Monday 10 May 2010

So, so, SO Naked.

My teeth...are totally free. Of glue. Of metal. Of Elastics.


I no longer have fixed braces.
I have had them for about 2 years now. I went to Poacher with them on... I met Dan wearing them at camp!
Heck, I met Dom wearing them.
(That sounds like a hit list... it's not.)

My friend Ira who started our Sixth Form in September has NEVER seen me without Braces. I met her wearing them. Weird!
And now my teeth are just...bare.
Ok, so they're not the perfect colour. But they weren't when I got them. I don't have white marks, or brown marks or anything. They're just free. Slightly like, yellow, in colour all over, but they were like that from the start.

It feels so odd! My teeth are free inside my mouth. I mean, heck, I feel more free! And when I ate my tea... food wasn't stuck in my brace! My pesto an cheese on toast was able to be chewed and swallowed neatly, without a third of it being left in my brace for me to enjoy at a later date.
I had my first glass of orange juice in TWO YEARS.
I have a Snickers bar waiting to be eaten. I'll save that for noms watching Glee.

I do feel like a different person. The only thing going now for my nerd chic look are my glasses and clothes. However, my retainer might bump up my cred a little bit more when I get that on Thursday.

Oh yeah, and a bottle of Apple Tango is WAITING FOR ME. LURKING THERE, SAYING "Drink me, you know I taste SO BUBBLY, AND SUGARY AND GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, RIGHT?!?!"

I've got some English work to do... so I'd better go and do that, right?

Oh, that and marvel at the new Spotify layout. LOVELY!

Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. ^_^

    I'm ever so happy for you. The day is finally here!
