Tuesday 19 January 2010


Has probably become one of my favourite words recently, because…well, it’s happening all the time. Not only to me, but knowing that it’s happening to other people at the same time as me gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling that I belong. It’s just really pleasant and, well, grounding if anything.
I think I do need grounding.
I wrote in my diary that something has to give, everything is happening at once in this fantastic start to the new year, so many new opportunities, friends, experiences, all shared. It’s absolutely great! However, I’m scared that it’s all going to shatter before me and I won’t be able to pick up the pieces in time, so I’m living and loving this all while I can.
So, onto my serendipitous moment! Well, I was linked to (by Facebook, oh YEAH) Erik Hassle the other day. So, I watched the video, and was like “Ooh, this is catchy.” I did my research… and HOLY MOLEY! He is supporting Mika on his up and coming February tour! WHICH I AM GOING TO BE AT. SUCK ON THATTTTT! So, I’m pretty excited about that. I’m telling you this because the song I was linked to was played by Scott Mills on the radio yesterday when we were driving back from piano, and I explained the story to Mum and she was like “Hehe, serendipity.”
My mum is the coolest. Word.
She also said that my life is becoming YouTube dominated. Not Word.
Can you make things not word? Surely you just don’t say them…
Aside from all of this, well actually it’s not that aside, it’s kind of inline with the point. I know my mum will eventually read this, so she can find out here without me having to explain and be all…well probably embarrassed.
So, at Alice’s party the other night, I met this boy. Yes, I didn’t tell you about this boy Mum…I didn’t feel it was necessary. And it turns out, we have a startling amount in common. And he got my Elder Wand reference, so dang, he’s in my good-not-boring-book. Wait, just to clarify, I do not have a book of boys, it’s just a saying. The most amazing thing about this all, is that he plays the clarinet and likes Jazz. I know, right? We are both not in a band, because we do not play “cool” band instruments. I mean, this is like the most serendipitous thing ever? Hopefully? He also just told me he prefers David Mitchell to Russell Brand. Suck on that Danielle. Anyway, he’s really…well, cool. I was going to say nice, but that is such a sucky, sick-inducing word that…UGH I JUST DON’T LIKE IT OK?

And no Mum, it’s not Matthew. So there.

My glowsticks from Saturday night are still glowing. Like, they kept me awake last night. I think I have radioactive elements in my skin keeping them alive.
Oh, you had to go and make yourself sound weird, didn’t you? Idiot.

I am so ill. Like, serious bad cold here. My eyes have been watering all day, oh yes, eye leakage. So Johnson thought I was crying. So did my tutor. He was like “What’s the matter?” I was like “I AM ILL.” “Oh, but what’s the matter?” NO SIR, I AM JUST ILL. MY EYELINER HAS SMUDGED, MY FACE IS RED, AND MY HEAD IS SO DIZZY, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME PLEASE.
My ears have been all bunged up all day, like I’ve tried to pop them but they haven’t quite popped back. It’s truly awful. I want to curl up with my book and go to bed when I get in, seriously, I can’t be doing with Cadets at all!
Ok, now the tears are streaming. This is bad.

Tatty bye,


  1. I sometimes wish wholeheartedly that I could be around while all this amazing stuff is hip-happening in your life!
    This guy sounds like the perfect Hazel-panion.
    (Yes I DID just portmanteau your name and the word companion).
    Anyone who likes jazz, clarinet, David Mitchell AND Harry Potter is probably massively epic. Mepic.
    I HAVE to stop making wombinations.

  2. lolz. This glowstick thing is great <3


    the end.

