Sunday 14 February 2010

Sorrow and solitude

I am spending today in splendid isolation.
And writing about my day before it is over, so I can pour thoughts out instead of events.

I am not sorrowful today by the way, but if I watch a sad film later, I suppose I will be.

Today, lo and behold, is Valentine's Day.
I just can't be arsed.
I never have been, and I can't honestly foresee a future where I ever will be.
If you really love someone, you'd tell them everyday of the year, yes?
Fair enough, it's cute to wake up and find that my Dad had spend last night cutting out neon orange (I don't get that bit, maybe there was no red, but :P) hearts and laying them from the doorway of the bedroom through the hall, living room and into the kitchen, even on the edges of the drawers up to the bench where a card sat for my Mum with a pattern of RED hearts that followed the path he had laid out.
It was really sweet.

And I'd like that sort of gesture, it's just enough.
And it's enough for me to know that my parent's just don't do the whole "ZOMG IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY" thing, they're just quite happy that it's a Sunday that they get to spend together without having to go to school tomorrow I think. The fact that they care about each other is enough to make me happy today. Mum couldn't even do the Goodoku in the Big Issue apparently. LOL.

We were going to go and see Avatar today. I even washed my hair and got dressed like this to go out and everything. Then I went to brush my teeth and it hit me that it's incredibly sad to go to the cinema with my parents on this freaking day of the year. But then Mum decided we weren't going, there aren't any tickets.

So, I'm going to tidy up, listen to Mika and Owl City, and get FREAKING EXCITED!
Oh and finish the final book in the Confessions of Georgia Nicholson series. I have read 189 pages already, in like...two hours. NO EXAGGERATION!

I feel quite content today, I'm happy being single.
It's just...liberating.

Tatty bye,

p.s. this is my 70th post!


  1. Wow, Hazeroo, what your dad did is incredibly sweet. That is amazing. See, that's what Valentine's Day should be, I think. Just a sweet gesture and then spending time together and if you're married, with your family.

    Arg, that sucks about the whole Avatar thing. D: I don't think it'd be sad, though. I think Valentimes is about love, of any kind, you know? Romantic and friendship and family and PET.

    MIKA AND OWL CITY! TIDYING! GEORGIA! What a fantastic day! :D :D :D

    CONGRATS ON YOUR 70TH POST!!!!!! <333
