Monday 1 June 2009

Cosine rule? Bahhbye

Algebraic naughty fractions, sorted, stamped out, finit-O!

Yesss, quiet celebration with Liz, watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long blog :')
And errr half and hour of Goblet of Fire...hahaaa oh I just couldn't stand it!
The books are just SO much better! Argh!
Well, I'm *really* enjoying my study leave... argh The Cold War.
Elizabeth's msn abbreviation was the best but... I closed it down, poo.
English Language tomorrow, media and p/a/a triplet. Oh, G.C.S.E's... can't wait for you to be over!
It really made me feel good today to see Rachel's face light up when I gave her her birthday bracelet, it just made me feel...well happy :)
I'm glad she liked it ^_^

I'm facing a dilemma... what do you buy boys for their birthday? I have no idea :S

I'm going to play some piano, because I printed off some music this morning (Regina Spektor - Raindrops) at school before Maths, and I think I'll carry on revising for History and Chem, French'll be fine... :\

Tatty bye,


  1. ahh. Do you have to know the countries that were taken over in order in WWII by Germany?
    Here's the acronym for that. Granted, I made it up, so it doesn't make all that much sense.

    A (Austria)
    Sad (Sudetland)
    Cat (Czechloslavakia)
    Played (Poland)
    Late (Latvia)
    Last (Lithuania) <---} Indented= Non-Hitler
    Evening (Estonia)
    Defenistrating (Denmark)
    Frogs (Finland)
    Northward (Norway)
    Being (Belgium)
    Loved by (Lux)
    Nobody (Netherlands)
    For (France)
    Great (Great
    Bicentennials Britain)

    Hope that helps Hazel and good luck!! :)

  2. Thanks Ashley!
    That's pretty jokes, and I think I do need to touch upon some of those, but that was really awesome of you to make it up! :D
