Wednesday 23 September 2009

Elephant Socks

Ha, that just reminds me of the Rowntrees’ Randoms advert. Because he says “Ok Monkey Socks” HAHA.
Oh deary me, the power of advertising. Well, I’m wearing my grey Elephant socks today, because I’m wearing trousers for school. Not that I didn’t like wear ANYTHING to school yesterday, I wore a skirt and tights and the rest, just today, I’m wearing trousers. They’re really wide-leg. :z
I can’t type any swears on here, not that I really do anyway, because the Securus thing at school flags up if you type ANYTHING like even accidentally typing SHIRT. It’s a joke. And makes the computers SUPER SLOW TO START UP. Grrrrrrr. Anyhoo, the keyboard is a little less sticky. I do have a lot to say now, but it’s 25 to and I need to get revising for my Psycho test! Well, if it was an *actual* psycho test, I’m sure I’d pass, I’m way too psyched for my elephant socks today already. Before anyone’s seen them yet. WHOOOPEEEEEEE. Right, I’m going to venture out, save this to my nifty, lego-like pendrive, and hopefully enjoy my day. Man that sounded bleak.

Holy shiz, I read that back and was like “What the actual HELL was going on in my head?” Today has made me tired so far. Now, you hear me fresh from a walk to the Doctors, listening to this song M sent me – So Contagious by Acceptance, and WOW. :D Oh yeah, I was at the doctors… for my second “your arm is too muscly” injection. Yeah, HVP. I had it written on my hand ALL DAY. I must have looked like such a n00b, oh well. Only because I actually, physically forgot to go to the doctors last week :z OOPSAZIZZLE.

For once, I have not tweeted about my AMAZING SITUATION before I tell you lovely blog readers.

He is called Bert, yes he’s male because he makes a throaty, beastly sound :D And I love him very much. I am now part of the bass crew massiiiiiiive. Oh yeah, Immagetalltheboys.

I love guessing who people fancy, it’s great, especially teasing them afterwards if it’s someone weird :P HAHAHA. Oh sorry, I am malicious like that, sometimes. And he’s not that weird…well… I’m not one to offend in a blog, really, I’m a face to face insult person. Ha. Man, I’m obnoxious.

Anyhoooo, ahha I like saying that. WHY AM I POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS?
Choir is frackin’ huge! So many people, us Altos are MAHOOOOOOOSIVE, whacking out a good ol’ tune too though (: Whacking? WHAT NOW?

So yeah, I should stop my stream of consciousness right here, now.
I got an outstanding in my Biology homework that I printed off right after I wrote my blog yesterday, so this is GOOD KARMA, DANG IT <3
Well, I don’t want to dang this blog at all, I’m growing very fond of it and my readers.

And this song now.
My, my, it is So Contagious.

I bet Marissa sent it to me because she KNEW I’d end up saying something as cliché as that. HA. POOSNIFFER.
I didn’t mean for that to sound so aggressive. Honestly!

Ok, yes, tea, eat, hottub…relax my injected arm (:

Tatty bye,


  1. MAN ANOTHER HAZEL BLOG?! Will we be getting one of these every day? That would be so so awesome.
    OH NO A Z FACE. I've learned to really love those z-faces. :)
    I'm glad to hear about the status of your keyboard.
    "way too psyched"? IS THAT A PUN?! <3
    I LOVE THOSE SOCKS. You rule for being so excited over those socks.

    ISN'T THAT SONG BRILLIANT?! It's wonderful.
    I am very sorry for your muscly arm. It's probably a good thing, though.

    SO HAPPY FOR YOUR BASS CLARINET. That just sounds aewsome.
    Oh god, more making fun of the M. :P I WILL GET ALL THE BOYS.
    Oooh, that reminds me. My friend Zach said that saxaphone players are the most obnoxious in the band. Is that true?

    You're a face to face insult person? Never have I been so afraid to meet you.

    HAHAHAHA YOU ARE SO FERAKIN' CORNY. Poosniffer. Damn you. <3

  2. Yes M, they ARE! THEN 1st VIOLINS! ¬_¬
