Thursday 19 August 2010


Goodness gracious me.
Now that I consider myself to be back on the blogosphere, I couldn't help myself when the opportunity arose to blog about this band.

I really like them. Yes, they are a manufactured boy-pop band, but I, personally, have really taken to their music. It's got a pleasant balance for me, and the acoustic songs are really well written. They clearly love doing what they do, and I'm all for supporting them.


Fact here for any of my interested readers:
They did legit. change my life.

I'm not just saying this! Honestly, hear me out.

I am a fangirl, but not an obsessive one. True, if I'm having a bad day, evening, turn of mood, I listen to them, blare out the tunes and scream along, with tears often streaming down my face. On the other hand, I do not have a SHRINE to them. I own all of their music to date, and a few pictures and fliers on my wall, a t-shirt... you know, average fan-stuff. I've never posted stuff on a website or made a video, but I would like to do a proper cover one day... nevermind!

The fact of the matter is, I really like them as a band.
What do people do when they like a band? They try and see them live.
When did the opportunity arise for myself, Liz, my mother and Jen to go and see them?

8th November 2008.

Do you know what I did?
I double booked myself for this night. That's right, the drama mounts.
(Note, I keep pressing enter and making new paragraphs for effect. It's not really working, but it makes me happy to press the enter key.)

I had previously booked the tickets for the Radio:ACTIVE tour, at Newcastle Metro Arena, and I was pretty pumped for that. I then went on an international selection weekend with Guides, and got put forward for North East Selection. I could have gone to Flamboree, or AUSTRALIA.
Alas, I did not. I opted to go to SEE MCFLY.

I stood on the seats and sang at Danny's face and they were so close to us it was fantastic.
A few evenings before that, I talked to Denise on the phone about International Selection, and how I had tickets for McFly.
She dutifully told me that North East Selection wasn't right for me, and put me onto the Canada trip.

This summer, I toured around Canada with a group of 14 amazing, caring and wonderful Guides from Darlington and Durham South, and I am proud to say I had the time of my life.
All thanks to McFly, and me refusing to go to North East Selection... BUT ALL THANKS TO MCFLY, THEY CHANGED MY LIFE.


Point of this blog: I don't think I like their new song. It is destroying me how they have turned all commercial and mainstreamy-pooey-backbeat-autotune-clubbbbbbb-banger-tune.

No complaints about the photos though.

Tatty bye,



    OMG what have they DONE!?

    If their whole album is like that I might cry and not in the emotional "this is moving" more the "disaster has struck" way.


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