Wednesday 24 February 2010

My Way of Thinking

(Greg Holden, beautiful)

I have missed you. It feels so good to just sit down, and have the morning time to tap this out to you. I even did the physical action of pretending to (because I can’t) crack my knuckles outwards, like piano players do to sometimes limber up to write this. A part of me has just become a little more complete for writing this.

The day I have been counting down to since the 26th October! (Which was Stereo Decade night (don’t even go there, I am beyond frustration)[EDIT- NO IT WASN'T IT WAS TIM MINCHIN NIGHT!!!!!] Since Danielle booked the tickets that evening and we just actually squealed in the car, for both of the events in our headlights. Headlines? Horizon? Oh, never mind.
So yes! IT IS MIKA EVENING TONIGHT! AND ERIK HASSLE IS SUPPORTING! I AM GOING TO EXPLODE TODAY! However, I feel a little bit too ill to feel the real extent of my excitement. My cough is tickly, it’s all icky, my nose is dribbly and I still have a raspy voice. So, all in all, not all is in good order in my body, but I’ll manage because I ALWAYS DO! Sucks to be a week night though.
Oh, and I’m totally waiting to meet him, screw needing sleep. I need Mika.

Also, it’s doom day in orthodontic land. I am getting them changed again. Or off, which I highly doubt now looking at the state of them. Maybe in a month? Phew, I hope so! I’VE MISSED SO MUCH! Like my lips looking a little bit more normal? Oh well!

I wrote in my diary last night that I had this urge to want to go swimming yesterday. I just wanted to like, float. It was odd, I can’t really describe it, but I think I’m fondest of those moments, when you just *can’t* describe how you feel, but it’s beautiful. I also had a really deep bath by accident, and my arms just FLOATED. They honestly wouldn’t do anything else, because if they somehow had done, I would’ve single handedly (hahahaaa) flooded the bathroom.
Oh dear, both Danielle and I have very little voice today. It shall be quiet. NOT. MUAHAHAHHA.

I’m going to sit and make my nails shorter and more even, via filing and maybe taking this CRUDDY layer of graphite colour nail varnish off. I hate not having the time to do a second layer, and leaving it looking all weak and watery and just down –right RUBBISH.

- Ok so I just got home from getting my braces changed. These bad boyd are coming off in 9-10 weeks time. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR NAKED TEETH! HAHAHAHA OH MARISSA!
- I just saw two boys deliberately pelt over-the-road’s living room windows with snowballs. My faith in humanity is at an all time low.
- We’re having fish fingers for tea.
- It has been about 10 years, no exaggeration, since I have had fish fingers, at all, let alone for tea.
- I am going to see Mika and Erik Hassle live tonight.
- I am going to feel even more complete

Tatty bye,


1 comment:

  1. What the deuce? FISH FINGERS?
    I don't understand, that's child food. I'm making lemon chicken tonight, the Mum way.
    I'm jealous of your musical experiences.
