Tuesday 3 November 2009

Sticky, hot flesh and singed metal.

I do not like typing in this room after the day is over. Well, the school day.
And my ordinary one is in useage. So, I’m using one that is further into the stench pit. IT STINKS. It’s actually terrible. It’s really clinging to my nostrils, as well as the ting little flecks and chips of plastic that are stopping the mouse from moving. I mean who even uses mice with balls in anymore? They’re just impractical. Especially in the tech block.
I am now leaning back in this chair at an exceptionally dangerous angle. Lemme sit up.

I wore my winter boots and hoodie to school today. I mean, I had to take off my hoodie when I got into the common room, but it wasn’t all bad. Wait, yes it was. Perv no.1 was sitting there, stretching back while I peeled off my hoodie. It was not seductive. My top came up abit, but I wangled it down. Eventually. Only to get my blazer tail stuck in my belt. Oh yeah, I had to wear a belt today. It’s well nang. Danielle told me about my blazer/belt mishap at lunchtime. Oh how I blushed. Back to the common room. So creep no.1 (creep, not perv now) was sitting there. Just. Watching. As if he was waiting for something. I mean, to take my hoodie off I had to take off my jacket. I REPEAT, THIS WAS NOT AT ALL SEDUCTIVE. He just sat there, drinking hot chocolate and watching. I felt icky all over. Ew. Then I went and sat with Rachel. I figured, she’s good at multi tasking, so I asked her if she’d finished the Biology whilst I could see she was reading something from someone’s Politics lesson. The person who gave her the sheet GLARED at me and said “CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S READING? DUH.”
I stuffed my bag onto another chair and plonked myself down on the one ahead of me. “Hmm well.” I said.
Rachel finished reading and answered me straight away. SEE? NO PROBLEM.
Boys indeed.

Haha, that feels so childish a statement to write. “BOYS INDEED.” I feel like it should be prefaced with “BOYS ARE ST00PID.”
Well, mostly they are. In certain fields. I am not decrying boys. However, I feel that as time goes on, these blogs will document all sorts of progressions upon that matter.
Prefect duty was pretty nang today.
That, is how you say “NO” with a London accent. Ohh yeah. “Noyhh you have to walk arounddd, sorrehh.”

I haven’t seen Danielle enough today. Well, I mean I have, but I haven’t talked to her enough. Tuesdays are my Danielle days, she’s there, in EVERY lesson with me. I sit next to her in EVERY lesson, except double Bio, but we glance at each other, over the rest of the class. I sit at the front, she sits at the back. Conor looks at me funny. I turn back around. I turn a funny shade of embarrassment, but continue in my perplexing about tissue fluid.

Fluid’s not a pleasant word. The middle of it seems abit too busy. ‘Lui’ just doesn’t flow. Ha, fluid DOES flow. I am not even remotely funny.
So yeah, Danielle left me at lunchtime to go to the hospital for her allergy checks, and I had to soldier through English by myself. Well, I did talk to Charlotte, but only really because she forgot her text, and we had to collaborate.

I’m going to the Stadium of Light tonight. Hehe, rhyme. For a university talk or whatever. The letter said there will be refreshments. I’m crossing my fingers for cake :D

I have made a “No Facebook Until Friday” pact, and when I want to go online, I’m going to read DOAS or Time Traveller’s Wife.
Done. I don’t know why I’ve said this, it shocked Danielle tbh, because I’m waiting for a reply. ALWAYS WAITING.
Wish I could be in London tomorrow for the Chartjacker’s gig D:
I know my Mum reads this, so PLEASE? I WILL READ MORE, I PWOMISE.
And if you catch me on Facebook before Friday, tell me off.
Of course, I will still try to DailyBooth, Tweet and write these.
They’re special.
Special Cases.

I’m hoping and praying I can persevere.
Please don’t.
Wish me LUCK!

Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. What is this Nang thing?

    Noyyyuh! J'adore.

    I love the way you write, all these little things.

    I can't go as itiselizabeth I want to go as half of hazelizabeth!
