Friday 30 October 2009

This sucks.

I haven't poured my thoughts out for 2 weeks to you guys! The lovely internet.
My, I am in good spirits recently.

I can't stop thinking about Monday Night;
Stereo Decade, we saw them at their gig in Newcastle at The Other Rooms. Their UK tour. They're pretty up-and-coming. And really cool.
They talked to us most of the night. It was so lovely.
We exchanged opinions on Shakespeare, they asked for us to add them on Facebook personally, and Joe said that keytars were on a scale of cool,-2 out of ten, which I admit, wounded me. (KEYTARS ARE COOL, YO')
I took a picture, or 4, and he kept looking up at me and smiling, It was beautiful.
Joe P hugged me lots.

His friend (Jonny) stroked my flowery-tight clad legs and said "I'm liking these" (NOT LIKE STROKED stroked, he just pointed really, stroke was the wrong word), and Joe laughed uncontrollably when I told him I genuinely knew someone called Iona Lighthouse.
Joe made a cute noise when I said my name was Hazel.
As in "That's a cool name" noise.
Then he said "I don't think I know any other Hazels. Oh wait, I know one."
Danielle piped up with "I bet you don't know a Haze though."
I said "So I'm your first Haze then!" and gave him a hug.
He somehow just ended up telling me about how he had just come out of a 2 year relationship, and it wasn't worth the hassle now. He then gave me the nicest hug EVER.

So I've had their music on repeat since Monday morning.
It's Friday now.
Oh poo it's Halloween tomorrow.
I'm not even bothered this year, but I do kindof wish I was going to somesort of party this year, just for the dressing up and judging factor.
I'm getting to that age now, that sadly, everyone feels the need to tart up, insanely.
I mean, I'm partial to it sometimes, its funny/fun, but most of the time, it's just riddiculous.

I've been on 'holiday' this week.
I didn't even explain why we went to see Stereo Decade on Monday, but it was a nice story, yet it's Danielle's to tell.

My inbox on my phone is full of messages from Danielle about Jonny.

Yesterday saw James and I going to see Eddie Izzard live at the Metro Radio Arena. He was incredibly funny, swore lots, but it somehow got lost in the moment. He did a bit about Giraffes. I was wearing my Johnny tee :D
We listened to Wizard Rock in the car on the way back.
And The Feeling came on.
I had a majorrrrrrrr sing along in the myself.
Mum fell asleep, and I can see how, but I don't know how she managed to stay asleep with me screaming "TURN IT UP AAAHOOOAAHHH" in the back.
She amazes me, daily.

Oh yeah, I appear to have 'kickstarted' my Dailybooth. It's not going to last ¬_¬
I'm really in a "lets get on a spur of the moment train" mood.

What's worrying me recently (actually, since Monday, strangely) is that I haven't been hungry around tea time, like at all. I've been doing lots and not much really, and then feel a little bit ill. I am confused.

The Sarah Jane Adventures is downloading offof BBC iPlayer. I am SO excited :D
King Lear is incredibly sad.

I just realised I didn't post the blog I promised to LAST Wednesday in Hazelizabeth.
It's on my pendrive. It's not very interesting, and now, doesn't fit in with the order of things.
Ahhh, lurker blog.
Just like 'Stratford'.


Going to go see Nana and listen to "Train Ride"

and for a LOL

Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. My arm feels less itchy if I hold it against the burning hot radiator.
    I'm going to buy some eggs.

    I miss hearing your life via this blog. It was nice to catch up.
