Wednesday 4 November 2009

Laughing out loud inside...

The car. Well, I didn’t actually LOL, this is the problem. There was a man, we think it was the same man as before, who refused to “go up on the kerb” on the way to school.
Now, I shall explain this situation. On the hill on the way up to the back of school, there is a street. Perfectly fine. On one side, there are parking bays, with designated passing bays, for if a car is coming towards you, and you need to let them past. Now, in times gone by, there apparently used to be a sign that read “Right of way for vehicles in this direction”. Yes, *our* direction. So, this arrogant man in his flashy red car decided to keep going, at us. He refused to “go up on the kerb”, which is what you’re supposed to do in this situation, it’s legalities I’m not so sure of, but he refused to. He made a face that was an “I’mgoingtomakemychinblendinwithmyneckandgrimace” face, and I giggled. Then Dad got angry and called him a KNOBHEAD. Now, that, may have just made my week. I haven’t heard that in SO long. The man then wound down his window, because the car that was infront of us was actually parking, so we couldn’t go into a passing bay, and we kept going. The man tried to shout something at us, but I was too busy laughing inside at Dad now shouting “TOSSER” to an unopened window. The man’s face was priceless. He did the arrogant hand wave (which is when you try to make a point, and flail/fail and so wave your hand to demonstrate the lost point) and drove away.
We got to school safely.

I can’t help but feel I’ve comfortably gotten into this internet regime. I mean, I said I wasn’t going to start a blog once upon a time, because my writing would be nonsensical. And I would be without the time to write anything worth reading. I feel like I was somehow meant to be this involved with my personal output on the internet. Blogging, vlogging, tweeting, and then the much detested at the moment, FACEBOOK.
I survived yesterday. However, I did hover over the book mark, ALMOST clicked it, and then remembered. And I did succeed in reading more last night. YESSSSSS.
However, I am not succeeding in texting any less. Texting twitter and Danielle lyrics recently has probably cost be just about all of my free texts this month.
The 5th of November is tomorrow. That means Akley Heads. I don’t have any friends to go with. Not that I don’t have friends, I mean my friends don’t want to go. Nevermind, I’ll probably go with the parentals and have glowsticks and try to take some lovely pictures.
I almost said NICE then. SHUDDERS.
Oh wait, I haven’t had time to post that yet. DARN.

I have to go back to Guides tonight to sort out some bossy newcomer and a disco for the new year. Man, if I’m running those decks there will be some NANG tunes bangin’ from those church speakers. WORD.
However, being in the Chamber Choir now (don’t get your hopes up world) I have to stay back until at least ¼ past 5 now. And that means less time to film, work, blahh. I have to finish my sewing for the Cathedral piece for Olive! That and a Clarinet lesson today. Wednesdays are incredibly busy, but I will have no time for the internet this evening apart from posting this and hopefully Dailyboothing.
I am hoping to enjoy my Wednesday free today, discussing important topics with Danielle. OH JOY :D I do actually mean joy there, I’m not being sarcastic.

Pure Euphoric Blissful War, Started When I Asked For More And I, I Really Miss You…(8)


Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. OH, our fireworks are on Saturday!
    And they're free at the castle unlike AH.
    Oh goodness, vlog walking!
    We should SO do that again, one day.
    NANG?! Next time you're on msn EXPLAIN IT TO ME!

