Sunday 21 February 2010

I only have eyes for you

So trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
I am thoroughly excited about *that* right there, I tell you now.
Because I want to be a scene kid at heart, even though I despise everything they stand for, their music makes me go :D
AHH, as if I just stereotyped.
Move on!

Owl City last night completed a certain fragment of my life. I feel incredibly thankful that it alleviated some of Fran's burdens as well, just being major fangirls. It was blissful. I will say now and here though, that there were some CRAZY people stood in the vicinity of us. I mean, Owl City, eclectic crowd, right?
There was a CRAZY girl stood infront of us. I mean, she was clearly ON MEDICATION. She was with her Mum though. ROFL. Another case like this, but severely toned down, was a boy dressed all in black with a black beenie too, that was with his Dad. His father was the man that is at EVERY GIG I HAVE EVER BEEN TO (not the *actual* man, that would have freaked me out, BIG TIME) but the image of the man who is ALWAYS THERE.

The man in the coat.
Zipped up, to the top.

However, the only thing missing this time was the awkward pint in his hand. Probably because he was with his son.
Oh, I've only just realised, they must have both been under 14 to be accompanied by an adult. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.
Sorry, I was once at that stage, (The Feeling) but MAN. My parents helped me take the posters off the walls, they didn't zip their fleeces up and stand looking a little bit forlorn. Actually, Mum may have done the forlorn thing, but she enjoyed it.

And thirdly, the girl stood behind me. Typical "I'm an annoying girlfriend with my boyfriend" girl. She was so insistent upon the fact she knew more words. I mean, come ON! THERE IS NO NEED! I was just happy to know which song he was singing, and chip in at little bits. I knew she was aiming those sly digs at Fran and I, she was shouting so loudly. She was blonde and short. It was funny.
I also waved my hands a little bit too much and like, biffed a scene kid's back combed mullet.
I thought they had died out, I really did, but no, apparently they are still here, returning like a beheaded hydra. She was even wearing a BOW.

Cripes, it's 2010. The scene errupted, what, 2 years ago? That is some dedication. Or perhaps she's just behind the times.

What I loved the most is that Adam called us Magpies.
And said "This next song is about bugs and stuff", and then proceeded to sing Fireflies.
He dedicated The Saltwater Room to his father, by saying "If my Dad is out there listening, this goes out to him".
I welled up. I'm not going to lie to you.

I have a lot of revision to do for three separate tests tomorrow.
One which I've had the answers for (well actually only half of them because they printed the booklet wrong, but still) since last Friday, and the other two can just royally shove off.

I am looking forward to Pheasant stirfry mash up.
Thank you Heather.

Tatty bye,


  1. owl city live is love.

    you are also wonderful.

    have a good day.


  2. This is exactly what is necessary before 2 hours of art history when I'm clearly still jetlagged. <3
