Friday 29 January 2010

Do you ever...?

See stangers on buses, in the street, walking infront of you, and just wonder about their life-story? I think it’s fair to say I do that far too often, wondering if they have siblings, a partner, children they know about, children they don’t know about…what if they’re people with no destination? I’ve kind of not so secretly always wanted to be someone who could just get on the next bus that stops or enters the station, get on it to the end of the line and just spend a day exploring. Even if it’s somewhere I know! Mind you, I wouldn’t really like to explore Hetton or Peterlee quite as much as just getting the bus to Middlesborough. I mean, on Monday, I’d quite like to stay on the bus for abit longer, see which way it goes if you know what I mean. It’s a little bit tedious just seeing the snippit of the journey it does, but it’s all I really can see, isn’t it? I thought I was well adventurous getting off at the highstreet stop on Monday. It meant I had to walk back further, and I had silly shoes on, but I got to the library fine.

After finally updating my Zen last night, I certainly feel a lot more jokes, with some videos on there, new Sigur Ros tracks, and soon to put the D.F.T.B.A. lullabies album on there, I forgot to do that, dang! It’s really cute ^_^

Awh, sucks to be me with my biology test in about an hour… and more Tech to do than you can shake a stick at. I’ve never understood that phrase, but I certainly have a lot of work to do. I also haven’t watched the new Skins from last night. Mum said it wasn’t up to much, but she said that about the last series…and was quite rightly correct about it. I guess I’ll say I don’t really want to get back into it… but we all know I will!


The narrator on the computer desktop thing started talking at me. I almost pooped my pants! Oh yeah, another trouser blog folks (:



Phew. Flapp over.

I totally just DJ-d a disco for 12 Guides.

It was slightly diabolical.

If you see a stranger today, please smile at them. They cost nothing and despite their infectiousness, may just brighten that person’s day. Or you know, alert them to the presence of a madwoman in my case. It’s more than likely to be quite fair.

Tatty bye,



  1. I smile at strangers and they look at me like "do I know you?" AHHHHH
    ALSO, haha, you have snow!
    AAAAAAAAAAND I'm sort of glad I can't watch skins.
    Nuff said?

    I have to dress up as something American/Groundhog day related on Tues for SSAGO...

  2. I love making up strangers' life stories in my head ;)

    Lovely post <3
