Thursday 4 February 2010

Only one pair of tights

And it’s bitterly cold outside today. I’ve decided to go for the slightly more badass Dr. Marten boots today, and get this, a Monday skirt. This way, I can feel lady like, look kind of in fashion with somewhat of a high waist, and be able to walk into town without toppling over (see last Monday)…hopefully.
And James shall be in, so I shall not be alone in my… journey. It’s his Birthday tomorrow. I got him something amazing. And I shall bake this evening, and make a card and whatnot. And revise over psychology too. And probably leave MSN and Skype signed in, so it looks like I’m just sitting there…watching. But in fact, I will be using Myspace, LOL’ing, and laughing at actually how silly Facebook is.
I would like to apologise for my last blog, I just felt like it needed to be said. I always feel like I’m bearing too many burdens, and I prefer to just write it all down to be quite honest with you. That’s right, I’m being honest with you. Which is more than can be said for some people. Man, they really get a bang out of lying.

Catcher in the Rye anyone? I’m really enjoying reading it with a critical, but still open eye.
I’m going to plug into my really over played “Lush” playlist now, and get over the initial, spitting anger of this morning. Seriously, I was spitting like an RSC member performing in the grittiest scene of Macbeth, which is not Act 3 Scene 4, which is the only scene I have studied in depth.
Having said that, I’m just really excited for the rest of my life.
I was very anxious last night, I didn’t get to sleep too well. I even tried to go to bed so early, that I wasn’t even tired, which really didn’t help. I think I just got so wound up in my own thoughts and worries, that it just didn’t make sense anymore. My imagination was way too vivid. I think I need to stop worrying about the bad in people, and accept that people are inherently good. People’s true nature will show when they realise that everything is good, and bitter people do not always win.

Hello, it is now Wednesday morning, and I have a lot of things to report!
My Biology test… I got 52%! Considering Mr. Robertson actually told us that anything over 50 was really well done because it was a really difficult test made me feel a little bit better about my D. Anyway, that was Monday. My bus journey made me smile, but not as much. I spent a lot of time just sitting and wondering on Monday. And Alice tried to ring me during my piano lesson, so that was a MASSIVE fail. It was more like “KEEP PLAYING HAZEL SO SHE WON’T HEAR THE METALLIC THRUMMING IN YOUR POCKET”. Woah, that made it sound like I had a TARDIS in my pocket ahahaha I WISH. So, Monday night was weird. Although, I did make an AMAZING cake, and before hand, had pesto and scrambled eggs for tea. YUMMETY YUM YUM.
I then caught up on the internet and read myself to sleep. It was quite cushty actually. THEN LO AND BEHOLD, TUESDAY. THE DAY OF DOOM. (I actually typed FOOM by accident, what an odd looking word!)

English was AMAZING. Biology was a drag. Psychology was a JOKE! SHE CANNOT CALCULATE MEAN AVERAGES! I MEAN, COME ON!!! There were some MAJOR headdesk moments, I am not kidding. I mean, why would I kid you? This is “I’mnotgoingtolietoyou” after all :P
Then, it was time for INTERHOUSE NETBALL! Which, was an absolute SHAMBLES/FARCE/RIDDUCLE/JUST PLAINLY WRONG. We had a four person team. Standard netball team in SEVEN. SEVVVENNN!!! For goodness’ sake! So, I was Goal Defence, Annelisa was Goal Attack, Sophie was Center, and Charlotte was Wing Defence. It was catastrophic. Mainly because I can’t catch, but caught it everytime it came through the net after the other team had scored. FAIL. Still, we came *joint* last, so it wasn’t all bad.
Then I came home, had a VERY quick shower, some soup and dashed off to Cadets. Whereupon Rosie and I made them run around and do press ups before they could have their tuck. My, my how we laughed.
OH POOP, GOT TO RUN! Quite literally, and hand this Biology in! I shall return to this draft in about…12 hours. Oh bum. Quite literally.

So, besides this being a terribly drafted blog, and actually 24 hours on from when I last had this open, it's completely out of sequence BLAH BLAHH! IT’S NOW THURSDAY. I did that presentation work last night on Gatsby and it got finished in time, eceteraaa!
Facebook chat keeps popping. I made my TSR video...FAIL.

I feel like things are coming together.

Tomorrow, I’m going to Clarinetix. I can’t wait :D

I have hope.

Tatty bye,


  1. what in the world is net ball?
    ha you english and you your jargon..

  2. Oh wow. This was PACKED.
    I'm going to go find your video wherever it lurks in my box!

