Friday 15 January 2010

Typing and Shennanigans

I know I said I wouldn’t post until after my exam, so that’s when you’ll be getting this. However, I have some mornings in school that I want to report to you, in the lead up to this. It’s like you’re going back in time reading this, WOW.
Firstly, I’m in school. We drove. In our car. I did my make up and it turned out PRETTY GOOD :D My hair is the right shape, colour, not length but it’ll do. I’m in quite a good mood really  Although, I did have to take my gloves off, y’know, the special ones with fingers missing, to type this, because actually, my hands go really funny when typing. I tend to just use my index (pointy) finger, and thumb on the spacebar. Sometimes my third finger, but it does feel pretty odd doing that! I challenge you, to type with ALL OF YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR NEXT POST! (That is if you don’t already).
Recently, I’ve seen an increasing use of my left hand little finger on the shift key. Oh yeah, I do a lot of shouting via MSN to Danielle these days. I should refrain, but it’s just how I react, right? OH I JUST USED MY FOURTH FINGER ON MY RIGHT HAND TO PRESS SHIFT. That was odd. Well, the reason I was pointing this out was because my little finger sticks out in an odd way on both hands, but when I’m typing, I’ve just noticed and it’s really starting to freak me out. PIANO FINGERS, MUCH? Ahhhhhh. Like that time when Dad pointed out that Noel Fielding’s little fingers on Buzzcocks were sticking out in a *really* odd way during the intro’s round. Teehee. I just typed that without looking. Oops.
The other day in Biology we had the laptops out. Now, these laptops are infamous for their inability to work in general. But oh no, the one we picked out happened to look particularly aesthetically BROKEN. It had several keys missing, (but thankfully not the spacebar like Charlottes!) but with Danielle and I having lots of typing skillz, we knew where the BAD BOI keys were, and how to make a presentation on SPONGES. OH YEAH MAN, SPONGES.
So I’m going over to the sixth form block now, hopefully the murderous icicles have you know, been sawn off or something. I swear, I had to RUN from the building to the path every time I opened the door last week, I was petrified! Not quite Petrificus Totalus, but pretty darn scared at least.
So it’s now after my exam.
It was ok :D
Yesterday, I texted James telling him to come and eat with us at lunctime again (I know, right? How could you ditch us? FOR A FREAKIN’ POT NOODLE???) and told him if he didn’t I woulc crucio his baby makers. I thought it was a good wun at the time :D

Rather ashamedly, it’s Friday. Yesterday was pretty freakin’ awesome! My Stereo Decade t-shirt came in the post, FINAALLLLLYYY! And it had a little amazing stickered usb pendrive in it, with 2 extra songs which I didn’t have which are really, really lovely, and Mum was singing along to my text tone of “So Cool” because it just kept going off all night hahaaaaa. So I have an amazing new background and the most amazing new pendrive… and Joe was finalising dates with me (no, not like that bahahha) for this shebang of a party in March. He just popped up, all quick whilst Muv and Dad were witnessing me having an uber fangirl moment. I was so shaky, and I was just trying to open up everything on the pendrive without clicking it too many times as to delete it, it was such a blast.
Seriously, I cannae wait! Plus, I have a feeling that this Saturday with Fran and Danielle is going to blow my mind. And theirs. I have some amazing ideas (I hope) for stuff to film and how I want to edit all :D I’M SO EXCITED. PLUS, SHERLOCK HOLMES! WOOO! It reminds me of our amazing Swiss holiday <3
I was looking at York Uni, which I think I have my heart pretty firmly set on as well as Edinburgh, and they offer a year abroad in a Swiss Uni to study Literature. Man, I AM SO SO SO TEMPTED!
Mum just texted to be to tell me that my video posted after the youtube FAIL that was last night. Yay! I really like that video, I hope you guys do!
And look out in the next few weeks for my music video, it’s probably going to take ages, I can just *tell*.
I ate so much yesterday it was actually just wrong. I never feel like that, I usually feel like I eat just the right amount…but ickk, I just felt to gross yesterday.

Stuck in your headlights, I can’t take more.
Glass relationships, yeah we still can’t see what we’re doing wrong.

Those boys are amezzin’.

Tatty bye,

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, you're living the LIFE. With Link shaped hair and SD pendrive and ev. I've read this and am about to watch your video to comment on it!
