Wednesday 20 January 2010

Anticipating bad things.

Now, this could go one of very many ways. I have lots of things that I could be telling you about yesterday that I haven’t already told you, but I feel like they won’t…flow properly. So, I’m going to start with a list, and then explain why I feel quite conflicted about this list.

1. I have a cold. This has meant my nose is runny, and therefore red, and now the rest of my face is red, around my nose and eyelids now because of the eye weepage yesterday. This has mean that
2. I am not wearing any makeup today. I feel bare and naked faced.
3. I am far too warm. I have lots of (but still, not really enough) layers on to keep me warm and get my cold to go away, but it isn’t working. I AM BREATHING THROUGH MY MOUTH, I DO NOT LIKE THIS.
4. I have chipped a typing nail.
5. My nail varnish is chipping, and therefore a crack is appearing in my demeanour.

I am debating in my slightly catar addled brain that I have anticipated that today will be a bad day for me. Usually, Wednesdays are busy and tiring when I am well and fully aware of what I have to do, and have done to feel I have successfully “passed” this day. However, by making myself believe that a bad start to the day will only worsen my prospects has kind of made me think that if I think it will be a bad day all around, but something might just happen to make me feel better. Despite this glimmer of hope, I know that thing will not be Double Psychology first or my Clarinet Lesson at lunchtime. However, it will make me smile, because it’s a clarinet. ASIDE FROM THAT… I don’t think it will be choir that will make me happier because I have a sore throat and eyes and my hearing doesn’t allow me to know whether I’m squawking in tune let alone in time with everyone else. I think I may be shouting for the majority of today. So, that’s choir off my list of things that may cheer me up. I don’t think Guides will majorly cheer me up, because… well, they’re all young people and they make me feel old giving out fliers and asking for their money. Still, the disco should be lots of fun next Friday :D Glee did cheer me up quite abit last night, as did a certain someone being very complimentary. And stuff.

When I was brushing my teeth this morning, which actually tends to be when I have my most mundane and least interesting thoughts on the whole, was when I realised that Kate Nash really conducts herself in a manner I kind of wholly despise.

“You're chatting to me, like we connect
But I don't even know if we're still friends
It's so confusing,
Understanding you is making me not want to do

And think things like: 'I know I should do'
But I trip up and then I lose
I hate looking like a fool..”

Right, well those lyrics were buzzing around my head, and I thought, well, they’re kind of relevant to me, right? And then it just hit me that Kate Nash is a douche really. But I still like her music. Even if she can’t really speak or perform very well, it’s catchy and that. She’s just really annoying if I’m honest.

My nose is running, and I really cannot be bothered today. I hope something out of the blue really cheers me up today, but anticipating something good amongst this vast forest of disappointment is highly unlikely, because really, if something good happens, I am more likely to fall asleep than acknowledge it today.
Anyway, we’ll see!

Turns out, today was pretty lovely really.
Happy St. Agnes Eve!
Don’t forget to sleep on your back virgins, with your shoes in a T shape at the end of the bed, and you will dream of the man you will marry :D

Tatty bye,


  1. :( I hope you feel much better very soon!

    Kate Nash is annoying but I absolutely adore her music <3

    I shall give you a surprise hug to make you feel better.


    LOL WHAT'S THIS ABOUT ST. AGNES? xD that's so funny

  2. GB FTW I love that T thing I always forgot to do it though!
    And you got Harry Potter, today was just made to make you feel better I think.
    Ahhh I wish I could be bothered to de-list my draft blog.
    Maybe tomorrow!
