Tuesday 9 June 2009

Never was there a story of more woe

Than Julliet and her Romeo.
Well, I finished that off this morning, but didn't cry.
It wasn't as "woeful" as the last time I watched it, but I did actually bawl my eyes out at Alan Bennett's "The History Boys" over my (once again) solitary lunch. Good job there wasn't anybody in the house, I just sat and cried, and was angry, and sad, and blubbery.
I got that quivery lip thing, but I just gave in, it's SO AWESOME.
I think it may have become my favourite film, I'd really quite like to see the play!

Well well well, I have now surpassed Dad in HP6, hooooooooooray! "Can you introduce me?" I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FILM NOW, BIRTHDAYBIRTHDAYBIRTHDAY, going to be so nerdfightastic :D

Well, I've throughly bored myself today, with Physics, and History. French? No matter, I'll struggle nonetheless.

Yesterday did not see the return of vlogwalking...maybe tonight?

My fingernails are quite long now, bit tappy on the keyboard, bit tappy on the plastic ivories too...but I really like them, they paint nicely :D
'Cept it's all chipped now...too much typing, tapping, not enough tweeting!
I feel sorry for Twitter, it's totally being abused by Chris Moyles, prat.
"I'm going to tweet about being somewhere, and see how many people will turn up! LIKE 4 THOUSAND HA.HA.HA."

Oh yeah, NO MOYLES! You aggravate me more than I am permitted to say! STOP THINKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU USE TWITTER! Argh! He'll be the end of it, mark my words... Angry, grrrrrrr!
Anyway, I like reading purposeful/informative tweets, I guess that's what they're for; stalkers.
As for my tweets...well they are pointless, but they're not inviting people places!
I try me-best.
Don't always succeed mind, oh well.

I want to get back to Won-Won and "WHERE'S MALFOY"-Harry, but hmmmm, I really should get some Physics in my head, then walk tea off, with Walkies avec Liz.
Oh yeah, French... merde indeed.
I just hope there isn't a question on Penfriends from America... I might crack up with laughter, haha!
Oh, no-one gets it...nevermind!

I'm thinking a well awaited new video for my channel on lechoob will be up within the month, spare time, lots of thoughts...WHO KNOWS?
Well, me obviously...but meh.

Tatty bye,