Monday 2 November 2009

Despicable, Really!

This computer has been left on for a week. A WHOLE WEEK. Just sitting there, not even on standby, just ON. Ready to be used. I mean, it makes it far easier for me to just log on super quick, but it wasn’t even switched off at all! Not even the monitor! GAH. We have a problem here. I shall be the energy saving pioneer of the tech block. Yeah…right.

Yesterday, I had a conversation that got me thinking. And I mean really thinking. It wasn’t spoken, oh no, not in this day and age. It was over MSN. And I like those kind of conversations, don’t get me wrong, but I never seem to be able to convey what I actually mean. Sarcasm is lost, and there’s a delay that you don’t get with real life conversations. It was one of those times where I wish I could’ve just written a letter. I love writing letters. When you put the address, check it, make the indent, sign it…ahh it’s just lovely.

However, I digress! This conversation was with someone who shall remain nameless, but since speaking to them, I appear to have a written communication problem. I find myself swearing, chronically.
They said that they had this problem too, and we got into a kind of deep discussion on the power of words. I mean, swearing is only hurtful if you let it be hurtful, right? But why should such words hold the power to be even considered taboo? With everyday people swearing so chronically each and everyday, it’s lost its appeal and therefore shock factor with me. It’s supposed to be limited, that’s why it’s called swearing! It has no impact if you eff and blind in every other sentence. So, in the end, they admitted they had a problem, and said they had to go. This was a shame, I really wanted to continue the conversation. They’d just admitted they were a Slytherin. Or Gryffindor. They were in two minds about it. I think the green swayed them though. Oh the power of a colour.

What’s in a name?
Oh well!
Off to a day of ritual testing to see if I’ve worked over the holidays.
Time to crammmmmmmmmmm.

It was all fine.

"Pure euphoric blissful war, started when I asked for more and I, I really miss you. And I, I really miss you."


Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. And I got down honoured, how did you feel, everytime that I, hey Pumba, not in front of the kids, Sorry.

