Monday 8 June 2009


Playing eye spy on the phone is harder than it sounds!
"It begins with F"
"Sorry, was that F for Fridge or S for Snake?"
"F man Hazel, F!!!"
Surround sound, how was I supposed to know?

Well, I've been home alone all day, but I didn't actually eat as much as I expected to do out of boredom. I went on the upstairs computer, and was like "ooh speedy", 'cos it's all Vista-y and pretty sweet : )
I watched some of Ashley's videos on le choob, and they were very amusing :)

Tonight, hopefully, will see the return of VLOGWALKING, bahahaha!



Sorry, but I was VERY VERY VERY excited when it came through the post this morning, I just jumped around for like 20mins solid, and then decided to text Liz! I can't believe I've had to leave it on her bed until now, when hopefully we will open it together and do some video footage... I'm just actually thrilled!

I'm sick of Tsarist Russia, facebook quizes and nuclear fission and fusion. I wrote down all of the physics formula triangles I need to know for Wednesday, and gee, there are A LOT. Oh cripes.

Over my solitary lunch, I watched at least 35 mins of Baz Lurhman's "Romeo and Julliet".
Oh mayn was it great :D I just wanted to finish it from then on, but had to do some work, and likewise, Harry Potter was another looming thing started and not finished!

I fished out the textiles revision folder too, but oh dear, I can't believe some people have finished today...exam wise. I just want it all to be over!

Oh, Debut by Fortunes Fall just came on shuffle! ART EXAM TIMES! Ohh, such a good song! If you're reading this and don't own the D.F.T.B.A. Records compilation CD Volume One... GET IT NOW! Not only is it made of awesome, but it will make you feel awesome, like times a zillion.
mmmmmmmmhm so good!

So, I'm getting psyched for our walk this evening, piano and some more eye spy! Ee dear!
I'm still wating on news from Alice about her cake for Steven, so :)

I really want to learn how to play Danny Elfman's "Victor's Piano Solo" from the Corpse Bride, that soundtrack is so beautiful!

And an awful lot of do-o-ooooo-oo-oo-ooo!

Tatty bye,

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