Monday 25 January 2010

Not a mundane Monday fo'sho


Right, so those of you not friends with me on facebook, prepare to have your minds BLOWN. Except Liz, because I told you yesterday IRL, and it had an hilarious impact, oh Sunday lunch banter :’)

SO! My last post…think back y’all…or read back, depends what your memory is like! I wrote about “J’seat”. Now, this culprit…has always been a mystery. We never knew if it was simply just bad grammar in jest… or infact anything else. Now, since writing my last post, my trusty and AMAZING friend Francesca (previously of MSN fame on here ^^) informed me of the identity of the “J’seat” thief. Well, not a thief, I just thought thief sounded pretty nifty there…maybe the “J’seat” thief DID steal something from the stool…like its ability to name itself and be sat on by others. YEAH MAN! So, the “J’seat” thief is INFACT…



JAMES WRIGHT! Now, this all very amusingly ties down to the fact that he is not only my friend, but was in my father’s tutor group for the past 5 years. You got that right bloggers, my Dad works in the school I go to. I am just the coolest person EVER, RIGHT? Oh how very wrong you all are. ANYWAY!

He appears to have written on the undercarriage of the stool to claim that it was his, and people were stealing his stool from him on the mornings they registered in this room! He’s possessive like that. So, after about two years of wondering WHO ON EARTH would have graffitied such AWFUL French grammar on the undercarriage of a stool…and now I find out it was JAMES. Of *all* people. We now know that it was not French at all! But in fact “Jay-seat.” As in “James’ seat”. What a let down. But also, pretty hilarious :’)

It reminds me of Gastby… Shurrup you, get on to the main point of your blog LADY!

Actually, it turns out I was just going to mention this in passing, but you have all unwillingly been reading trouser blogs. YES, you read that correctly; TROUSER BLOGS.

I have written these either on a morning at school, or in an evening at home, posting them when I get home if written on a morning, and the same if I wrote them in an evening… (DUHHH) whilst, get this ladies and Gent… TROUSERS. That’s right! I haven’t worn a skirt to school in months, as it’s been snowy and cold and blowy. However, this new or different attire (it’s not really either of those actually is it? I just wanted to wear these shoes) does not mean that the weather is any different outside. It’s still cold. However, I’m really fond of said shoes, and hope that they will put a spring in my step, alongside other things bouncing around in my noodle today.


I have forgotten to put my watch on! My day is ruined.



So I'm home now, self explanatory, posting this. And get this, for once I have more to account!

I really love bus journeys on a Monday, let's get this straight. I mean, you should know I have a major like obsession (almost) with travelling in general, mainly on trains. And having that tranquil time to think, plugged into some music that makes you go "ahhh (:" inside and out, it's just fantastic! So, stemming from this, I got on the bus tonight, to get home early, to go to the library and then home before Piano! I had scrambled eggs on toast for tea, but that's just part of the aftermath. This lovely boy I met a week ago got on the bus as well. It was kind of arranged but not really, because we just both knew we had to get the bus, so we kind of went...well if we see each other we'll talk.

IT WAS AMAZING. I was talking to him about nerdy things...and he was like "What's the nerdy hand sign then?"

WOAH THERE. NERDFIGHTERS MOMENT! So, I whipped out the sign. Like full on, I did actually almost poke my own eyes out, but that's no matter. A boy standing in the corridor of the bus look at me and was like "YOU'RE A NERDFIGHTER?!?! WOW!"

So I was like "YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY! I've never met another person in Durham who is a Nerdfighter before!" (In my head I was thinking WHAT ABOUT JOHNNY? But I didn't meet him on a bus now, did I?) I sat there, doing less than threes with my weird thumbs and fingers, and all the time my boy was like "So what's a nerdfighter????"

I think he may want to be one now, he has the credentials and potential to fight worldsuck HARD with me, anyday. I established that I am not made of bones and stuff, and infact, AWESOME, and he agreed. My life is sweet.

I then went to the library and ordered "STOP! In the name of pants!" by Louise Rennison, and proceeded to walk home the slightly longer way in mah clippy cloppy shoes with the most genuine GRIN on my face ever.

I've just watched Charlieissocoollike's song about love.


This Monday has certainly Exceeded my Expectations, but if I don't stray away from Facebook until I have finished these Biology research conundrums, I will fo' sho get an Awful in Biology this year.

Tatty bye,


1 comment:

  1. You know, there are so many great things about this blog, but my favourite was your Newt style mark in Bio. Which will be an E actually. Or and A in RL terms. NERDFIGHTERS!
