS BLOW UP A BIG OL' TREE AND RUIN EVERYTHING" bit of the film.
It made me happy.
I now have to go and leave the "I still haven't seen Avatar minority" group on Facebook.
I'm starting to hate it, with a BURNING PASSION.
I also need to stop becoming a fan of things. IT IS TICKING ME OFF...
AH, I am stopping.
What a relief.
I shall only check once a day, notifications, inbox, respond to my friends... END.
OH MY GOOOOOOOD GRIEF. Fireflies just came on.
I am going to be standing less than 5 feet away from Adam Young at 8pm tonight.
With Francesca.
It's love.
Tatty bye,