Sunday 3 January 2010


Have you ever just laid in the bath, with only your eyes and nose just above the surface and just listened to your heart underwater in your ears?
I did last night, and it just clicked with me.
I felt human.
It was really odd, I just felt so calm and still, all of these work burdens were just lifted. I was warm, and my head was all floaty. My hair was really soft and covered in conditioner, and when I raised my head, I just felt...well free.
It was lovely.
Try it the next time you get a chance, it really made me feel connected.

Anyway! To the title!
My shelves are packed with allsorts of useless junk. I mean, French to English dictionaries the size of a loaf of bread? PLEASE, I DO NOT NEED YOU. Yet, if I tried to move you, you would surely ensure the very secure avalanche of doom, making my two complete year diaries from the past to years, a box of unused and probably to sell 2grade clarinet reeds, "The Kissing Gates" and a pen and compass set. Not to mention all of those CD's collapse their balancing act and die a lonely death on the cold, hard floor. (Woah, bit too far?)
This is why nothing in my room ever gets sorted. Just moved.
There are books and files on the one above the piano. Man, I can't even reach it.
There are chocolates and unwritten Christmas cards up there.
Oh, what I was going to say, right.
I went over to the anticipatory avalanche (man, can you tell I'm in English Lit essay writing mode? I ROCK) and a letter fell out. I didn't even touch it! It had a cat on the envelope, it was just one of those reminder letters from our Ranger leader telling us that there were some labels for our t-shirt business in the envelope.
But why are you telling us this Haze?
Well, I just wanted to say that I really love keeping things that remind me of things. Simple, but almost everyone does it. Except minimalists. Who I just don't get. But my thing is definitely letters. I mean, my best friend Alice, who lives literally 2 doors down, slightly around the corner and across the road sends me letters because we don't go to the same school any more, and she knows (one of the many reasons she is my best friend) that I love letters, responding to them, and looking back fondly on how someone's train of thought runs through a letter.
I seem to be steaming through these blogs recently, maybe because I have one thing I want to talk about, then another thought jumps on the brain train and my crafting goes to pot because I don't read back and spell check puts a wiggly line under "BLOG".

I have super red, harlot nails. I love it!
Time to stick on "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", "Far", and "The First Days Of Spring" until I know all of the words and all of this work is done.
Then I can plan another video and get more excited for the Rebellion!
Oh, and I now have Spotify, my life is complete.
Wait, I need podcasts!


You heard it here first homeslicez!
(on the 3rd Jan...YEAH)

Tatty bye,


  1. Wow, dude. That experience? Amazing! I've actually done that before. I don't normally take baths, but when I do it's like… frick, I'm not different than anyone else. It's… yeah, wow.
    I'm so glad it made you feel better about everything. Now I wish I could take back that embarrassing photograph. DDDDDD:
    AHHAHHAHA, a lonely death.
    Reading this makes me itch with eagerness to organize it for you, or help, obviously. God, I love organizing. But that's the fun of it, right, to find things randomly.
    That's amazing that Alice sends you letters! :)

    What's spotify?


  2. Have you ever just laid in the bath, with only your eyes and nose just above the surface and just listened to your heart underwater in your ears?
    I did last night, and it just clicked with me.
    I felt human.
    It was really odd, I just felt so calm and still, all of these work burdens were just lifted. I was warm, and my head was all floaty. My hair was really soft and covered in conditioner, and when I raised my head, I just felt...well free.
    It was lovely. <-- YES. I DO THAT ALL THE TIME.

    happy new year girl!
