Saturday 2 January 2010

Blizzard like a lizzard

I have no inclination to write or type when it gets dark in the holidays.
It's like a signal to tell me that it's time to wind down, and just plainly stop working, plug into some music, play some music, and read.
This should not be happening right now. I need to get in essay editing mode.
I'm in typing mode. It's all a-flowing. I reckon it's Owl City's electronic tones compelling me to just feel floaty and free, instead of slightly trapped in by the crazy snow outside.
Not that I'm actually snowed in or anything...yet.
Wow, if school is closed... no man Haze, you actually have to do your work!

I painted my nails red this morning, and haven't smudged them yet...woop!
Also, I am learning the chords for the Uke version of "Let Me Take You There" by the Plain White T's :D It's so lovely! But kinda tricky.
And "Who Knew" by Pink, but that's for like...other times when my hand doesn't already hurt :(

My face is so sore right now, it's all red and flakey and it hurts. I am not in a good mood with it. It has two days to get into gear and get better before I have to go back to the grindstone.
Oh diddlemeisters, the snow is really falling heavy now.

I have no inspiration to write anything anymore.
I have lots of ideas for videos, music blahh blahh.
I should really have taken Media. Oh well!

I think we may have had about an inch of snow in the time it's taken me to write this, which, sorry to disappoint you, hasn't been very long at all...

Back to Mika and psychology revision.
No Haze, finish your coursework then REWARD yourself with that... sure.
Then watch AmeliƩ at about 9 o'clock and feel cool about that.

Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. That first sentence: it's weird, kind of, because I can really only write at night. :) A DIFFERENCE, WHAAAAA?!
    Hehehe, a wish for a snow day. *sigh* I love how you yell at yourself.
    DDD: Dude, I think you need some cheering up. Here, an embarrassing picture from my childhood:
    Please don't judge, I was in the THIRD GRADE. I had just woken up and my mom decided to take a picture of me. D:
