Monday 15 February 2010


Has become the only way I can judge whether I have enjoyed a film or not these days.
Either from stirring emotions within, or just crying with laughter.
Anyway, I think it's a pretty nifty gauge, yes?

I mean, Juno made me cry.
Amélie made me cry.
Edward Scissorhands, Brokeback Mountain...
I just love them all.

Today, I woke up. Good start Haze, good start. I looked in the mirror and my hair was doing what I wanted it too. Again, good start! I went and got a teacake and toasted it for breakfast. Yummy start. Had some SCOLDING HOT TEA. Not such a good start, but can't go wrong with tea for me. I sat at the table, and talked to Mum, which I think pleasantly surprised her, so I felt good about that. (note to self, start using more adjectives Haze, "good" is lame. You're turning into Meyer here!)
Dad had already gone to school for, what I like to call, "the torture day" where Year 11's have to go in and catch up on their tech coursework. MUHAHHA. Oh poop, I should have done mine. OOPS. I don't have tomorrow to do it either. PANTS. I will have to do it sharpish when I get back on Wednesday. ANYHOOOO!
I got dressed like this and took the pictures. I came back inside, painted my nails and listened to my varied Spotify playlist. I then popped over to the Library, and my nails dried even more because it was VAIR NIPPY NOODLES outside! I returned my books and requested the "Birdsong" audio book. The embarrassed man didn't look too embarrassed for once. (Note, Mum has just put SuBo's album on, I can hear it, and I am not going to block it out...judge me?)
So, I got home and was fierce cold! Thinking logically, I stuck the kettle on and made myself a warm Vimto. OH YEAH! Then I sat and watched "Click" as part of the Adam Sandler Season on CH5. It made me cry. It's a cracking film, good balance. Yes, only good. I mean, I don't really like Adam Sandler that much, so that's probably why.

Mum came home, and she'd bought "Up".
Oh my goodness.
If you do not enjoy or cry at that film; you are not human.
It was as close as perfect can come to a film for me. Wait, that doesn't make sense.
It had a perfect balance of sadness, fun, BIG BELLY LAUGHS, and just life affirming-ness to make me just look at Mum whilst watching it and know that she was thinking what I was thinking.

Gosh, I love the people at Pixar.

In conclusion, I've spent my day crying.
I was even having a really good face day! I put on blusher and everything, because my face had gone a really funny colour overnight, believe it or not. Miraculously, I put on waterproof mascara this morning. PHEWF.
I'm going to a disco this evening with Helen and Denise and all of the lovely Guide folk of Darlington.
It's gonna be bangin' man.

I wanted to talk more about "Up", but all I'm saying now is...
Lift up your hearts.

My nails are like the colour of graphite. They're beautiful.

Tatty bye,


  1. agreed pixar is the greatest, monsters inc. is probably my fav. it also made me cry =]

  2. <33333333333333333333333333333333333333

    pixar is the bestest :)

  3. I think you've just convinced me to watch Up. :)
