Tuesday 5 January 2010


This computer, yes, this very computer where I am writing this blog at 8:12 in the morning, was on throughout the holidays. I am ashamed.
It just REALLY annoys me, that someone can’t just be in charge of switching off all of the computers in school on the last day of term. Maybe I’ll raise it at school council :D

This morning, a little (well actually a thing of rather giant proportions) blew my (and my Dad’s) mind when we got into school. The roads, yard and carpark at school had been, get this…
There are great MOUNDS of snow, still soft, still soft, just lurking, waiting to be kicked down by a violent 12year old, I can feel it in my aching bones.
Which by the way actually hurt quite a lot, I didn’t sleep very well last night at all, achy breaky bones by the sounds of it.
I would take a picture of this monstrosity, but I feel some video would be more appropriate. However, I am becoming more and more conscious of what I look like whipping my camera out to record the somewhat less fascinating and sadly quite mundane aspects of my being… but you people want to know, right?
You fantastic 11…
3 of which I know who actually read it and tell me they do.

Duuuuudes! Wait, most of you aren’t dudes at all, you’re chicks.
CHIIICKKKS! I doesn’t have the same ring.
Man, it’s Tuesday. Last night was EVENTFUL :D
But let’s focus on this morning for a second.
I can type this properly now because Elizabeth got me some fingerless gloves that turn into mittens (I know, I know, mindblowing right?) and it’s like she KNEW I needed them for this sole purpose…and for clarinet playing in the winter months :D
So, back to last night.
Danielle got messaged by a special someone…something very special indeed! AND I’M SITTING IN SCHOOL WAITING FOR HER TO GET HERE SO I CAN KNOW THIS DANG NANG GOSSSSIP!
However, the best thing about last night (oops, I accidentally typed thong…I hope the server whatsit doodah doesn’t pick up on it hahahaha) was that FRAN WAS ONLINE! YESSAHHHH. And she sent me a link to the most fantastic website I have seen in a good long while. Goodness only knows how she got to it, but it’s people who have remastered (ha, Master) the Dr.Who theme tune. My favourite is probably the Acid Jazz couple, or the Who rocks the party that rocks the TARDIS one ^_________^

I’m off to get the gossip.
Then this other he was also very pleasant to me.
Tight man! This is it. I’m pursuing my dreams.

Tatty bye,
p.s. the snow is bad. Please send emergency e-chocolate.

1 comment:



    is epic

    I love it.

    OH right, while I was typing somehow I accidentally highlighted the whole page!
